Artículos científicos: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 55
Optimization of industrial-scale composting of dewatered pig slurry and olive mill waste using discarded tennis balls as an inert bulking agent
(Elsevier, 2024-11)Material shortages in composting may pose limits or logistical problems in certain regions, which can be addressed with inert and reusable wastes. Very little research has been conducted on the subject of using alternative ... -
Advances in the determination of forage and forestry production and greenhouse gas mitigation in silvopastoral systems in the Espinal Periestépico region of Argentina
(Springer, 2024-08)The objective of this study was to evaluate the herbaceous aboveground biomass production (DM kg ha−1), the woodland structure and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mitigation capacity of agroecosystems under silvopastoral ... -
Propolis extract significantly reduces microbial load in fresh bee pollen for human consumption = El extracto de propóleos reduce significativamente la carga microbiana en el polen apícola fresco para consumo humano
(Editorial Eunk, 2023-06)We evaluated propolis as a preservative of fresh bee pollen for human consumption. An in vitro quantitative assay was performed to determine the antimicrobial activity of a propolis ethanolic extract against cultivable ... -
Desinfección del suelo en el cultivo de frutilla en el sudoeste bonaerense = Soil disinfection in strawberry production in the southwest of Buenos Aires province
(Asociación Argentina de Horticultura (ASAHo), 2024-04)El Valle Bonaerense del Río Colorado (VBRC) ha demostrado ser agroclimáticamente apto para la producción de frutilla (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.). Sin embargo, hongos patógenos del suelo que afectan a este cultivo fueron ... -
Municipal Solid Waste Management in a Decentralized Composting Scenario: Assessment of the Process Reproducibility and Quality of the Obtained Composts
(MDPI, 2023-12)Over the last several years, the models for organic waste management have changed to implement circular economy in the productive cycle. In this context, new scenarios have emerged, where the management of different organic ... -
Exploiting the successive projections algorithm to improve the quantification of chemical constituents and discrimination of botanical origin of Argentinean bee-pollen
(Elsevier, 2024-02)Bee-pollen as a functional food is gaining importance throughout the world because of its composition and biological properties. The protein content is one of the main parameters to determine its nutritional value, but it ... -
Análisis multivariado en plantaciones de eucaliptos en dos micro-ambientes de La Esperanza, provincia de Jujuy, con el método Procrustes Generalizado = Multivariate analysis of eucalyptus plantations in two microenvironments in La Esperanza, province of Jujuy, with the Generalized Procrustes method
(Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, 2023-12)El Análisis de Procrustes Generalizado (GPA por sus siglas en inglés) constituye un método de análisis multivariado muy conveniente para el análisis de variabilidad multiambiental, ya que permite el ajuste de componentes ... -
Is the Direct Soil Application of Two-Phase Olive Mill Waste (Alperujo) Compatible with Soil Quality Protection?
(MDPI, 2023-10)In Spain and other Mediterranean countries, significant quantities of semi-solid olive mill waste are generated, which should be preferentially applied to agricultural soils to close nutrient cycles. However, two-phase ... -
Estructura del rastrojo y agua disponible bajo siembra directa en el semiárido austral pampeano
(Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2023-06)Los procesos importantes relacionados con la dinámica del agua ocurren principalmente en la interfase suelo-atmósfera. La estructura de la cobertura de rastrojos de cultivos, tanto por cantidad como su distribución, tiene ... -
Retrieval of Evapotranspiration from Sentinel-2: Comparison of Vegetation Indices, Semi-Empirical Models and SNAP Biophysical Processor Approach
(MDPI, 2019-10)Remote sensing evapotranspiration estimation over agricultural areas is increasingly used for irrigation management during the crop growing cycle. Different methodologies based on remote sensing have emerged for the leaf ... -
Effect of agricultural microplastic and mesoplastic in the vermicomposting process: Response of Eisenia fetida and quality of the vermicomposts obtained
(Elsevier, 2023-06)This work evaluates the effect of agricultural plastic waste (APW) in two particle sizes, microplastic and film debris, and subjected to a pre-treatment by exposure to UV-C, in the development of the vermicomposting process. ... -
Colorado River (Argentina) Water Crisis Scenarios and Influence on Irrigation Water Quality Conditions
(MDPI, 2023-05)The characterization and evaluation of water quality in the Valle Bonaerense del Río Colorado (VBRC), Buenos Aires, Argentina, is necessary, given the immense importance of this region for sustaining the population livelihoods ... -
Environmental and agronomic determinants of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) seed yield in rainfed temperate agroecosystems
(Elsevier, 2023-07)Vicia villosa Roth, commonly named hairy vetch (HV), is one of the most promising cover crop (CC) legumes, commonly included in strategies aimed at increasing agriculture sustainability. Due to the generally low yield, the ... -
Synergy of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series for Cloud-Free Vegetation Water Content Mapping with Multi-Output Gaussian Processes
(MDPI, 2023-03)Optical Earth Observation is often limited by weather conditions such as cloudiness. Radar sensors have the potential to overcome these limitations, however, due to the complex radar-surface interaction, the retrieving of ... -
Quantifying Irrigated Winter Wheat LAI in Argentina Using Multiple Sentinel-1 Incidence Angles
(MDPI, 2022-11)Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data provides an appealing opportunity for all-weather day or night Earth surface monitoring. The European constellation Sentinel-1 (S1) consisting of S1-A and S1-B satellites offers a suitable ... -
Evaluation of new pasture legumes options in the Pampa-Patagonia transitional region of Argentina
(Ediciones INTA, 2022-11)Biodiversity in forage legumes adapted to semiarid-arid conditions is scarce. In the Pampa-Patagonia transitional region of Argentina (PTRA), the annual rainfall is 440 mm with annual evapotranspiration of 1690 mm. Only ... -
Natural distribution and phenotypic traits of Neltuma flexuosa var. depressa, a candidate taxon for the rehabilitation in the central arid region of Argentina
(Elsevier, 2023-02)Dryland rehabilitation in the central arid region of Argentina is urgently needed to reverse the current high levels of degradation. Neltuma flexuosa var. depressa, adapted to arid environments, gives it the potential to ... -
Seasonal mapping of irrigated winter wheat traits in Argentina with a hybrid retrieval workflow using sentinel-2 imagery
(MDPI, 2022-09-10)Earth observation offers an unprecedented opportunity to monitor intensively cultivated areas providing key support to assess fertilizer needs and crop water uptake. Routinely, vegetation traits mapping can help farmers ... -
Enhancing Sustainability in Intensive Dill Cropping: Comparative Effects of Biobased Fertilizers vs. Inorganic Commodities on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Crop Yield, and Soil Properties
(MDPI, 2022)The treatment and valorization of organic solid waste has become a promising alternative to increase intensive crop productivity while reducing its environmental impact. Currently, reusing improved organic waste as novel ... -
Is Dairy Effluent an Alternative for Maize Crop Fertigation in Semiarid Regions? An Approach to Agronomic and Environmental Effects
(MDPI, 2022-08)The reuse of effluents from intensive dairy farms combined with localized irrigation techniques (fertigation) has become a promising alternative to increase crop productivity while reducing the environmental impact of waste ...