Now showing items 1-20 of 29

    • A comparison between support vector machine and water Cloud model for estimating crop leaf area index 

      Hosseini, Mehdi; McNairn, Heather; Mitchell, Scott; Robertson, Laura Dingle; Davidson, Andrew; Ahmadian, Nima; Bhattacharya, Avik; Borg, Erik; Conrad, Christopher; Dabrowska Zielinska, Katarzyna; De Abelleyra, Diego; Gurdak, Radoslaw; Kumar, Vineet; Kussul, Nataliia; Mandal, Dipankar; Rao, Y.S.; Saliendra, Nicanor; Shelestov, Andrii; Spengler, Daniel; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Homayouni, Saeid; Becker Reshef, Inbal (MDPI, 2021-04-01)
      The water cloud model (WCM) can be inverted to estimate leaf area index (LAI) using the intensity of backscatter from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors. Published studies have demonstrated that the WCM can accurately ...
    • Agrohydrological analysis of groundwater recharge and land use changes in the Pampas of Argentina 

      Kroes, Joop; van Dam, Jos; Supit, Iwan; De Abelleyra, Diego; Veron, Santiago Ramón; de Wit, Allard; Boogaard, Hendrik; Angelini, Marcos Esteban; Damiano, Francisco; Groenendijk, Piet; Wesseling, Jan; Veldhuizen, Ab (Elsevier, 2019-03)
      This paper studies the changes of groundwater, climate and land use in the Pampas of Argentina. These changes offer opportunities and threats. Lowering groundwater without irrigation causes drought and successive crop and ...
    • An insight into the patterns and controls of the structure of South American Chaco woodlands 

      Ferraina, Antonella; Baldi, German; De Abelleyra, Diego; Grosfeld, Javier; Veron, Santiago Ramón (Wiley, 2022)
      Logging, grazing, wood extraction, and anthropogenic fires are pervasive throughout the subtropical dry vegetation of South America leading to changes in woodlands structure and ultimately its degradation. The Chac ohaco ...
    • Apropiación humana de la producción primaria en el Chaco Seco 

      Rueda, Carla V.; Baldi, Germán; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Jobbagy Gampel, Esteban Gabriel (Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2013-04)
      El Chaco Seco experimenta altas tasas de deforestación y transformación productiva. Estimamos la magnitud de la apropiación humana de la productividad primaria neta (PPN) aérea de esta región por vías directas (producción ...
    • Barriers and solutions to conducting large international, interdisciplinary research projects 

      Pischke, Erin C.; Knowlton, Jessie L.; Phifer, Colin C.; Gutierrez Lopez, José; Propato, Tamara Sofía; Eastmond, Amarella; Martins de Souza, Tatiana; Kuhlberg, Mark; Picasso Risso, Valentin; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Garcia, Carlos; Chiappe, Marta; Halvorsen, Kathleen E. (Springer, 2017-12)
      Global environmental problems such as climate change are not bounded by national borders or scientific disciplines, and therefore require international, interdisciplinary teamwork to develop understandings of their causes ...
    • Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to Support the Development of Agriculture Monitoring Applications with Sentinel-2 

      Bontemps, Sophie; Arias, Marcela; Cara, Cosmin; Dedieu, Gérard; Guzzonato, Eric; Hagolle, Olivier; Inglada, Jordi; Matton, Nicolas; Morin, David; Popescu, Ramona; Rabaute, Thierry; Savinaud, Mickael; Sepulcre, Guadalupe; Valero, Silvia; Ahmad, Ijaz; Bégué, Agnès; Wu, Bingfang; De Abelleyra, Diego; Diarra, Alhousseine; Dupuy, Stéphane; French, Andrew; Akhtar, Ibrar ul Hassan; Kussul, Nataliia; Lebourgeois, Valentine; Le Page, Michel; Newby, Terrence; Savin, Igor; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Koetz, Benjamin; Defourny, Pierre (MDPI, 2015-12)
      Developing better agricultural monitoring capabilities based on Earth Observation data is critical for strengthening food production information and market transparency. The Sentinel-2 mission has the optimal capacity for ...
    • Caracterización de rotaciones de cultivos y su impacto en el rendimiento y funcionamiento de sistemas agrícolas 

