Browsing Artículos científicos by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 132
The Effects of Priming and Ageing on Seed Vigour in Tomato
(Oxford University Press, 1989-05)A comparison was made of the effects of seed priming or ageing treatments on the performance of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. UC204C) seeds according to a number of indices of seed vigour. A single lot of tomato ... -
Influence of Seed Vigor and Preplant Herbicides on Emergence, Growth, and Yield of Tomato
(American Society for Horticultural Science, 1990-03)The interactions of seed vigor with herbicides were studied with respect to seedling emergence, growth, and fruit yield of processing tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. UC204C). Seed vigor (speed of germination) ... -
Alternativas en la multiplicación de la cebolla
(1997)La cebolla es una planta bienal que bulbifica durante el primer año y florece en el segundo, dando semillas viables. Sin embargo esta especie también puede subsistir vegetativamente por medio de los bulbos, o mediante ... -
Evaluación morfológica de la rebrotación de plantas de cebolla (cv. Valcatorce INTA) para la producción de semillas
(Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 1999)La superficie cultivada con cebollas (Allium cepa L. var. cepa) en la Argentina hamostrado un constante incremento durante los últimos 10 años, alcanzando las 27.776 ha en 1998, con una producción de 699.360 t. La implantación ... -
Onion Cultivars Released by La Consulta Experiment Station, INTA, Argentina
(American Society for Horticultural Science, 2000-12)The onion crop is of great importance in Argentina and, with garlic (Allium sativum L.), is the main fresh vegetable exported. The principal market for Argentine onions is Brazil, with significant exports to Europe and the ... -
Inheritance of Vernalization Requirement in Carrot
(American Society for Horticultural Science, 2007-07)Carrot (Daucus carota L.) is a cool-season vegetable normally classified as a biennial or winter annual species, requiring vernalization to induce flowering. Nevertheless, some cultivars adapted to warmer climates require ... -
Effect of heating on onion (Allium cepa L.) antiplatelet activity and pungency sensory perception
(Sage Publications, 2007-12)Onion, in its raw form, is recognized as an antiplatelet agent that may contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular disease. In raw onions, the content of pyruvate, is significantly correlated with antiplatelet activity ... -
Efectos de la implantación de cepellones con diferente número de plantas en cultivos para la producción de semilla de cebolla
(ASAHO, 2009-04)Se realizaron ensayos durante tres temporadas en Mendoza, Argentina, para establecer los efectos de la implantación de cepellones con diferente número de plantas sobre la producción de semilla de cebolla. Se empleó el ... -
Transcriptome changes in grapevine (Vitis viniferaL.) cv. Malbec leaves induced by ultraviolet-B radiation
(2010-10)Ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280-315 nm) is a natural component of sunlight, which has numerous regulatory effects on plant physiology. The nature of the response to UV-B is dependent on fluence rate, dose, duration and ... -
Genetic analysis of a garlic (Allium sativum L.) germplasm collection from Argentina
(Elsevier, 2012-05)Although garlic spreads asexually, it shows a wide diversity for physiologic, morphologic and agronomic characters, due to the accumulation of mutations. Our objective was to examine the genetic diversity of a collection ... -
Garlic scape, an alternative food with human health benefits
(ISHS, 2012-12)Garlic (Allium sativum L.) has been used as a medicinal agent for thousands of years. Attributes like, antioxidant properties, heart disease prevention, including atherosclerosis, and also reduction of both plasma cholesterol ... -
Yield stability of ten garlic (Allium sativum) clonal cultivars in northern Patagonia, Argentina
(International Society for Horticultural Science, 2012-12)Since 1989, the Garlic Project of INTA (The National Institute of Agricultural Technology, Argentina) has obtained an important number of clonal cultivars by means of clonal selection. Those high yielding and top quality ... -
Variability of Allium sativum group sativum clones in Mendoza, Argentina
(International Society for Horticultural Science, 2012-12)Garlic came to Argentina mainly with the European immigration during the past century. Among the group sativum populations entered the most important were those brought by Italian and Spanish. Although accepted to belong ... -
Efectos de la fecha de siembra y trasplante y la densidad de implantación de miniraíces de zanahoria sobre la producción de semillas = Effects of sowing and transplant date and planting density of carrot stecklings on seed production
(Asociación Argentina de Horticultura, 2013)El empleo de miniraíces es una alternativa para implantar el cultivo de zanahoria destinado a la producción de semillas. Para su utilización se necesita establecer la fecha de siembra y trasplante y la densidad de ... -
Changes in leaf size and in the rate of leaf production contribute to cytokinin-mediated growth promotion in Epipremnum aureum L. cuttings
(2013)The growth of ornamental foliage plants is often limited by pot size, which exerts a restriction on root growth and, therefore, on the production of root-synthesised cytokinins which play key regulatory roles in the ... -
Effect of colchicine and amiprophos-methyl on the production of in vitro doubled haploid onion plants and correlation assessment between ploidy level and stomatal size = Efecto de la colchicina y del amiprofos-metil en la producción in vitro de plantas dihaploides de cebolla y determinación de la correlación entre el nivel de ploidía y tamaño de los estomas
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2013)Doubled haploid onion (Allium cepa L.) plants allow the production of completely homozygous lines for a later production of hybrids. The haploid plants are normally produced using in vitro gynogenesis. The obtained haploid ... -
Caracterización por contenido de β-carotenos de ocho cultivares de zanahoria (Daucus carota L.) y su relación con el color = Characterization β-carotene content of eight cultivars of carrot (Daucus carota L.) and its relation to the color
(Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, 2013)El objetivo fue determinar, durante dos años, el contenido de β-caroteno y su relación con el Índice de Color (IC), de ocho cultivares comerciales del tipo 'Flakkee' cultivadas en el INTA La Consulta. El diseño ... -
Avances en la mejora genética de tomate para industria = Advances in genetic breeding for processing tomatoes
(Asociación Argentina Horticultura, 2013)En el 2001, en la EEA La Consulta, INTA, se comenzó un trabajo de mejora genética en tomate para industria, asistido por marcadores moleculares, con el objetivo principal de generar cultivares autopolinizadas, especialmente ... -
Molecular mapping of vernalization requirement and fertility restoration genes in carrot
(2013-02)Carrot (Daucus carota L.) is a cool-season vegetable normally classified as a biennial species, requiring vernalization to induce flowering. Nevertheless, some cultivars adapted to warmer climates require less vernalization ... -
Genetic structure and domestication of carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) (Apiaceae)
(2013-05)• Premise of the study: Analyses of genetic structure and phylogenetic relationships illuminate the origin and domestication of modern crops. Despite being an important worldwide vegetable, the genetic structure and ...