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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 20
Agriculturisation and trade-offs between commodity production and cultural ecosystem services: A case study in Balcarce county
Auer, Alejandra Denise; Maceira, Nestor Oscar; Nahuelhual, Laura (2017)Increased production of commodities in Latin America has transformed the rural landscape with a potential loss of cultural ecosystem services (CES). The aim of our study was to assess the extent and mechanisms by which the ... -
Cambios en las propiedades químicas de un suelo molisol de la región pampeana argentina con diferente historia de manejo = Changes on the chemical properties of a mollisol soil under different management systemas in the Pampean region, Argentina
Rodríguez, Silvia; Videla, Cecilia del Carmen; Zamuner, Ester Cristina; Picone, Liliana Inés; Pose, Nélida Nancy; Maceira, Nestor Oscar (Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 2015)La intensificación del uso agrícola del suelo provoca degradación, la cual puede revertirse implementando rotaciones de cultivos, labranzas conservacionistas, forestaciones o incorporando pasturas. El objetivo de este ... -
Caracterización de las inmunoglobulinas del ñandú (Rhea americana)
Montagna, Daniela R.; Rigo, Verónica; Goldman, Lucas Hernán; Huguet, Miguel Javier; Maceira, Nestor Oscar; Jar, Ana María; Ramayo, Liliana Graciela (Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2013)El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar las inmunoglobulinas séricas y la IgY de la yema de huevo de ñandú, a través de las técnicas de electroforesis en acetato de celulosa, electroforesis en gel de poliacrilamida y ... -
Características de sorción de fósforo del suelo en un sistema de engorde intensivo a corral y en una pastura natural = Soil phosphorus sorption characteristics in an intensive finishing system on a feedlot and natural pasture
Pose, Nélida Nancy; Zamuner, Ester Cristina; Eyherabide, Gustavo Alcides; Picone, Liliana Inés; Videla, Cecilia del Carmen; Maceira, Nestor Oscar (Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 2013)El sistema intensivo de producción de carne vacuna es de interés ambiental, debido al elevado aporte de fósforo (P) al suelo a través de las heces. El objetivo del estudio fue comparar parámetros de isotermas de sorción y ... -
Conflict between the Greater Rhea and humans in agricultural landscapes: implications for conservation of the last large herbivore of the southern Pampas
Pedrana, Julieta; Bernad, Lucía; Maceira, Nestor Oscar; Isacch, Juan Pablo (Taylor & Francis, 2015-10)South-eastern South America (SESA) hosts populations of a number of large herbivores, such as the Greater Rhea (Rhea americana). However, the natural grasslands of SESA have been subject to major transformation through ... -
Cultural ecosystem services trade-offs arising from agriculturization in Argentina : a case study in Mar Chiquita Basin
Auer, Alejandra Denise; Nahuelhual, Laura; Maceira, Nestor Oscar (2018-02)Highlights •We developed a spatial indicator to assess opportunities for recreation and tourism. •We found trade-offs between agricultural commodities and this indicator. •Spatially represented, trade-off was diffuse ... -
Evaluación de indicadores de retención en sistemas agrícolas, ganaderos y forestales = Evaluation of phosphorus retention indicators in agricultural, livestock and forestry systems
Pose, Nélida Nancy; Zamuner, Ester Cristina; Picone, Liliana Inés; Videla, Cecilia del Carmen; Rodríguez, Silvia; Maceira, Nestor Oscar (Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 2014)El escurrimiento, erosión o lavado del fósforo (P) del suelo aumentan con altas concentraciones de P extractable y condiciones que favorezcan su transporte. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron evaluar la relación ... -
Evaluating the impacts and benefits of sheldgeese on crop yields in the Pampas region of Argentina: a contribution for mitigating the conflicts with agriculture
Gorosabel, Antonella; Pedrana, Julieta; Bernad, Lucía; Caballero, Veronica Jorgelina; Muñoz, Sebastián Darío; Maceira, Nestor Oscar (Elsevier, 2019-07-01)Conflicts between waterfowl and agriculture are common in many nations around the world. However, these birds can also provide a variety of benefits that humanity can obtain from nature. There are three migratory and endemic ... -
First insights into de migration pattern of an upland goose (Chloephaga picta) based on satellite tracking
Pedrana, Julieta; Seco Pon, Juan Pablo; Isacch, Juan Pablo; Leiss, Alejandro; Rojas, Pablo O.; Castresana, Gabriel; Calvo, José; Bernad, Lucía; Muñoz, Sebastián Darío; Maceira, Nestor Oscar; Pütz, Klemens (Sociedad de Ornitología Neotropical, 2015)Detailed knowledge of the migratory strategies is important to understand the ecology and evolution of migration and the conservation of migratory birds The Argentinean federal government declared sheldgeese (Chloephaga ... -
First insights into the migration pattern of an upland goose (Chloephaga picta) based on satellite tracking
