• Efectos del fuego en la matriz del suelo : consecuencias sobre las propiedades físicas y mineralógicas 

      Minervini, Mariana Gabriela; Morras, Hector; Taboada, Miguel Angel (2018-04)
      Los incendios constituyen disturbios de muy diverso origen y variadas implicancias. Además de los efectos sobre la vegetación, los incendios pueden afectar los componentes y las propiedades de los suelos. Las modificaciones ...
    • Impact of cattle grazing on temperate coastal salt marsh soils 

      Di Bella, Carla Estefania; Rodríguez, Adriana Mabel; Jacobo, Elizabeth Juliana; Golluscio, Rodolfo Angel; Taboada, Miguel Angel (Wiley, 2015-06)
      Over the last two decades, grazing intensity has increased in the temperate salt marshes of Samborombón Bay (Argentina) due to agricultural expansion and the displacement of domestic livestock to these areas. We investigated ...
    • Mapping the soils of an Argentine Pampas region using structural equation modeling 

      Angelini, Marcos Esteban; Hauvelink, Gerard B.M.; Morras, Hector; Kempen, Bas (2016-11)
      Current digital soil mapping (DSM) methods have limitations. For instance, it is difficult to predict a large number of soil properties simultaneously, while preserving the relationships between them. Another problem is ...
    • Soil compaction response to wheel traffic in the Rolling Pampas region of Argentina 

      Contessotto, Enrique Ernesto; Botta, Guido Fernando; Angelini, Marcos Esteban; Bienvenido, Fernando; Rivero, David; Pelizzari, Federico Matías; Ghelfi, Diego Gabriel; Nistal, Ayelén Ileana (Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2021-07-07)
      The present work shows the effects of the different agricultural wheels traffic on the physical properties of a typical Argiudol soil worked under a no-tillage cropping system. Soil compaction produced by traffic was ...