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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 57
Natural occurrence of fumonisins in corn puff in Argentina
(Springer, 2010-11)Maize presents a substantial contamination by fumonisins (FB) throughout the world. In particular, Argentina presents a high frequency of positive samples and levels of up to 10,000 μg/kg of total FB, depending on the ... -
Seroprevalence of Salmonella and Mycoplasma infection in backyard chickens in the state of Entre Ríos in Argentina
(Oxford Academic Press, 2011-04)The present work was conducted to study the seroprevalence of Salmonella, Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG), and Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) infection in backyard chickens located in Entre Ríos, Argentina, over 3 periods of time. ... -
A comparative study of culture methods and polymerase chain reaction assay for Salmonella detection in poultry feed
(Oxford Academic Press, 2011-11)The present work compared 2 culture methods and PCR assay for the detection of motile and non-motile Salmonella strains using artificially contaminated poultry feed. The specificity was 1 in all methods. The accuracy and ... -
Comparison of 2 culture methods and PCR assays for Salmonella detection in poultry feces
(Oxford Academic Press, 2012-03)The present work compared 2 culture methods and the combinations of pre-enrichment and enrichment culture methods with PCR assays [buffered peptone water-PCR and tetrathionate-PCR or modified semisolid Rappaport-Vassiliadis ... -
Endophytes of native grasses from South America: biodiversity and ecology
(Elsevier, 2012-06)We review and present preliminary results of studies on cool-season grass endophytes native to South America. These fungi have been studied only in Argentina, where they have been detected in 36 native grass species. The ... -
Beneficial effects of Neotyphodium tembladerae and Neotyphodium pampeanum on a wild forage grass
(Wiley, 2012-09)Asexual, vertically transmitted fungal endophytes of the genus Neotyphodium are considered to enhance growth, stress resistance and competitiveness of agronomic grasses, but have been suggested to have neutral or deleterious ... -
A comparative study of culture methods and polymerase chain reaction for Salmonella detection in egg content
(Oxford Academic Press, 2012-10)The present work compared 2 culture methods and a PCR assay applied with 2 enrichment methods for the detection of motile and nonmotile Salmonella strains using artificially contaminated egg content. The specificity (Sp) ... -
A comparative study of culture methods and PCR assay for Salmonella detection in poultry drinking water
(Oxford Academic Press, 2013-01)The present work compared 2 culture methods and PCR assays for motile and nonmotile Salmonella detection using artificially contaminated poultry drinking water. The specificity was 1 for all methods studied. The accuracy ... -
Comparison of 3 culture methods and PCR assays for Salmonella gallinarum and Salmonella pullorum detection in poultry feed
(Oxford Academic Press, 2013-06)To detect Salmonella gallinarum or Salmonella pullorum in artificially contaminated poultry feed, 9 culture combinations were compared, including 3 preenrichment/enrichment methods (tryptic soy broth plus ferrous ... -
Desinfectantes en aerosol como alternativa de control ambiental de los hongos anemófilos en viviendas = Disinfectant spray as an alternative environmental control of airborne fungi in houses
(2015)El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de productos desinfectantes comerciales en aerosol sobre la carga de hongos ambientales en habitaciones de viviendas, teniendo en cuenta que las personas, principalmente ... -
On-line speciation and quantification of four arsenical species in rice samples collected in Argentina using a HPLC–HG–AFS coupling
(2015)An investigation was carried out to explore further the analytical capabilities of the coupling high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)–hydride generation (HG)–atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) for the reliable ... -
Relationship of Salmonella infection and inflammatory intestinal response with hematological and serum biochemical values in laying hens
(2015-06)There are few studies about the blood serum of laying hens infected with Salmonella. The differential leukocyte count and blood chemistry values are an important aid in the diagnosis of human diseases, but blood parameters ... -
Molecular characterization of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) isolated in Argentina indicates a regional lineage
(2015-08)In Argentina, classical vaccines are used to control infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV); however, outbreaks of IBDV are frequently observed. This could be due to failures in the vaccination programs or to the emergence ... -
Estimating overnight weight loss of corralled yearling steers in semiarid rangeland
(2016)A common practice for assessing livestock weight gains from grazing animals on rangelands is to confine animals overnight without feed or water to reduce variation in weight loss and percent shrink. Advances in remote ... -
Interacción genotipo x ambiente en familias de medios hermanos de Melilotus albus / Genotype-environment interaction in half-sib families of melilotus albus
(AAPA, 2016)El objetivo fue evaluar la interacción genotipo x ambiente (GxE) en familias de medios hermanos de una población de Melilotus albus y determinar la mejor estrategia de selección para la mejora genética de la población -
Estudio de las prestaciones de cabezales arroceros con sistema draper = Study of performance of rice with system draper heads
(2016)En un establecimiento arrocero de la provincia de Corrientes se evaluó el desempeño de una cosechadora axial equipada con un cabezal de 25 pies con sistema draper. Se realizó cuatro tratamientos: cosechadora con cabezal ... -
Efecto del agregado de fósforo y nitrógeno en el crecimiento de cultivos de alfalfa en rebrotes de primavera y verano en un suelo vertisol de Entre Ríos
(Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional, DNA SICC, INTA, 2016-04)Se analizó el efecto de P y N sobre la acumulación de biomasa (AB) primavero-estival (pri06–ver07) de alfalfa (grado de reposo 6) en un suelo vertisol en la provincia de Entre Ríos. En un diseño en bloques completos al ... -
Effect of epichloid endophytes and soil fertilization on arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of a wild grass
(2016-08)Background and aims: Plants often establish multiple simultaneous symbiotic associations with different micro-organisms; however, the way in which each symbiont affects the other symbionts and the effects of these multiple ... -
Determinación de la composición nutricional de la carne de pollo argentina
(2016-09)Introducción: La información sobre carne de pollo disponible en la tabla de composición nutricional local pertenece aproximadamente a la década de 1950, y está limitada a pocos cortes. Es necesario contar con datos ... -
Producción de pollos parrilleros en países sudamericanos y planes sanitarios nacionales para el control de Salmonella en dichos animales = South American broiler production and national control plans for Salmonella in chickens
(Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, 2016-12)El crecimiento de la industria de pollos parrilleros ha sido importante en los países sudamericanos en los últimos años. Actualmente, se faenan más de 9.430 millones de pollos parrilleros en Sudamérica, siendo Brasil, ...