• Nutrient availability controls the impact of mammalian herbivores on soil carbon and nitrogen pools in grasslands 

      Sitters, Judith; Wubs, E.R. Jasper; Bakker, Elisabeth S.; Crowther, Thomas W.; Adler, Peter B.; Bagchi, Sumanta; Bakker, Jonathan D.; Biederman, Lori; Borer, Elizabeth T.; Cleland, Elsa E.; Eisenhauer, Nico; Firn, Jennifer L.; Gherardi, Laureano A.; Hagenah, Nicole; Hautier, Yann; Hobbie, Sarah E.; Knops, Johannes M.H.; MacDougall, Andrew S.; McCulley, Rebecca L.; Moore, Joslin L.; Mortensen, Brent; Peri, Pablo Luis; Prober, Suzanne M.; Riggs, Charlotte E.; Risch, Anita C.; Schütz, Martin; Seabloom, Eric William; Siebert, Julia; Stevens, Carly J.; Veen, G.F. (Ciska) (Wiley, 2020-02)
      Grasslands are subject to considerable alteration due to human activities globally, including widespread changes in populations and composition of large mammalian herbivores and elevated supply of nutrients. Grassland soils ...
    • Nutrient Composition, Forage Parameters, and Antioxidant Capacity of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa, L.) in Response to Saline Irrigation Water 

      Ferreira, Jorge F.S.; Cornacchione, Monica; Xuan, Liu; Suarez, Donald L. (2015-07)
      Although alfalfa is moderately tolerant of salinity, the effects of salinity on nutrient composition and forage parameters are poorly understood. In addition, there are no data on the effect of salinity on the antioxidant ...
    • Nutrient dynamics in the Paraná River Delta: relationship to the hydrologic regime and the floodplain wetlands 

      Primost, Jezabel Elena; Peluso, Leticia; Sasal, Maria Carolina; Bonetto, Carlos A. (Elsevier, 2022-04)
      South America contains the most extensive freshwater wetlands in the world, associated with the floodplains of the Amazon, Orinoco and Paraná rivers. The Paraná River delta is a large wetland system strongly influenced by ...
    • Nutrient enrichment increases invertebrate herbivory and pathogen damage in grasslands 

      Ebeling, Anne; Strauss, Alex T.; Adler, Peter B.; Arnillas, Carlos Alberto; Barrio, Isabel C.; Biederman, Lori A.; Borer, Elizabeth T.; Bugalho, Miguel N.; Caldeira, Maria C.; Cadotte, Marc W.; Peri, Pablo Luis; Blumenthal, Dana M. (British Ecological Society, 2022-02)
      1- Plant damage by invertebrate herbivores and pathogens influences the dynamics of grassland ecosystems, but anthropogenic changes in nitrogen and phosphorus availability can modify these relationships. 2- Using a globally ...
    • Nutrient partitioning and stoichiometry in soybean: A synthesis-analysis 

      Tamagno, S.; Balboa, Guillermo R.; Assefa, Yared; Kovács, P.; Casteel, S.N.; Salvagiotti, Fernando; García, Fernando O.; Stewart, W.M.; Ciampitti, Ignacio A. (2017-01)
      On-farm attainable soybean yields are primarily limited by nutrient and water supply. High-yielding soybeans is related to high nutrient uptake. A proposed theoretical framework underpinning yield formation includes plant ...
    • Nutrient Release Dynamics in Argentinean Pampean Soils Amended with Composts under Laboratory Conditions 

      Orden, Luciano; Iocoli, Gastón Alejandro; Bustamante, María Ángeles; Moral, Raúl; Rodríguez, Roberto A. (MDPI, 2022-03)
      Composted manure is the greatest nitrogen (N) source in organic agriculture, where the use of chemical fertilizers, except the use of rock phosphate as P source, is not allowed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ...
    • Nutrient resorption in two co existing Nothofagus species in southern Patagonia. 

      Bahamonde, Héctor Alejandro; Fernández, Victoria; Mattenet, Francisco Javier; Peri, Pablo Luis (University of Copenhagen, 2017-08-21)
      Nutrient resorption understood as the “movement” of nutrients from leaves prior to abscission towards other tissues or internal stores has been suggested to be a key component of nutrient conservation in deciduous forest ...
    • Nutrient source, management system and the age of the plantation affect soil biodiversity and chemical properties in raspberry production 

      Prack McCormick, Barbara; El Mujtar, Veronica Andrea; Cardozo, Andrea Gabriela; Alvarez, Valeria Esther; Rodriguez, Hernan Adrian; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian (Elsevier, 2022-07)
      Soil biodiversity is the driving force behind most soil processes. While potentially improving plant productivity and food quality, it can be negatively affected by land use and soil management. Raspberry production is ...
    • Nutrient uptake dynamics of Gloriosa for cut flower 

      Haussecker, Ricardo Daniel; Bischoff, Doris Irene; Mata, Diego Alejandro; Verón, Rodrigo Guzmán; Morisigue, Daniel Enrique (Sociedade Brasileira de Floricultura e Plantas Ornamentais (SBFPO), 2023-06-28)
      Gloriosa superba L. is a recently introduced tropical species in Argentina, cultivated as a cut flower. It is extremely important to know the nutritional demands of the crop to provide the optimal amounts of nutrients at ...
    • Los nutrientes en el ambiente 

