• Small mammal responses to farming practices in central Argentinian agroecosystems: the use of hierarchical occupancy models 

      Gómez, María Daniela; Goijman, Andrea Paula; Coda, José Antonio; Serafini, Vanesa N.; Priotto, Jose Waldemar (Ecological Society of Australia, 2018-08)
      Organic farming is more environmentally friendly than conventional agriculture, promoting greater levels of habitat heterogeneity. Field borders could be more suitable for biodiversity in agricultural anthromes. Small ...
    • New data on the endangered Chacoan peccary (Catagonus wagneri) link the core distribution with its recently discovered southern population 

      Torres, Ricardo; Tamburini, Daniela Maria; Boaglio, Gabriel Ivan; Decarre, Julieta; Castro, Lucila; Lescano, Julián Norberto; Barri, Fernando Rafael (De Gruyter, 2018-09)
      The endangered Chacoan peccary (Catagonus wagneri Rusconi, 1930) has been recorded in western Paraguay, southeastern Bolivia and northern Argentina, reaching the north of Santiago del Estero province. Recently, however, ...
    • Functional syndromes as indicators of ecosystem change in temperate grasslands 

      Texeira González, Marcos Alexis; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Irisarri, Jorge Gonzalo Nicolás; Oyarzabal, Mariano; Staiano, Luciana; Baeza, Santiago; Paruelo, José María (Elsevier, 2018-09-24)
      The lack of an organizing conceptual framework to address ecosystem changes reduces our capacity to distinguish biophysical from direct human impacts on grassland dynamics. This is particularly important for subhumid ...
    • Genetic diversity and differentiation among Prosopis alba (Leguminosae) populations from dry valleys of Bolivia with different levels of human disturbance and altitude 

      Bessega, Cecilia Fabiana; Pometti, Carolina Luciana; López, Ramiro Pablo; Larrea Alcázar, Daniel; Fortunato, Renee Hersilia; Saidman, Beatriz Ofelia; Vilardi, Juan Cesar (Wiley, 2018-10-31)
      The fast expansion of human population around La Paz, Bolivia (3,200–4,100 m.a.s.l.) triggered new suburban settlements in nearby areas in valleys and mountain feet. The white mesquite, Prosopis alba Griseb. (Leguminosae), ...
    • Genetic parameters for growth, stem straightness, and branch quality for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii × Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis F1 Hybrid in Argentina 

      Belaber, Ector; Gauchat, Maria Elena; Reis, Hugo D.; Borralho, Nuno M.; Cappa, Eduardo Pablo (Oxford University Press, 2018-11)
      Genetic parameters for growth, stem straightness, and branch quality were estimated in five progeny trials of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii (PEE) × Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis (PCH) F1 hybrid measured at ages three, ...
    • Quantitative genetics and genomics converge to accelerate forest tree breeding 

      Grattapaglia, Dario; Silva Junior, Orzenil B.; Resende, Rafael T.; Cappa, Eduardo Pablo; Müller, Bárbara S. F.; Tan, Biyue; Isik, Fikret; Ratcliffe, Blaise; El-Kassaby, Yousry A. (2018-11)
      Forest tree breeding has been successful at delivering genetically improved material for multiple traits based on recurrent cycles of selection, mating, and testing. However, long breeding cycles, late flowering, variable ...
    • De novo transcriptome sequencing and SSR markers development for Cedrela balansae C.DC., a native tree species of northwest Argentina 

      Torales, Susana Leonor; Rivarola, Maximo Lisandro; Gonzalez, Sergio Alberto; Inza, Maria Virginia; Pomponio, Maria Florencia; Fernandez, Paula Del Carmen; Acuña, Cintia Vanesa; Zelener, Noga; Fornes, Luis Fernando; Hopp, Horacio Esteban; Paniego, Norma Beatriz; Marcucci Poltri, Susana Noemi (Plos One, 2018-12)
      The endangered Cedrela balansae C.DC. (Meliaceae) is a high-value timber species with great potential for forest plantations that inhabits the tropical forests in Northwestern Argentina.Research on this species is scarce ...
    • Desertification and ecosystem services supply : the case of the Arid Chaco of South America 

      Veron, Santiago Ramón; Blanco, Lisandro Javier; Texeira González, Marcos Alexis; Irisarri, Jorge Gonzalo Nicolás; Paruelo, José María (Elsevier, 2018-12)
      New integrated perspectives are increasingly needed to bridge the gap between biophysical and ecosystem services' based assessments of desertification. For a vast area of the dry Chaco region we sought to: (1) assess the ...
    • Discontinuities in quinoa biodiversity in the dry Andes: An 18 - century perspective based on allelic genotyping 

      Winkel, Thierry; Aguirre, María Gabriela; Arizio, Carla Marcela; Aschero, Carlos A.; Babot, María del Pilar; Benoit, Laure; Burgarella, Concentta; Costa Tártara, Sabrina María; Dubois, Marie - Pierre; Gay, Laurene; Hocsman, Salomon; Margaux, Jullien; López-Campery, Sara María; Manifesto, Maria Marcela; Navascues, Miguel; Oliszewski, Nurit; Pintar, Elizabeth; Zenboudji, Saliha; Bertero, Héctor Daniel; Joffre, Richard (Plos ONE, 2018-12-05)
      History and environment shape crop biodiversity, particularly in areas with vulnerable human communities and ecosystems. Tracing crop biodiversity over time helps understand how rural societies cope with anthropogenic or ...
    • “Avispa taladradora de las latifoliadas” Tremex fuscicornis 