Pedrana, Julieta; Seco Pon, Juan Pablo; Isacch, Juan Pablo; Leiss, Alejandro; Rojas, Pablo; Castresana, Gabriel; Bernad, Lucía; Muñoz, Sebastián Darío; Maceira, Nestor Oscar; Pütz, Klemens (Neotropical Ornithological Society, 2015)Detailed knowledge of the migratory strategies is important to understand the ecology and evolution of migration and the conservation of migratory birds The Argentinean federal government declared sheldgeese (Chloephaga ... -
Flood mitigation ecosystem service in landscapes of Argentina's Pampas: identifying winning and losing farmers
Barral, Maria Paula; Laterra, Pedro; Maceira, Nestor Oscar (Elsevier, 2019-07-15)Ecosystem services are only able to make a contribution to human well-being if they reach the users or beneficiaries. Therefore, it is important to differentiate the potential contributions of ecosystems (ecosystem service ... -
Human–Sheldgeese conflict in agricultural landscapes: Effects of environmental and anthropogenic predictors on Sheldgeese distribution in the southern Pampa, Argentina
Pedrana, Julieta; Bernad, Lucía; Maceira, Nestor Oscar; Isacch, Juan Pablo (Elsevier, 2014-01)Sheldgeese species are currently the subject of serious conservation concern and have been a source of historical conflict with agricultural interests. Here we assess the relative effects of environmental and anthropogenic ... -
Linking farmers' management decision, demographic characteristics and perceptions of ecosystem services in the Southern Pampa of Argentina
De Rito, Mara Victoria; Auer, Alejandra Denise; Arnaiz Schmitz, Cecilia; Maceira, Nestor Oscar; Herrera, Lorena Paola (Elsevier, 2020-03-15)In the Pampean region of Argentina, uncultivated areas with spontaneous vegetation, such as the sierras (low hills), are important sites for nature conservation. In the last decades, the “agriculturization” process has ... -
Meat quality traits in the Greater rhea (Rhea americana) as influenced by muscle, sex and age
Bernad, Lucía; Casado, P.D.; Murillo, Natalia Lorena; Picallo, Alejandra; Garriz, Carlos Alberto; Maceira, Nestor Oscar (2018-02)Meat from the Greater rhea (Rhea americana) could compete with traditional red meats, diversifying the market of protein products of animal origin. The meat from 32 rheas was used to study quality aspects and this included ... -
Niche Overlap Determination Through Habitat Suitability Models: A Management Tool for Native Birds of the Argentinean Pampas
Pedrana, Julieta; Bernad, Lucía; Maceira, Nestor Oscar; Isacch, Juan Pablo (BioOne, 2018-01)In Argentina, predominantly in the Pampas ecoregion, the natural rangelands have increasingly been replaced by crops. Avifaunal studies have shown that the population density of several species decreased as the proportion ... -
Quantifying the impacts of ecological restoration on biodiversity and ecosystem services in agroecosystems: A global meta-analysis
Barral, Maria Paula; Rey Benayas, José María; Meli, Paula; Maceira, Nestor Oscar (Elsevier, 2015-04)Landscape transformation due to agriculture affects more than 40% of the planet’s land area and is the most important driver of losses of biodiversity and ecosystem services (ES) worldwide. Ecological restoration may ... -
¿Quién domina los procesos territoriales? Importancia de los diferentes capitales para un desarrollo sustentable. Caso de estudio: Partido de Balcarce, Argentina
Auer, Alejandra Denise; Maceira, Nestor Oscar (2017)En las últimas décadas están teniendo lugar en Argentina procesos territoriales como la agriculturización (intensificación y avance de la agricultura sobre otros usos de la tierra) y el desarrollo de planes de ordenamiento ... -
Reproductive development of Lotus tenuis (fabaceae) crop defoliated at different times and intensities
Vignolio, Osvaldo; Cambareri, Gustavo Sebastián; Petigrosso, Lucas R; Murillo, Natalia Lorena; Maceira, Nestor Oscar (Scientific Research Publishing, 2016)Lotus tenuis forage yield has been quantified under defoliation conditions in pastures, grasslands and under dual-purpose production of both livestock forage and seeds. However, little is known about the effects of defoliation ... -
Winter population size estimations of three migratory sheldgeese in the southern pampas, Argentina
Pedrana, Julieta; Bernad, Lucía; Bernardos, Jaime Nicolás; Seco Pon, Juan Pablo; Isacch, Juan Pablo; Muñoz, Sebastián Darío; Maceira, Nestor Oscar (2018-03)Sheldgeese [Upland Goose (Chloephaga picta picta), Ashy-headed Goose (C. poliocephala) and Ruddyheaded Goose (C. rubidiceps)] have similar migratory patterns, breeding in Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) and wintering mainly ... -
Winter Population Size Estimations of Three Migratory Sheldgeese in the Southern Pampas, Argentina
Pedrana, Julieta; Bernad, Lucía; Bernardos, Jaime Nicolás; Seco Pon, Juan Pablo; Isacch, Juan Pablo; Muñoz, Sebastián Darío; Maceira, Nestor Oscar (BioOne, 2018-03)Sheldgeese [Upland Goose (Chloephaga picta picta), Ashy-headed Goose (C. poliocephala) and Ruddyheaded Goose (C. rubidiceps)] have similar migratory patterns, breeding in Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) and wintering mainly ...