      Sasal, Maria Carolina; Wilson, Marcelo German; Seehaus, Mariela; Gabioud, Emmanuel Adrian; Van Opstal, Natalia Veronica; Wingeyer, Ana Beatriz; Beghetto, Stella; Primost, Jezabel Elena; Darder, Maria Liliana; Andriulo, Adrian Enrique (Fertilizar, 2019-05)
      La gestión ambiental o gestión del medio ambiente refiere al conjunto de actividades conducentes al manejo integral del sistema ambiental con el fin de lograr adecuada calidad de vida, previniendo o mitigando los problemas ...
    • Nutritional and environmental effects on biological nitrogen fixation in soybean: a meta-analysis 

      Santachiara, Gabriel; Salvagiotti, Fernando; Rotundo, José Luis (Elsevier, 2019-07)
      Biological N2 fixation (BNF) and mineral soil absorption are complementary N sources for soybean growth. BNF is sensitive to nutrient and environmental conditions, though a comprehensive synthesis of the studies underlying ...
    • Nutritional and Functional Properties of Aqueous and Hydroalcoholic Extracts from Argentinean Propolis 

      Danert, Fátima Carolina; Zampini, Iris Catiana; Ordóñez, Roxana Mabel; Maldonado, Luis Maria; Bedascarrasbure, Enrique Luciano; Isla, María Inés (Sage Publishing, 2014)
      Bee propolis is a natural product extensively used as an ingredient in functional foods in amounts that may confer health benefits. The aim of this study was to investigate the nutritional and functional properties ...
    • Nutritional evaluation of dried tomato seeds 

      Persia, M.E.; Parsons, C.M.; Schang, M.; Azcona, Jorge Oscar (Oxford Academic Press, 2003-01)
      Two samples of tomato seeds, a by-product of the tomato canning industry were evaluated to determine proximate analysis, amino acid content, and digestibility, TMEn, and protein efficiency ratio. Tomato seeds were also ...
    • Nutritional evaluation of three varieties of cassava leaves (Manihot esculenta Crantz) grown in Formosa, Argentina 

      Leguizamón, Alejandro Javier; Rompato, Karina Mariela; Hoyos, Rosa Elena; Audisio, Marcela Carina (Elsevier, 2021-08)
      In Argentina, cassava leaves are considered a crop waste, despite their high content of proteins and other nutrients, like vitamins and minerals. The aim of this research was to evaluate the nutritional profile of leaves ...
    • Nutritional quality of orange tomatoes for fresh consumption and processing products 

      Peralta, Iris Edith; Peppi, D, Peppi, D; Sance, Maria Mirta; Asis, Ramón; Asprelli, Pablo Diego; Galmarini, Claudio Romulo (International Society for Horticultural Science, 2017)
      In Argentina, commercial tomatoes for fresh consumption as well for processed products traditionally have red fruits. Although other fruit colors (yellow, purple) are present in the “cherry” types, orange tomatoes for ...
    • Nutritiva, saludable, "casi perfecta" 

      Marti, Hector Ruben (Dirección de Agroalimentos, SAGyPA, 2007)
      La batata, Ipomoea batatas, es una de las hortalizas de más antiguo cultivo en nuestro país, sin embargo, sus excelentes propiedades están poco difundidas. Este trabajo describe sus caracteristicas y composición quimica. ...
    • Nutritive value and leaf/stem ratio of Siam grass with different levels of nitrogen fertilization 

      Royo, Leandro Sebastian; Yáñez, Enrique A.; Pueyo, Joaquin Dante; Camacho, Maria Belen (Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, 2023-11)
      The objective of this trial was to assess the nutritive value and the leaf:stem ratio of the subtropical grass Siam grass (Brachiaria mutica ecotype Siam) under different levels of nitrogen (N) fertilization and sequential ...
    • Nuvem densa 

      Vitti Scarel, Daniela; Szwarc, Diego Ernesto; Almada, Melina Soledad (2020-07)
      Oriundo do Paraguai, enxame de Schistocerca cancellata ingressou na Argentina no final de maio e seguia na região de Corrientes, nos primeiros dias de julho. Voraz por vegetais, essa praga demanda monitoramento e ...
    • Número de hojas y su filocrono entre distintos órdenes de vástagos en avena y cebada: impacto sobre el rendimiento 

      Lexow, Guillermo (Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2019-09-19)
      La relación entre el número de hojas y su filocrono determina el momento de antesis en cultivos de avena y cebada. Diversas publicaciones han analizado la dinámica de la aparición de hojas y macollos totales; sin embargo, ...
    • El ñandú (Rhea americana) como controlador de malezas en cultivos agrícolas pampeanos 

      Bernad, Lucía (Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Balcarce. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, 2012-08)
      El ñandú común (Rhea americana) es un herbívoro autóctono de la llanura chaco- pampeana que en su dieta selecciona dicotiledóneas cultivadas y silvestres. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar su empleo como controlador ...