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Desarrollo de un producto en base a carne de cordero con énfasis en su contenido de sodio
Desarrollo de un producto en base a carne de corderocon énfasis en su contenido de sodio.
En Argentina la carne de cordero es la menos consumida en relación a las demás carnes (1,5kg/hab/año de un total aproximado de 127 kg de carne/hab/año). Este producto no forma parte de la dieta habitual por múltiples razones: por falta de costumbre y desconocimiento, porque no se ofrece en cortes prácticos, porque su disponibilidad suele ser más bien estacional y
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Desarrollo de un producto en base a carne de corderocon énfasis en su contenido de sodio.
En Argentina la carne de cordero es la menos consumida en relación a las demás carnes (1,5kg/hab/año de un total aproximado de 127 kg de carne/hab/año). Este producto no forma parte de la dieta habitual por múltiples razones: por falta de costumbre y desconocimiento, porque no se ofrece en cortes prácticos, porque su disponibilidad suele ser más bien estacional y por prejuicios en cuanto a su valor nutricional, entre otras causas. Por otro lado la hamburguesa es uno de los productos congelados más consumidos y uno de los productos cárnicos más comunes, extensamente aceptado por la población. En general este es un producto cárnico que contiene elevadas cantidades de sodio. En relación a esto, uno de los problemas más preocupantes de la actualidad a nivel global son las enfermedades no transmisibles que generan en conjunto más muertes al año que todas las demás causas combinadas. La hipertensión es la principal causante de enfermedades cardiovasculares y cerebrovasculares y se relaciona íntimamente con consumo elevado de sodio de la población. En Argentina se consumen en promedio 12g de sal por día (≈4800mg de sodio) cuando el máximo recomendado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud son 5g (≈2000mg de sodio). Aproximadamente el 70% del sodio que se ingiere diariamente proviene de los alimentos procesados y ultraprocesados, y el estilo de vida actual de las sociedades urbanas está ligado al incremento de su consumo.
Sin embargo, es posible la reducción de sodio en los alimentos por diversas técnicas. La legislación actual contempla esta problemática y mediante la Ley de regulación del consumo de sodio tiende a adecuar los contenidos hacia valores mínimos.
El objetivo de esta Tesis fue desarrollar un producto a base de carne de cordero como alternativa innovadora para incentivar el consumo de este tipo de carne, poniendo especial énfasis en su contenido de sodio sin afectar la percepción de gusto salado.
Se trabajó con carne de corderos de ≈25kg de peso vivo procedentes de la Región Mesopotámica argentina.
Como estrategia para generar un producto con menor contenido de sodio sin alterar la percepción de gusto salado, se utilizó una sal especial conformada por microesferas cristalinas huecas de cloruro de sodio de 10-20μm de diámetro (SODA-LO™). Al no disponer en nuestro mercado de productos cárnicos similares, se definió como referencia del contenido de sodio la concentración mínima hallada entre las hamburguesas de carne bovina disponibles comercialmente.
Se caracterizó la calidad de carne de los corderos utilizados. La misma presentó valores de pH normales (pH45: 6,67 ± 0,16; pHu: 5,72 ± 0,16), parámetros de color: L*: 35,85 ± 3,27, a*: 13,13 ± 2,11, b*: 11,75 ± 1,31, pérdidas por cocción (39,50 ± 3,12%) levemente mayores a los reportadas por otros autores, resistencia a un esfuerzo de cizalla (29,95 ± 3,49N) similar a las reportadas en corderos livianos, contenido de grasa intramuscular (2,35 ± 0,76g/100g de carne) reducido con respecto a la bibliografía revisada y composición lipídica comparable, constituyendo una materia prima de calidad.
Se logró formular una hamburguesa con un 17% de reducción de sodio respecto a la hamburguesa control. Para definir esta formulación se constituyó un panel sensorial de evaluadores entrenados en percepción de gusto salado con el cual, mediante pruebas, se determinó la formulación a la que no se hallaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas de gusto salado con respecto a la hamburguesa control.
El producto final presentó calidad microbiológica (recuentos totales en placa 4,17 y 6,11 log UFC/g y recuento de coliformes totales hasta 43 NMP/g), propiedades tecnológicas aceptables (rendimiento luego de cocción: 77,07 ± 4,31%, Humedad Expresable: 20,92 ± 1,26%, análisis del perfil de textura: dureza: 271,51 ± 19,58N, elasticidad: 0,81 ± 0,03, cohesividad: 0,54 ± 0,05, masticabilidad: 119,24 ± 23,25N) y propiedades nutricionales comparables a las hamburguesas
comerciales (por porción de 70g: valor energético 125 Kcal; proteínas 12,11g; grasas totales 8,53g de las cuales: grasas saturadas 4,07g y grasas trans 0g, y sodio 371mg).
Como herramienta a considerar para una futura comercialización de las hamburguesas de cordero, es importante destacar que el producto final obtuvo un nivel alto aceptabilidad sensorial en la prueba realizada con consumidores, con un 87,5% de opiniones positivas.
Development of a lamb meat product with emphasis on its sodium content.
Lamb meat is the less consumed by the population in Argentina comparing to all other meats (1.5kg/hab/year of a total meat consumption of 127kg/hab/year). The lack of habit and knowledge plus a prejudgment regarding its nutritional value are some of the reasons. Its seasonal availability and the absence of cuts also play an important role.
