• Alta densidad de cárcavas en una cuenca representativa de la Pampa Ondulada 

      Worcel, Lucia; Maggi, Alejandro Esteban; Vangeli, Sebastián; Chagas, Celio Ignacio (Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, 2022-10-01)
      La erosión por cárcavas es un fenómeno irreversible que puede afectar el ciclo hidrológico de la microcuenca, incrementando laconectividad del paisaje y el movimiento del agua y sedimentos. En la Argentina, si bien se ...
    • Cover crop species affect N2O emissions at hotspot moments of summer crops 

      Vangeli, Sebastián; Restovich, Silvina Beatriz; Posse Beaulieu, Gabriela (Frontiers Media, 2022-06-01)
      The use of cover crops, combined with low N fertilization and no-tillage, reduces theenvironmental impacts of agriculture. Legume cover crops provide N to the agroecosystem and allow N fertilization to be reduced without ...
    • Effects of fertilizer type on nitrous oxide emission and ammonia volatilization in wheat and maize crops 

      Vangeli, Sebastián; Posse Beaulieu, Gabriela; Beget, Maria Eugenia; Otero Estrada, Edit; Valdettaro, Roció Antonella; Oricchio, Patricio; Kandus, Mariana Virginia; Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo (Wiley, 2022-01-28)
      About half of the applied nitrogen (N) is not consumed by crops, causing environmental and economic costs. This N can be lost as ammonia (NH3) volatilization, nitrous oxide (N2O) emission or leaching, among others. This ...
    • ¿Podemos mejorar las estimaciones de las emisiones de N2O en Argentina? 

      Said, Andrés; Posse Beaulieu, Gabriela; Vangeli, Sebastián; Popper, Azul (Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2023-06-02)
      La utilización de factores de emisión por defecto y de forma homogénea en todo el país en la estimación de las emisiones de óxido nitroso (N2O) derivadas de la aplicación de fertilizantes sintéticos en los Inventarios de ...
    • Revisiting sampling duration to estimate N2O emission factors for manure application and cattle excreta deposition for the UK and Ireland 

      Vangeli, Sebastián; Cardenas, Laura M.; Posse Beaulieu, Gabriela; Chadwick, Dave R.; Krol, Dominika; Thorman, Rachel E.; Lanigan, Gary J.; Misselbrook, Tom H. (Elsevier, 2022-08-29)
      According to the available guidelines, good practices for calculating nitrous oxide (N2O) emission factors (EFs) for livestock excreta and manure application include that sampling duration should be of at least one year ...
    • Riparian buffer strips influence nitrogen losses as nitrous oxide and leached N from upslope permanent pasture 

      Dlamini, J.C.; Cardenas, L.M.; Tesfamarian, E.H.; Dunn, R.M.; Loick, N.; Charteris, A.F.; Cocciaglia, L.; Vangeli, Sebastián; Blackwell, M.S.A.; Upadhayay, H.R.; Hawkins, J.M.B.; Evans, J.; Collins, A.L. (Elsevier, 2022-05-23)
      Riparian buffer strips can have a significant role in reducing nitrogen (N) transfers from agricultural land to freshwater primarily via denitrification and plant uptake processes, but an unintended trade-off can be elevated ...