• Basis for the Management of Schistocerca cancellata (Orthoptera: Acrididae) 

      Birkhan, Júlia; Carrizo, Beatriz Noemi; Socias, Maria Guillermina; Costa, Maria Kátia Matiotti da; Guedes, Jerson Carus; Garcia, Flávio Roberto Mello (Oxford Academic Press, 2023-01)
      The locust species Schistocerca cancellata Serville, endemic to South America, is known for its ability to form dense swarms, which reach the status of agricultural pest for several crops in southern South America. This ...
    • Batata para industria 

      Contardi, Clara Adriana; Lafalla Manzano, Laura Patricia (EEA Mendoza, INTA, 2021-09-10)
      La publicación es resultado del trabajo realizado en el marco del proyecto “Encadenamiento Hortícola”, proveniente de la Convocatoria 2017 Universidad y Desarrollo Local de la Dirección Nacional de Desarrollo Universitario ...
    • Batata “Ipomea”, revalorizando un cultivo tradicional en San Pedro, provincia de Buenos Aires 

      Hansen, Laura; Piola, Mariana; Marcozzi, Paula (EEA San Pedro, INTA, 2023-02)
      La batata (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) es un cultivo tradicional de San Pedro (Barsky, 2003:28), al norte de la provincia de Buenos Aires. En las dos décadas que siguieron al final de 1990, se consolidó la producción de ...
    • La batata: el redescubrimiento de un cultivo 

      Marti, Hector Ruben; Corbino, Graciela Beatriz; Chludil, Hugo Daniel (2011)
      La batata tiene múltiples aplicaciones, además de ser una de las hortalizas con mayor contenido energético y mejor balance de nutrientes. Dadas las recientes mejoras genéticas y tecnológicas de que fue objeto su cultivo, ...
    • La batata: una hortaliza subutilizada 

      Marti, Hector Ruben (2018)
      La batata es uno de los cultivos más importantes, versátiles e inexplorado como fuente de alimento. Este artículo aborda diferentes aspectos de este cultivo en nuestro país.
    • Batch optimization of biogas yield from pasteurized slaughterhouse by-products incorporating residues from corn sieving 

      Galván, María José; Degano, Salvador; Cagnolo, Mara; Becker, Analía; Hilbert, Jorge Antonio; Fuentes, Mauren; Acevedo, Diego (Elsevier, 2021-08)
      Batch anaerobic digestion of pasteurized pig slaughterhouse waste (SW) and corn sieving waste (CSW), and anaerobic co-digestion of CSW/SW were studied at lab scale employing several carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N) and total ...
    • Bauhinia affinis (Fabaceae) : una nueva cita para la flora argentina 

      Fortunato, Renee Hersilia (Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, 1996)
      Bauhinia affinis Vogel is reported for the first time in the NE extreme of Argentina. The number of species of the genus recorded for the country is increased to 7. The species is described and illustrated indicating ist ...
    • Bayesian assessment of the accuracy of a PCR-based rapid diagnostic test for bovine tuberculosis in swine 

      Barandiaran, Soledad; Perez Aguirreburualde, María Sol; Marfil, María Jimena; Martinez Vivot, Marcela; Aznar, Maria Natalia; Zumarraga, Martin Jose; Pérez, Andrés M. (Frontiers Media, 2019-06)
      Infection with the Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) causes a disease referred to as bovine tuberculosis (bTB), which affects a wide range of mammal hosts. Many countries have implemented control and eradication plans that ...
    • Bean leafroll virus (BLRV) in Argentina: molecular characterization and detection in alfalfa fields 

      Trucco, Veronica Milagros; De Breuil, Soledad; Bejerman, Nicolas Esteban; Lenardon, Sergio Luis; Giolitti, Fabian (Springer, 2016-09)
      Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is the main forage crop in Argentina and plays an essential role in the animal production chain, but it can be negatively affected by many factors, such as viral diseases. Here, we report the ...
    • Bean yellow mosaic virus in soybean from Argentina 

      Campos, Ramon Eduardo; Bejerman, Nicolas Esteban; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Laguna, Irma Graciela; Rodriguez Pardina, Patricia (Wiley, 2014-05)
      An association of Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV), (genus Potyvirus), with yellow mosaic leaf symptoms on soybean in Argentina was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, a result confirmed by transmission electron ...
    • Bean yellow mosaic virus infecting broad bean in the green belt of Córdoba, Argentina 

      Rodriguez Pardina, Patricia; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Reyna, Pablo Gastón; Muñoz, Nacira Belen; Arguello Caro, Evangelina Beatriz; Luque, Andres Vicente; Debat, Humberto Julio (BioRxiv, 2019-04-11)
      Broad bean (Vicia faba L) is the fourth most important pulse crop in the world. In Argentina, broad bean production was of 1,841 hectares and 16,500 tons during the 2017 growing season. Broad bean is commonly used in ...
    • Beef Cattle Grazing Native Grasslands May Follow Three Different Supplement Response Patterns 