      De Abelleyra, Diego (Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2023-04-27)
      El análisis de las rotaciones de cultivos a escala regional requiere información histórica a nivel de lote que considere las diferentes condiciones presentes en el área. Esta información ha sido de escasa y dispersa en ...
    • Crop rotations in the Rolling Pampas: characterization, spatial pattern and its potential controls 

      De Abelleyra, Diego; Veron, Santiago Ramón (Elsevier, 2020-04-30)
      One of the most important decisions made by farmers every year involves land allocation to different crops. Accurate information on crop sequences over large areas is a key prerequisite to address social concerns as soybean ...
    • Desertification and ecosystem services supply : the case of the Arid Chaco of South America 

      Veron, Santiago Ramón; Blanco, Lisandro Javier; Texeira González, Marcos Alexis; Irisarri, Jorge Gonzalo Nicolás; Paruelo, José María (Elsevier, 2018-12)
      New integrated perspectives are increasingly needed to bridge the gap between biophysical and ecosystem services' based assessments of desertification. For a vast area of the dry Chaco region we sought to: (1) assess the ...
    • Detección de outliers en muestras de entrenamiento generadas mediante interpretación visual 

      Banchero, Santiago; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Petek, Mariana; Sarrailhe, Sofia; De Abelleyra, Diego (Sociedad Argentina de Informática, 2021-10-18)
      Las clasificaciones supervisadas son procesos extremadamente sensibles a la calidad de las muestras utilizadas. La presencia de outliers en las muestras de entrenamiento suele ser una fuente de error muy frecuente. El ...
    • Differential sensitivities of electricity consumption to global warming across regions of Argentina 

      Propato, Tamara Sofia; De Abelleyra, Diego; Semmartin, María Gisela; Veron, Santiago Ramón (Springer, 2021-05-27)
      The description of the relationship between temperature (T) and electricity consumption (EC) is key to improving our understanding of a potential climate change amplification feedback and, thus, energy planning. We sought ...
    • Discrimating the biophysical signal from human - induced effects on long - tern primary production dynamics. The case of Patagonia. 

      Irisarri, Jorge Gonzalo Nicolás; Texeira, Marcos; Oesterheld, Martín; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Della Nave, Facundo; Paruelo, José María (Wiley, 2021-09-01)
      The temporal trend of aboveground net primary production (ANPP) is frequently used to estimate the human effect on ecosystems. In water-limited ecosystems, like most grazing areas in the world, human effects act upon ANPP ...
    • First Large Extent and High Resolution Cropland and Crop Type Map of Argentina 

      De Abelleyra, Diego; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Banchero, Santiago; Mosciaro, Maria Jesus; Propato, Tamara Sofia; Ferraina, Antonella; Gómez Taffarel, Maria Cielo; Dacunto, Luciana; Franzoni, Agustin; Volante, Jose Norberto (International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2020-03-22)
      The availability of spatially explicit information about agricultural crops for large regions in Argentina is scarce. In particular, due to temporal dynamics of agricultural production (i.e. changes in planted crops from ...
    • Forest strips increase connectivity and modify forests functioning in a deforestation hotspot 

      Camba Sans, Gonzalo Hernán; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Paruelo, José María (Elsevier, 2021-04-28)
      Land use changes are occurring with unprecedented magnitude and intensity, imposing global impacts on ecosystem services (ES) and biodiversity. While the impacts of land use changes are increasingly recognized, understanding ...
    • Functional syndromes as indicators of ecosystem change in temperate grasslands 

      Texeira González, Marcos Alexis; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Irisarri, Jorge Gonzalo Nicolás; Oyarzabal, Mariano; Staiano, Luciana; Baeza, Santiago; Paruelo, José María (Elsevier, 2018-09-24)
      The lack of an organizing conceptual framework to address ecosystem changes reduces our capacity to distinguish biophysical from direct human impacts on grassland dynamics. This is particularly important for subhumid ...
    • Impacts of precipitation and temperature on crop yields in the Pampas 

