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Dializabilidad de minerales y contenido promotores e inhibidores en Eneldo silvestre (Anethum graveolens), Cerraja (Sonchus oleraceus) y Mora (Morus nigra).
(Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentación, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, 2024-08)The availability of minerals in food is a crucial aspect to guarantee adequate nutrition in the population. In recent years, there has been growing interest in the study of non-conventional food plants (PANCs) as alternative ... -
Composición centesimal de ocho Plantas Alimenticias No Convencionales
(Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentación, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, 2024-08)Non-Conventional Food Plants (PANCs) are those plant species that, despite their nutritional and culinary potential, are not part of the usual diet of most people. These plants, often considered "weeds" or simply ignored, ... -
Modificación del perfil de ácidos grasos en suero por efecto de la suplementación con omega-3
(Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad del Litoral, 2023-09)The main polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega family 3 (PUFA w3) are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They act to maintain the integrity and fluidity of the ... -
Análisis de parámetros críticos de calidad de nuez pecán para su conservación a temperatura ambiente
(Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentación, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, 2024-08)Argentina annually produces 2000 tons of pecan nut [Carya illinoensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch]. Given its pleasant flavor, color and texture, it is used in food preparation. Nutritionally, it is a source of vitamins and minerals; ... -
Impact of sprouting and low-frequency ultrasound technology on barley and spelt wholegrain flours
(Unión Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos (IUFoST), 2024-09)The consumption of whole grain foods provides an excellent source of carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fiber, and phytochemical compounds to the diet, contributing to the prevention of chronic diseases, cancer and obesity. ... -
Vigilancia de virus entéricos en aguas superficiales en Arroyo Soto, Hurlingham.
(Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham, 2023-12-20)Surveillance of enteric viruses in surface waters can provide information on viral circulation in a community. The objective of this work was to detect Adenovirus (AdV), Rotavirus (RVA), Norovirus GI (NoV GI), Norovirus ... -
Efecto de la desinfección con agua electroactivada sobre la calidad de tomates
(Instituto de Fisiología Vegetal, CONICET-UNLP, 2023-08)Electroactivated water (EA) can be used on fruits and vegetables as a disinfectant, better preserving post-harvest quality than conventional treatments. Furthermore, EA is easy to produce and apply, low cost and environmentally ... -
Efecto de la aplicación de plasmas no térmicos sobre la microestructura de rodajas de manzanas antes y después del envasado con diferentes películas
(Asociación Argentina de Tecnólogos Alimentarios - AATA, 2023-10)In recent years, new preservation technologies have been proposed for minimally processed fruits, such as non-thermal plasmas (PNT). By applying electrical energy to a gas, reactions are induced that lead to the formation ... -
Efecto de la adición de sales y papaína sobre los parámetros tecnológicos, texturales y fisicoquímicos de músculo Supraspinatus bovino cocidos sous vide
(Asociación Argentina de Tecnólogos Alimentarios, 2023-10)For consumers, tenderness is one of the most important attributes when purchasing and consuming beef. However, the lack of uniformity caused by various intrinsic (zootechnical and anatomical characteristics, age, etc.) and ... -
Obtención de hidrolizados a partir de librillo bovino utilizando Alcalasa 2.4L y estudio de su capacidad antioxidante
(Asociación Argentina de Tecnólogos Alimentarios, 2023-10)During the slaughter stage, the meat sector produces a large amount of byproducts. Around 65% of the animal's weight corresponds to byproducts and/or coproducts, including tendons, internal organs, blood, skin, and contents ... -
Perfil de ácidos grasos en diferentes materiales de Chenopodium quinoa
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2023-09)Quinoa is an ancient pseudoceral with a great nutritional profile, being a source of proteins of high biological value and essential fatty acids, including AG omega 6 and omega 3. As part of the project for genetic improvement ... -
Evaluación de la suplementación con granos de destilería en alimentación a pasto sobre el perfil de ácidos grasos de carne proveniente de vaquillonas
(Asociación Argentina de Tecnólogos Alimentarios (AATA), 2023-10)The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of grass supplementation with distillers grains (DG) on the fatty acid (FA) profile of meat from heifers. GD are the byproduct of bioethanol fermentation and retain the ... -
Propiedades tecnofuncionales de grillo (Gryllus assimils) entero y en polvo
(Asociación Argentina de Tecnólogos Alimentarios (AATA), 2023-10)The growth of the world population leads to an increase in food production, causing traditional production systems to use more resources to satisfy demand. However, there are alternatives, such as the production of insects ... -
Caracterización nutricional del polvo de larva de Tenebrio molitor
(2023-11)Currently, the world consumes more than 2,000 species of insects with a high nutritional profile, particularly regarding their protein content. Said protein contains a high concentration of essential amino acids and is ... -
Calidad de carne bovina: efecto del estado reproductivo y el tiempo de maduración de la carne
(Asociación Argentina de Producción Animal (AAPA), 2023-09-13)El color y la terneza de la carne bovina son considerados atributos de calidad con gran incidencia sobre la decisión de compra y experiencia del consumidor... -
Omega-3 fortified yogurt and ITS influence on plasma lipid profile in an animal model
(Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Clínica, 2023-11)Regular intake of omega-3 fatty acids (O–3FAs) improves human health helping to reduce chronic noncommunicable diseases among others. Dairy products are a complex mixture of various nutrients and other components that ... -
The Intake of Yogurt With Omega-3 Fatty Acids Affects Bone Quality in Growing Wistar Rats. Influence of Previous Nutritional Status
(Elsevier, 2023-07)Omega-3 fatty acids are important on cardiovascular health, inflammation, immune system, bone development, cognition among others. The objective was to analyze the effect of the administration of yogurt alone and added ... -
Análisis y tipificación de carne de Búfalo mediante la amplificación por qPCR. Comunicación.
(Asociación Argentina de Producción Animal, 2023-09)Meat is one of the main food sources due to its protein content. In recent years, consumers, both nationally and internationally, have shown interest in alternative sources to beef (e.g. ostrich, Kobe beef, buffalo, etc.). ... -
Detección de ADN porcino en productos cárnicos comerciales por qPCR
(Asociación Argentina de Tecnólogos Alimentarios (AATA), 2023-10)Beef is one of the main sources of food in our country, due to its high protein content. biological value and organoleptic characteristics. Within meat products, a product made entirely with meat (fat ≤ 20%) is called ... -
Efecto de yogur fortificado con nanoliposomas de ácidos grasos Omega 3 (EPA+DHA) sobre índices nutricionales
(Asociación Argentina de Tecnólogos Alimentarios (AATA), 2023-10)The main Omega3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (𝜔3 PUFA) are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3 n-3), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 202:5 n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6 n-3). ALA is essential; It means that the body ...