      Landi, Lucas; Braccini, Celina Laura (Ediciones INTA, 2019)
      Tremex juscicornis es una avispa (orden Hymenoptera) de la familia Siricidae,que vulgarmente se conoce como "avispa taladradora de las latifoliadas". Las hembras de esta especie poseen cuerpo robusto,alargado y cilíndrico ...
    • Recursos genéticos ornamentales nativos de Argentina: de la colecta a la producción 

      Facciuto, Gabriela Rosa; Bologna, Paula; Bugallo, Veronica Lucia; Rivera, Marta Carolina (Sociedade Brasileira de Recursos Genéticos, 2019)
      El Instituto de Floricultura (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, Argentina), trabaja en proyectos de mejoramiento genético que contribuyen con la actividad florícola introduciendo al mercado nuevas variedades ...
    • Changes in vegetation seasonality and livestock stocking rate in La Pampa Province (Argentina) = Cambios en la estacionalidad de la vegetación y la carga animal en la provincia de La Pampa (Argentina) 

      Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo; Beget, Maria Eugenia; Campos, Alfredo Nicolas; Viglizzo, Ernesto Francisco; Jobbagy Gampel, Esteban Gabriel; Garcia, Alfredo Gabriel; Sycz, Alejandra; Cotroneo, Santiago (Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2019)
      Crop production is traversing expansion and intensification processes all over the planet and in consequence the large scale cattle production is being displaced to marginal lands with lower stocking capacity. The objective ...
    • Patagonian Desert 

      Gaitan, Juan Jose; Bran, Donaldo Eduardo; Oliva, Gabriel Esteban (Elsevier, 2019)
      The Argentinian Patagonia is a vast area (790,000-km2) of southern South America between 36° and 55°S. Almost 90% of the area is arid, semiarid or dry- subhumid (drylands) and covers important and heterogeneous ecological ...
    • Guía de evaluación a campo: Calidad estructural de suelos bajo siembra directa 

      Peralta, Guillermo Ezequiel; Bressan, Emiliano Miguel; Mortola, Natalia Andrea; Romaniuk, Romina Ingrid; Aciar, Martín; Agosti, María Belen; Mousegne, Fernando Jorge; Gil, Rodolfo Cesareo (AAPRESID, 2019)
      La siembra directa (SD) es el principal sistema de manejo de suelos de la Argentina, y en particular de la Región Pampeana. Actualmente, el área cultivada bajo siembra directa representa aproximadamente el 90% del área ...
    • Distribution and classification of soils 

      Rodriguez, Dario Martin; Schulz, Guillermo; Aleksa, Alicia Silvia; Tenti Vuegen, Leonardo Mauricio (Springer, 2019)
      The systematic survey of the soils in Argentina began in the 1960s, led by the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA). The US Soil Taxonomy was adopted as the soil classification system from the beginning of ...
    • Soils of the Chaco Region 

      Moretti, Lucas Martin; Morras, Hector; Pereyra, Fernando X.; Schulz, Guillermo (Springer, 2019)
      The Argentinian Chaco region belongs to an extensive ecoregion called “Great Chaco”, characterized by ample plains of fluvial aggradation and linked to the formation of large alluvial fans. The climate is semi-arid to ...
    • Antecedentes y cultivo del género Paulownia “Kiri” en Argentina 

      Lupi, Ana Maria; Flores Palenzona, Mario Horacio; Falconier, Marcelo; Tato Vazquez, Cecilia L. (INTA-Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca, 2019)
      En esta contribución se describen algunos aspectos básicos que deben tenerse en cuenta para el cultivo de Paulownia, género conocido vulgarmente en nuestro país como kiri. Una mirada a la bibliografía consultada al hacer ...
    • Potential Use of a poultry manure digestate as a Biofertiliser: evaluation of soil properties and Lactuca sativa growth 

      Mortola, Natalia Andrea; Romaniuk, Romina Ingrid; Cosentino, Vanina Rosa Noemi; Carfagno, Patricia; Rizzo, Pedro Federico; Bres, Patricia Alina; Riera, Nicolas; Roba, Marcos Andrés; Butti, Mariano; Sainz, Daiana Soledad; Brutti, Lucrecia Noemi; Eiza, Maximiliano Joaquin (2019-02)
      Anaerobic digestion is a process that is widely used for the treatment of organic wastes. The digestate can be used as a soil amendment or crop fertiliser. The aims of our work were to evaluate 1) the physicochemical ...
    • Agrohydrological analysis of groundwater recharge and land use changes in the Pampas of Argentina 

      Kroes, Joop; van Dam, Jos; Supit, Iwan; De Abelleyra, Diego; Veron, Santiago Ramón; de Wit, Allard; Boogaard, Hendrik; Angelini, Marcos Esteban; Damiano, Francisco; Groenendijk, Piet; Wesseling, Jan; Veldhuizen, Ab (Elsevier, 2019-03)
      This paper studies the changes of groundwater, climate and land use in the Pampas of Argentina. These changes offer opportunities and threats. Lowering groundwater without irrigation causes drought and successive crop and ...
    • A newly detected exotic ambrosia beetle in Argentina: Euwallacea interjectus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) 

      Landi, Lucas; Braccini, Celina Laura; Knížek, Milos; Pereyra, Vanina Antonella; Marvaldi, Adriana Elena (Florida Entomological Society, 2019-03)
      An exotic species of ambrosia beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) of Asian origin has been detected recently in Argentina. Euwallacea interjectus (Blandford) has been collected infesting cultivated poplars in ...