      Cazzuli, Fiorella; Durante, Martin; Hirigoyen, Andrés; Sánchez, Javier; Rovira, Pablo; Beretta, Virginia; Simeone, Alvaro; Jaurena, Martín; Savian, Jean Víctor; Poppi, Dennis; Montossi, Fabio; Lagomarsino, Ximena; Luzardo, Santiago; Brito, Gustavo; Velazco, José Ignacio; Lattanzi, Fernando Alfredo; Bremm, Carolina (MDPI, 2023-08-07)
      Previous studies on winter supplementation of growing cattle grazing stockpiled native Campos grasslands suggest that forage allowance (FA), herbage mass, and weather conditions before and during the supplementation period ...
    • Beef lipids in relation to animal breed and nutrition in Argentina 

      Garcia, Pilar Teresa; Pensel, Norma Ana; Sancho, Ana Maria; Latimori, Nestor Juan; Kloster, Andres Maria; Amigone, Miguel Angel; Casal, Jorge Jose (Elsevier, 2007-10-26)
      Fatty acid (FA) composition of intramuscular fat (IMF) in M. Longissimus dorsi (LD) was measured in 72 steers from Angus (A), Charolais × Angus (CHA×A) and Holstein Argentine (HA) breeds. The steers were allotted to four ...
    • Before-after analysis of genetic and epigenetic markers in garlic: A 13-year experiment 

      Gimenez, Magali Diana; Garcia Lampasona, Sandra Claudia (2018-10-20)
      Allium sativum is an important crop species in Argentina, one of the major garlic exporting countries in the world. Because garlic is an agamic propagated species, its breeding is based on the occurrence of plants with ...
    • Begonia "Viking white on green" 

      Greppi, Julian Alejandro; Hagiwara, Juan Carlos (Economía & Viveros, 2023-08-01)
      Desarrollada por el Instituto de Floricultura del INTA y la empresa Sakata, ingresó al mercado internacional de plantines florales de estación. La presentan Julián Greppi y Juan Carlos Hagiwara.
    • Behavioral and physiological changes in the passerine Agelaioides badius following the ingestion of coated seeds with imidacloprid in a 30-day experiment 

      Poliserpi, Maria Belen; Brodeur, Celine Marie (Elsevier, 2023-12)
      The wide use of neonicotinoid seed treatment represents a hazard for farmland birds that feed on treated seeds. This study aimed to characterize the long-term effects of the neonicotinoid imidacloprid (IMI) in the passerine ...
    • Behavioral and physiological response of the passerine bird agelaioides badius to seeds coated with imidacloprid. 

      Poliserpi, Maria Belen; Abad, Tatiana Noya; De Geronimo, Eduardo; Aparicio, Virginia Carolina; Brodeur, Celine Marie (Springer, 2023-09-01)
      Neonicotinoids are globally used insecticides, and there are increasing evidence on their negative efects on birds. This study is aimed at characterizing the behavioral and physiological efects of the neonicotinoid ...
    • Behavioral responses of two small-sized rodents, Phyllotis vaccarum and Abrothrix andina, to energy challenges of high-altitude habitats in the Andes Mountains 

      Ruperto, Emmanuel Fabián; Menéndez, Josefina; Taraborelli, Paula Andrea; Scattolón, Federico Omar; Sassi, Paola Lorena (Wiley, 2022-12)
      In mountain environments, both temperature and food availability vary strongly with altitude, leading to a major challenge to the thermo-energetic balance of organisms. In this sense, the behavioral repertoire is crucial ...
    • Behavioural and Electrophysiological Response of Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) to a γ-Lactone Synthetic Semiochemical 

      Goane, Lucía; Carrizo, Beatriz Noemi; Ruiz, María Josefina; Bachmann, Guillermo Enrique; Milla, Fabian Horacio; Segura, Diego Fernando; Kuzmich, Dan; Walse, Spencer; Vera, María Teresa (MDPI, 2023-02)
      Attractants are a powerful tool for pest management. The lack of specific attractants for the South American fruit fly, Anastrepha fraterculus, a complex of cryptic species of great economic importance in South America, ...
    • Behavioural response of the woodwasp Sirex noctilio to volatile emissions of its fungal symbiont 

      Fernandez Ajo, Alejandro Apolo; Martinez Von Ellrich, Andres; Villacide, Jose Maria; Corley, Juan Carlos (2015-01)
      The wood-boring wasp, Sirex noctilio, is a global invasive pest that infects and kills pine trees by inoculating spores of a symbiotic fungus (Amylostereum areolatum) at oviposition. Wasp larvae depend on fungal growth to ...