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Whole Cottonseed as an Effective Strategy to Mitigate Enteric Methane Emissions in Cattle Fed Low-Quality Forages
(MDPI, 2025-03)This study evaluated enteric methane (CH₄) emissions, dry matter intake (DMI), and performance in rearing beef heifers fed either a Guinea-grass-only diet (0WCS) or Guinea grass supplemented with whole cottonseed (WCS) at ... -
Influence of the Application of Rosemary Essential Oil (Salvia rosmarinus) on the Sensory Characteristics and Microbiological Quality of Minimally Processed Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata)
(MDPI, 2025-02)Pumpkin (P) production in Santiago del Estero, Argentina, is of high quality. The product is sold whole and fresh, and is traditionally consumed after being cooked in water. Due to its pleasant flavor (semi-sweet), it is ... -
Innovative Technologies to Increase Bioactive Compounds in Carrots of the Chantenay Variety
(MDPI, 2025-02)Carrots have become a functional food ingredient, providing various nutraceuticals such as carotenoids and phenols. The application of stress by cutting followed by incubation and UV-C radiation would induce a higher ... -
Accuracy assessment of the geomorphon approach to detect ecological sites in the Dry Chaco region of Argentina
(Elsevier, 2024-09-19)Ecological sites are a classification of local-land types based on differences in important environmental factors including soil properties, slope and landscape position within a geomorphologic and climatic zone. The concept ... -
Micotoxinas en híbridos de maíz producidos en Santiago del Estero, Argentina
(Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2024-08)Las micotoxinas son metabolitos secundarios tóxicos producidos por determinados hongos que pueden afectar la salud de los seres humanos o animales que los consuman. Uno de los cultivos más susceptibles a ser infectado con ... -
Genomic selection for lucerne biomass yield in di erent stressprone environments
(Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2019-06-24)Climate change and reduced irrigation water emphasize the need for lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) varieties with improved yield under drought and saline conditions. Marker-based selection may o!er opportunities, owing to low ... -
Using the AquaCrop model to assess the cotton yield response to three irrigation schedules in the Río Dulce Irrigation System, Santiago del Estero, Argentina = Uso del modelo AquaCrop para evaluar la respuesta del rendimiento del algodón a tres programaciones de riego en el Sistema de Riego del Río Dulce, Santiago del Estero, Argentina = Uso do modelo AquaCrop para avaliar a resposta da produtividade do algodão a três programas de irrigação no Sistema de Irrigação Rio Dulce, Santiago del Estero, Argentina
(INIA Uruguay y Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de la República, 2024-02)This work evaluates the cotton response to irrigation scheduling using AquaCrop, in the Río Dulce Irrigation System (SRRD), Santiago del Estero, Argentina. The model was calibrated and validated to simulate the cotton´s ... -
A comparison of procedures for evaluating and selecting alfalfa landrace germplasm for tolerance to salinity
(Wiley, 2024-05)In arid and semiarid regions, salinity may affect alfalfa (Medicago sativa) productivity and survival due to either cultivation on salt-affected soils or the use of salinized irrigation water. Exploiting germplasm evolved ... -
Oxidative stress mitigation in horticultural crops using foliar applications of Ilex paraguariensis extract: a dose-dependent study
(Wiley, 2023-11)Abiotic stress has been shown to induce the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plant cells. When the level of ROS surpasses the capacity of the endogenous defence mechanism, oxidative stress status is reached, ... -
Análisis comparativo de métodos de extracción de ADN en semillas de algodón (Gossypium hirsutum) = Comparative analysis for DNA extraction methods from cotton seeds (Gossypium hirsutum)
(Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, 2023-06)La extracción de ADN a partir de semillas presenta el desafío de evitar la coextracción de inhibidores de la reacción de PCR, naturalmente presentes en el tejido vegetal. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la ... -
