Artículos científicos: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 55
Nutrient Release Dynamics in Argentinean Pampean Soils Amended with Composts under Laboratory Conditions
(MDPI, 2022-03)Composted manure is the greatest nitrogen (N) source in organic agriculture, where the use of chemical fertilizers, except the use of rock phosphate as P source, is not allowed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ... -
Suppression of Lolium multiflorum Lam. with Vicia villosa Roth combined with residual herbicides
(Ediciones INTA, 2022-04)Lolium multiflorum Lam. (annual ryegrass) is a problematic weed species especially in no-tillage systems of the southern region of Buenos Aires province (Argentina). Increasing herbicide resistance cases have exacerbated ... -
Spontaneous Gene Flow between Cultivated and Naturalized Vicia villosa Roth Populations Increases the Physical Dormancy Seed in a Semiarid Agroecosystem
(MDPI, 2021-05)Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) is the second most cultivated vetch worldwide being used as a forage and cover crop. As it is not domesticated, it displays several wild traits including seed dormancy. The physical seed ... -
Effects of Onion Residue, Bovine Manure Compost and Compost Tea on Soils and on the Agroecological Production of Onions
(MDPI, 2021-10)Organic solid wastes are rarely considered when planning for rural production in Argentina. Onion production in the low valley of Río Colorado (Buenos Aires) generates between 12,000 and 20,000 Mg year−1 of vegetal wastes ... -
Towards Sustainable Dairy Production in Argentina: Evaluating Nutrient and CO2 Release from Raw and Processed Farm Waste
(MDPI, 2021-12)Mineralization studies are the first step in determining the usefulness of an amendment such as fertilizer, and are essential to creating guidelines for dairy waste management to help producers make informed decisions. Our ... -
Agrowaste compost as a component of substrates for ornamental plants = Compost de agroresiduos como componente de sustratos para plantas ornamentales
(ASAHO, 2022-01)The formulation of substrates for ornamental plants in containers implicates a compromise between physicochemical and biological characteristics, costs, andenvironmental impact for the use of peat. A way to optimize this ... -
Climate effect on Avena fatua field emergence dynamics: a 38-year experiment in the Semiarid Pampean Region of Argentina
(Wiley, 2022-02)Climate events modulate weed population dynamics mainly by influencing field seedling emergence patterns. Field experiments aiming to study the influence of climate on the early-stage establishment of weeds are of utmost ... -
Producción de forraje y densidad de plantas de alfalfa irrigada comparando distintas densidades de siembra
(Asociación Latinoamericana de Producción Animal, 2002)La alfalfa es la forrajera principal en el valle bonaerense del Río Colorado, Argentina. Sin embargo, se carece de datos locales sobre la densidad de siembra (den. smb.) que asegure elevada persistencia y producción del ... -
Curvas de crecimiento de forrajeras templadas irrigadas
(Asociación Latinoamericana de Producción Animal, 2001)Con el objetivo de construir y comparar las curvas de distribución estacional de forraje de 15 gramíneas y leguminosas se realizaron cuatro ensayos entre 1996 y 1999. Cada uno constó de dos repeticiones compuestas cada una ... -
Megachile rotundata (Fab.) as a potential agro-environmental conservation strategy for alfalfa seed production in Argentina
(Wiley, 2021-11)Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. 1753) is one of the main forage crops of the world, and the availability of an adequate seed supply to farmers is one of the main concerns for the seed industry. The international alfalfa seed ... -
Análisis de variables biofísicas en cultivo de cebolla (Allium cepa) con fertilización nitrogenada mediante teledetección
(Asociación Argentina de Horticultura, 2020-12)La producción de bulbos cebolla (Allium cepa) requiere elevada cantidad de nitrógeno. Acorde a la demanda de la agricultura sustentable, el desarrollo de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, permite mejorar la ... -
Intensive plant productions - “Proalim Km 0”, in times of a Covid-19 pandemic – Part 1. Predisposition of consumers of vegetables, fruits and medicinal aromatics to their production, agribusiness and consumption
(Asociación Argentina de Horticultura, 2020-12-28)Given the importance that, for the health of the population, an adequate consumption of products of plant origin has, and in order to have a diagnosis on the intensive vegetable production of healthy foods (PVIAS) of ... -
Panorama de las producciones vegetales intensivas de alimentos saludables – “Proalim Km 0”, en tiempos de pandemia por la Covid-19 – Parte 2 Preferencias de la producción, agroindustria, comercialización y consumo de diversidad de hortalizas
(Asociación Argentina de Horticultura, 2020-12-21)Las producciones de origen vegetal de alimentos saludables (PVIAS), particularmente las frutas y hortalizas, constituyen un grupo de alimentos de gran interés por los beneficios de su consumo, dada la importancia que tienen ... -
Podredumbres bacterianas de cebolla en Argentina. Situación actual y perspectivas a mediano plazo
(Asociación Argentina de Fitopatólogos, 2019-06)El cultivo de cebolla en Argentina se ve afectado por aproximadamente 25 enfermedades de origen biótico de las cuales cinco se destacan por las importantes pérdidas económicas que ocasionan: mildiu (Peronospora destructor), ... -
Influencia del estado de madurez a cosecha sobre la calidad de semillas de alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)
(Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional, DNA SICC, INTA, 2011-12)La alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) recién cosechada presenta dormición física debida a la dureza de sus tegumentos que puede afectar la producción de forraje en el primer año de implantación. Aunque se conoce que la temperatura ... -
The roles of light and pericarp on seed dormancy and germination in feral Raphanus sativus (Brassicaceae)
(Wiley, 2019-08-19)The timing of seed germination may determine the success of a weed species in an agroecosystem, and its expression is modulated by environmental conditions, but also by seed physiology and anatomy. The aims of this study ... -
Variabilidad espacial de fertilidad química del suelo en un diseño de bloques
(Sociedad Española de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2011)En la caracterización del estado inicial de un ensayo de larga duración bajo siembra directa, se plantea la hipótesis de que existen -en los horizontes superficiales- gradientes de fertilidad horizontal (interbloques) y ... -
Development and validation of a simulation model for hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) self-regeneration under different crop rotations
(Elsevier, 2019-04)Hairy vetch (HV, Vicia villosa Roth) is a winter annual legume cultivated for pasture grazing, in crop rotations with cereal crops under semi-arid conditions. The inclusion of HV increases soil nitrogen, thus contributing ... -
Diversity of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Delphacidae) associated with Vicia villosa in southern Buenos Aires province, Argentina
(2014-06)Among the Hemiptera, the Auchenorrhyncha are well known owing to their phytosanitary relevance since the group includes pathogen vector species able to damage commercial crops. Vicia villosa Roth (Fabaceae) is a fodder ... -
Transgene escape and persistence in an agroecosystem: the case of glyphosate-resistant Brassica rapa L. in central Argentina
(2018-03)Brassica rapa L. is an annual Brassicaceae species cultivated for oil and food production, whose wild form is a weed of crops worldwide. In temperate regions of South America and especially in the Argentine Pampas region, ...