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Variation in Thickness of Embryo Covering Structures and Their Role in the Regulation of Seed Physiological Dormancy of Chenopodium hircinum (Amaranthaceae)
(MDPI, 2024-10)Chenopodium hircinum, the putative wild ancestor of quinoa, is a source of traits that could improve the tolerance of crop quinoa to high temperatures. However, seeds of C. hircinum have physiological dormancy (PD), which ... -
Residuos de antibióticos en leche recolectada de tambos y comercios del Valle de Lerma (Salta) = Antibiotic residues in milk collected from dairy farms and market in Lerma Valley (Salta) = Resíduos de antibióticos em leite coletado em fazendas leiteiras e mercados no Vale de Lerma (Salta)
(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, 2024-02)Entre los potenciales contaminantes de la leche se encuentran los antibióticos. La aplicación de estos tratamientos farmacológicos genera residuos que pueden persistir durante un mayor o menor tiempo, tanto en los animales ... -
Efecto de la pasta cáustica, fuego directo solo o combinado con flunixin meglumina durante el desmoche de terneros Holstein sobre parámetros fisiológicos y comportamentales = Effect of caustic paste, direct fire alone or combined with flunixin meglumine during disbudding of holstein calves on physiological and behavioral parameters = Efeito da pasta cáustica, do fogo direto sozinho ou combinado com meglumina de flunixina durante a amochamento de bezerros holandeses sobre parâmetros fisiológicos e comportamentais
(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, 2024-07)El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los efectos de diferentes metodologías de desmochado de terneros Holstein sobre parámetros comportamentales y fisiológicos relacionados con el dolor. Veinticinco terneros bajo ... -
Identification of visual and olfactory stimuli for cornsilk flies (Euxesta sp) management
(Wiley, 2025-03)Background: Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most widely cultivated cereal in the world. The introduction of the Bt gene and the development of sweet corn varieties with softer pericarp has led to the emergence of new pests in ... -
Competitiveness of chia against brassica weeds improves through a narrow spatial arrangement
(Elsevier, 2025-01)Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) is a promising crop valued as a sustainable source of omega-3. However, chia yield and quality are reduced because of weed competition and the lack of registered herbicides. This study evaluated ... -
Influence of Variations of Experimental Conditions and Methods on the Quantification of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Emissions in Sugarcane: a Meta-Analysis
(Springer, 2024-11)Quantifying and analyzing nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from sugarcane-cultivated soils is a priority issue due to its potential role in climate change in the coming decades. However, understanding the impact of this crop ... -
Restoration of degraded soils with perennial pastures shifts soil microbial communities and enhances soil structure
(Elsevier, 2025-04)The expansion of agricultural lands has been associated with significant degradation of soil ecosystems. Traditional agricultural practices such as monoculture, minimal crop rotations, excessive pesticide use, and intensive ... -
Carbon-scaled nitrous oxide emissions better reflect the impacts of land use changes than raw nitrous oxide emissions in the Dry Chaco region
(Elsevier, 2024-10)In the Dry Chaco region, agriculture expansion has caused significant land use change hotspots. However, the post-impact of land use change on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and carbon (C) budgets remains unknown. This study ... -
Service crops improve a degraded monoculture system by changing common bean rhizospheric soil microbiota and reducing soil-borne fungal diseases
(Oxford University Press, 2021-02)Intensive agricultural practices have resulted in progressive soil degradation, with consequences on soil ecosystem services. The inclusion of service crops is a promising alternative to support the sustainability of the ... -
Short-term service crops affect the spatial organization of soil aggregates, microbial C–N biomass, and microbial activities in a degraded monoculture system
(Elsevier, 2024-07)Service crops are grown to provide ecosystem services, such as the ability to increase soil organic matter and fertility. Also, they reduce erosion processes, weed control, disease regulation, water purification, soil ... -
Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from a Typical Sugarcane Soil in the Cauca River Valley, Colombia
(Springer, 2024-02)Sugarcane is an important crop for tropical countries and to accurately inventory its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions baseline measurements are needed. In Colombia, sugarcane is one of the most important crops in terms of ... -
Where did the forest go? Post-deforestation land use dynamics in the Dry Chaco region in Northwestern Argentina
(Elsevier, 2023-06)Land transformation is a major component of global change, directly altering habitat composition and spatial configuration, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning. Over the last decades, the Dry Chaco region in Northwestern ... -
Effect of two broad-spectrum fungicides on the microbial communities of a soil subjected to different degrees of water erosion
(Elsevier, 2023-10)The impact of both fungicide and water erosion on soil microbial communities has been little studied, and far less in subhumid-dry climates. To help fill this knowledge gap, we evaluated the influence of two broad-spectrum ... -
Adequate supplemental irrigation amount during the critical period for yield in chia prevents reductions in radiation capture, radiation and water use efficiencies, and grain yield
(Springer, 2024-05)Chia is generally grown under rainfed conditions and is often under water deficit conditions during the critical period of flowering and grain filling when yield is determined. The objective of this study was to determine ... -
Corrugated intimal surface of the ovine aorta: when physiology resembles pathology
(Elsevier, 2024-05)The aortic lumen in healthy animals is characterized by a smooth, whitish surface, but sheep have macroscopic corrugation of the intimal surface in the thoracic aorta (TA). Our aim was to determine if this finding was ... -
Estudio de las posibles causas de mermas reproductivas luego del servicio en la cría bovina en el Noroeste Argentino = Study of the possible causes of post mating reproductive losses in beef cattle farming in Northwest Argentine = Estudo das possíveis causas de perdas reprodutivas após serviço na criação bovina no Noroeste Argentino
(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, 2024-02-14)Con el propósito de diagnosticar la presencia de posibles causas de mermas reproductivas se realizaron encuestas y conformaron 4 grupos de vientres bovinos luego de finalizado el servicio en 5 establecimientos salteños de ... -
Characterization and Agronomic Evaluation of Chia Germplasm in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(MDPI, 2022-10)Chia (Salvia hispanica L.), an ancestral crop currently revalued for its nutritional properties, is one of the main sources of omega-3 fatty acids. It is a short-day plant and sensitive to frost. The objective of this study ... -
Soil Properties and Bacterial Communities Associated with the Rhizosphere of the Common Bean after Using Brachiaria brizantha as a Service Crop: A 10-Year Field Experiment
(MDPI, 2023-01)Intensive agricultural farming practices, such as monoculture, require long bare fallow periods and the overuse of agrochemicals, which compromise soil health over time. Increasing plant diversity in agroecosystems with ... -
Índices climáticos de precipitación y temperatura de San José de Metán, Salta, Argentina
(Asociación Argentina de Agrometeorología, 2022-08-12)El cambio climático está afectando a los patrones de precipitación, hay probabilidad de que aumenten en las latitudes altas, mientras que en las regiones subtropicales se prevé su disminución. El objetivo del trabajo es ... -
The critical period for grain yield in chia (Salvia hispanica)
(CSIRO, 2021-03-30)Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) grain is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are important for human nutrition and prevention of cardiovascular disease, as well as dietary fibre and quality protein. Demand for chia ...