Artículos científicos: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 41-55 de 55
Exoferality in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.): a case study of intraspecific/interbiotype interference promoted by human activity
(2013)Helianthus annuus subsp. annuus, a biotype of the same species of the domesticated sunflower H. annuus var. macrocarpus, is an emergent noxious weed in several regions of the world. The frequent hybridization that occurs ... -
Can achene selection in sunflower crop–wild hybrids by pre-dispersal seed predators hasten the return to phenotypically wild sunflowers
(2016-04)Bird attack is a serious limitation to sunflower yield in several regions of the world, but it could also cause selection. The wild Helianthus annuus, naturalized in several regions of the world, hybridizes with the crop ... -
Broad resistance to acetohydroxyacid-synthase-inhibiting herbicides in feral radish (Raphanus sativus L.) populations from Argentina
(2016-02)BACKGROUND: Soon after the commercial release of sunflower cultivars resistant to imidazolinone herbicides, several uncontrolled feral radish (Raphanus sativus L.) populations were found in south-eastern Buenos Aires, ... -
Cold stress tolerance during early growth stages of naturalized Helianthus petiolaris populations
(2016-07)In the last 10 years the sunflower crop area of Argentina has shifted towards the Southwest as a result of the expansion of soybean cultivation. Early sowings require greater tolerance to low temperatures in order to ... -
Hybrid sunflower seed yield, composition and deterioration after chemical desiccation
(2017-04)The impact of chemical desiccation on yield showed contrasting results depending on seed moisture content at the time of application. Its effects on seed deterioration are still unknown and could be modified by seed ... -
Self‐regeneration of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) as affected by seedling density and soil tillage method in a semi‐arid agroecosystem
(2017-09)Vicia villosa Roth is a forage legume with the capability for biological N fixation and natural reseeding, which could contribute to sustainability in semi‐arid regions. This study aimed to determine (i) the relationship ... -
Vicia villosa ssp. villosa Roth field emergence model in a semiarid agroecosystem
(2018-03)Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) is a winter annual legume cultivated for pasture and hay with the capability for natural reseeding. Vicia villosa increases N concentrations in the soil, thus contributing to the sustainability ... -
IMI resistance associated to crop-weed hybridization in a natural Brassica rapa population: characterization and fate
(2017-03)Wild turnip (Brassica rapa) is a common weed and a close relative to oilseed rape (Brassica napus). The Clearfield® production system is a highly adopted tool which provides an alternative solution for weed management, but ... -
Crop-wild sunflower hybridization can mediate weediness throughout growth-stress tolerance trade-offs
(2017-11)Agricultural weeds are plants well-adapted to agricultural environments interfering directly and indirectly with crop production and causing important economic losses worldwide. Crop-wild hybridization is one of the main ... -
Transgenic glyphosate-resistant oilseed rape (Brassica napus) as an invasive weed in Argentina: detection, characterization, and control alternatives
(2016-12)The presence of glyphosate-resistant oilseed rape populations in Argentina was detected and characterized. The resistant plants were found as weeds in RR soybeans and other fields. The immunological and molecular analysis ... -
Effect of water availability and seed source on physical dormancy break of Vicia villosa ssp. villosa
(2016-09)Physical dormancy (PY) plays a crucial role in the control of the reseeding process of Vicia villosa Roth, a winter annual species cultivated for pasture and hay, naturalized in several semi-arid temperate agroecosystems. ... -
Gene flow in Argentinian sunflowers as revealed by genotyping‐by‐sequencing data
(2018-02)Gene flow can have several different applied consequences, ranging from extinction to the escape of transgenes to the evolution of weedy or invasive lineages. Here, we describe patterns of hybridization and gene flow ... -
AHAS Trp574Leu substitution in Raphanus sativus L.: screening, enzyme activity and fitness cost
(2018-07)BACKGROUND: Feral radish (Raphanus sativus L.) is a problematic weed that has become resistant to acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) inhibitor herbicides due to the Trp574Leu mutation. An AHAS gene mutation that causes ... -
Efecto de rotaciones agrícolas con cebolla sobre las propiedades químicas del suelo y producción de policultivo avena-vicia y resiembra natural de Vicia villosa Roth. en el sur de Buenos Aires
(Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional, DNA SICC, INTA, 2017-12)En el valle bonaerense del Río Colorado (VBRC), sur de Buenos Aires, Vicia villosa (Roth) se adapta como cultivo de cobertura (CC) por su elevada producción de biomasa en primavera. La siembra de cebolla sobre CC de vicia ... -
Estudio de la densidad de trips bajo distintas formas de manejo de un cultivo de cebolla en el área de riego del valle inferior del Río Colorado, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
(2014-07)Los trips constituyen la plaga primaria de la cebolla, en un cultivo ya establecido, en el área de riego del valle inferior del Río Colorado, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Algunos productores de cebolla de esta ...