      Veron, Santiago Ramón; De Abelleyra, Diego; Lobell, David B. (2015-05)
      Understanding regional impacts of recent climate trends can help anticipate how further climate change will affect agricultural productivity. We here used panel models to estimate the contribution of growing season ...
    • Mapa Nacional de Cultivos campaña 2018/2019 

      De Abelleyra, Diego; Banchero, Santiago; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Mosciaro, Maria Jesus; Volante, Jose Norberto; Boasso, Miguel Angel; Castrillo, Silvana Alejandra; Dacunto, Luciana; Ferraina, Antonella; Franzoni, Agustin; Gaitan, Juan Jose; Gómez Taffarel, María Cielo; Moreno, Andrea; Propato, Tamara Sofia (INTA, 2019-09-01)
      La disponibilidad de mapas que describan de manera precisa la localización de los principales cultivos extensivos de grano a escala nacional es un prerrequisito para numerosas aplicaciones. Por ejemplo, la estimación del ...
    • Mapa Nacional de Cultivos campaña 2021/2022 

      De Abelleyra, Diego; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Banchero, Santiago; Iturralde Elortegui, Maria Del Rosario Ma; Zelaya, Daniela Karina; Murray, Francisco; Martini, Juan Pablo; Valiente, Sebastián Omar; Puig, Omar; Maidana, Daniel Agustin; Portillo, Javier Esteban; Pezzola, Nestor Alejandro; Franzoni, Agustin; Kurtz, Ditmar Bernardo; Ybarra, Diego Daniel; Barrios, R.; Regonat, Arturo Jose; Martins, L.; Basanta, Maria; Winschel, Cristina Ines (INTA, 2022-10-01)
      Este informe presenta el Mapa Nacional de Cultivos (MNC) correspondiente a la campaña 2021/2022. De esta manera se completa una secuencia de mapas de 4 campañas agrícolas consecutivas: 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021 y ...
    • Mapa Nacional de cultivos, campaña 2022-2023. Versión 1 

      De Abelleyra, Diego; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Banchero, Santiago; Iturralde Elortegui, Maria Del Rosario Ma; Zelaya, Daniela Karina; Murray, Francisco; Martini, Juan Pablo; Valiente, Sebastián Omar; Maidana, Daniel Agustin; Portillo, Javier Esteban; Melilli, Maria Paula; Tejerina Diaz, Fabián Gerónimo; Volante, Jose Norberto; Goytia, Silvia Yanina; Benedetti, Pablo Eduardo; Kurtz, Ditmar Bernardo; Ybarra, Diego Daniel (INTA, 2023-11-01)
      Este informe presenta el Mapa Nacional de Cultivos (MNC) correspondiente a la campaña 2022/2023. De esta manera se completa una secuencia de mapas de 5 campañas agrícolas consecutivas: 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021, ...
    • Mapa Nacional de cultivos. Campaña 2019/2020. Versión 1 Publicación no. 2 

      De Abelleyra, Diego; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Banchero, Santiago; Mosciaro, Maria Jesus; Franzoni, Agustin; Boasso, Miguel Angel; Valiente, Sebastián Omar; Puig, Omar; Goytia, Silvia Yanina; Iturralde Elortegui, Maria Del Rosario Ma; Maidana, Daniel Agustin; Martini, Juan Pablo; Murray, Francisco; Marini, Mario Fabian; Propato, Tamara Sofia; Ferraina, Antonella; Gomez, Cielo; Sarrailhe, Sofía; Petek, Mariana; Messa, Juan Carlos; Kurtz, Ditmar Bernardo; Perucca, Alba Ruth; Benedetti, Pablo Eduardo; Muñoz, Sebastián Andrés; Volante, Jose Norberto (INTA, 2020-10-05)
      La planificación y ordenamiento del territorio para el desarrollo sustentable requieren del conocimiento detallado del uso de la tierra actual y su dinámica temporal. Los cambios en el uso del suelo tienen implicancias ...