El cerco como espacio de producción agrícola familiar campesina en Santiago del Estero, Argentina
(Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional, DNA SICC, INTA, 2017-08)El campesino en Santiago del Estero ha sido conceptualizado en variados textos bajo diferentes miradas. Por ejemplo, lo definen como un actor social agrario con formas de actuar y producir no típicamente capitalistas y en ... -
Disrupting woody steady states in the Chaco region (Argentina): Responses to combined disturbance treatments
(Elsevier, 2012-05)Vegetation states with low suitability for cattle raising (‘woody states’) are widespread in the Chaco region (NW Argentina). We assessed the success of roller-chopper (RR); roller-chopper with seeding of Panicum maximum ... -
El Gran Chaco Americano: habitando territorios en disputa = O Grande Chaco Americano: habitando territórios em disputa = The Great American Chaco: inhabiting territories in dispute
(Centro de Investigaciones Sociales y Educativas del Norte Argentino, Universidad Nacional de Salta, 2018)Los días 5 y 6 de octubre de 2017 se celebró en Santiago del Estero, Argentina, el “Segundo Congreso Internacional del Gran Chaco Americano: Territorio e Innovación”, bajo el lema “Los territorios en el escenario actual: ... -
Gran Chaco: buen vivir, diversidad y desarrollo sostenible = Gran Chaco: boa vida, diversidade e desenvolvimento sustentável = Gran Chaco: good living, diversity and sustainable development
(Centro de Investigaciones Sociales y Educativas del Norte Argentino, Universidad Nacional de Salta, 2022)Los días 10, 11, 12 y 13 de noviembre del 2020 se celebró en Santiago del Estero- Argentina, el “Tercer Congreso Internacional del Gran Chaco Americano: Territorio e Innovación”, bajo el lema “Gran Chaco: buen vivir, ... -
Venta conjunta: economía familiar y fortalecimiento organizacional
(Centro de Investigaciones Sociales y Educativas del Norte Argentino, Universidad Nacional de Salta, 2022)Se describe la experiencia de comercialización conjunta “El Almacén Campesino” gestionada por productores de Jiménez, Río Hondo y Guasayán quienes, acompañados por el INTA, la SAF y la Municipalidad de Las Termas de Río ... -
Effectiveness of Sprayed Bioactive Fruit Extracts in Counteracting Protein Oxidation in Lamb Cutlets Subjected to a High-Oxygen MAP
(MDPI, 2020-11)High-oxygen packaging atmosphere (High-Ox-MAP) promotes meat protein oxidation and leads to texture deterioration. This study was conceived to assess the extent to which sprayed fruit extracts could inhibit the oxidative ... -
A meta-analytical evaluation of the effects of high-salt water intake on beef cattle
(Oxford Academic Press, 2021-08)Adequate drinking water is essential to maintain acceptable production levels in beef cattle operations. In the context of global climate change, the water scarcity forecasted for the future is a growing concern and it ... -
Dried distiller´s grains plus solubles supplementation improves low-quality tropical grass utilization on beef steers = Suplementação de grãos de destilação secos com solúveis melhora a utilização de grama tropical de baixa qualidade para novilhos de corte
(Centro de Ciências Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022)This study was designed to evaluate the effect of corn dried distiller´s grains (DDGS) supplementation on feed intake, total tract digestibility, and ruminal fermentation of beef steers fed low-quality Guinea grass ... -
Management of grassland/savannas encroached by woody plants in South American Semiarid Chaco: Ecological restoration vs. African grasses introduction
(Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2023-08)In Semiarid Chaco, two management approaches for woody plant-encroached grassland/savannas were evaluated: ecological restoration and the African grass introduction. An experiment with five treatments was carried out: 1) ... -
Development of an analytical method to determine malondialdehyde as an oxidative marker in cryopreserved bovine semen
(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015)Frozen sperm is widely used in artificial insemination of cattle as well as other animal species. As a consequence of the freezing and thawing processes of semen, an excess of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are formed. ROS ...