On the other hand, the burger is one of the most consumed frozen products and one of the most common meat products extensively accepted by the population. In general, this is a meat-based product that contains high amounts of sodium. In this regard, one of major topics globally speaking today are the non-communicable diseases (NCDs), that yearly cause more deaths than all other causes combined.
Hypertension is the principal cause of heart diseases and strokes and it is intimately related to the excessive intake of sodium within the population. The mean intake of salt in Argentina is 12g daily (≈4800g of sodium) despite the recommendation of the WHO is 5g/day (≈2000mg of sodium). Approximately 70% of the sodium daily intake comes from processed and ultra-processed food. It is worth pointing out that the actual lifestyle of urban communities is linked to the increase of consumption of these.
Nevertheless, it is possible to reduce food sodium through various techniques. The current legislation contemplates this problematic and, through the Regulation of Sodium Intake Statute, tends to adequate the contents to minimum values.
The aim of this Thesis was to develop a product made with lamb meat as an innovative alternative to encourage the consumption of this type of meat with special attention to its sodium content without affecting the perception of a salty taste.
The lambs used in this work (≈25kg live weight) came from the Mesopotamic Region of Argentina and it was used a special salt conformed of hollow crystalline microspheres of sodium chloride (NaCl) of 10-20m of diameter (SODA-LO™). This salt constituted the strategy to achieve the same salty perception with less sodium content. Due to the absence of similar lamb meat products in the local market, it was defined as reference of the sodium content the minimum found among beef burgers available in the local market.
Meat quality of lambs was assessed. pH values were normal (pH45: 6.67 ± 0.16; pHu: 5.72 ± 0.16); meat color parameters (L*: 35.85 ± 3.27, a*: 13.13 ± 2.11, b*: 11.75 ± 1.31) showed differences with respect to other sources consulted; cooking loss values (39.50 ± 3.12%) were slightly higher than the reported by other authors; the results of Warner Bratzler Shear Force (29.95 ± 3.49N) were similar to the reports in light lambs. Intramuscular fat value (2.35 ± 0.76g/100g of meat) was the lowest respect to values reported by other authors and lipid composition was comparable, constituting a quality raw material.
A lamb burger with 17% less sodium with respect to the control burger was developed. To define that formulation, a sensory panel of members was trained in salty taste perception to establish the formulation where no statistically significant differences in salty taste respect to the control burger were found.
The final product presented microbiological quality (total plate counts between 4.17 and 6.11 log CFUs/g and total coliform counts to 43 MPN/g), acceptable technological properties (Cooking Yield: 77.07±4.31%, Expressible Moisture: 20.92±1.26%, Texture Profile Analysis: hardness: 271.51±19.58 N, springiness: 0.81±0,03, cohesiveness: 0.54±0,05, chewiness: 119.24±23.25 N) and nutritional properties comparable to those of commercial burgers (per portion of 70g: energetic value 125Kcal; protein 12.11g; total fat: 8.53g of which: saturated fats: 4.07g and trans fat: 0g; and sodium 371mg)
The final product obtained a high rate in hedonic test with consumers, with 87.5% of positive reviews. This result is an essential tool to be taken into consideration in a future commercialization of lamb burgers.
Lamb meat is the less consumed by the population in Argentina comparing to all other meats
(1.5kg/hab/year of a total meat consumption of 127kg/hab/year). The lack of habit and knowledge
plus a prejudgment regarding its nutritional value are some of the reasons. Its seasonal availability
and the absence of cuts also play an important role.
On the other hand, the burger is one of the most consumed frozen products and one of the most
common meat
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Lamb meat is the less consumed by the population in Argentina comparing to all other meats
(1.5kg/hab/year of a total meat consumption of 127kg/hab/year). The lack of habit and knowledge
plus a prejudgment regarding its nutritional value are some of the reasons. Its seasonal availability
and the absence of cuts also play an important role.
On the other hand, the burger is one of the most consumed frozen products and one of the most
common meat products extensively accepted by the population. In general, this is a meat-based
product that contains high amounts of sodium. In this regard, one of major topics globally speaking
today are the non-communicable diseases (NCDs), that yearly cause more deaths than all other
causes combined.
Hypertension is the principal cause of heart diseases and strokes and it is intimately related to the
excessive intake of sodium within the population. The mean intake of salt in Argentina is 12g daily
(≈4800g of sodium) despite the recommendation of the WHO is 5g/day (≈2000mg of sodium).
Approximately 70% of the sodium daily intake comes from processed and ultra-processed food. It
is worth pointing out that the actual lifestyle of urban communities is linked to the increase of
consumption of these.
Nevertheless, it is possible to reduce food sodium through various techniques. The current
legislation contemplates this problematic and, through the Regulation of Sodium Intake Statute,
tends to adequate the contents to minimum values.
The aim of this Thesis was to develop a product made with lamb meat as an innovative alternative
to encourage the consumption of this type of meat with special attention to its sodium content
without affecting the perception of a salty taste. The lambs used in this work (≈25kg live weight) came from the Mesopotamic Region of Argentina and it was used a special salt conformed of hollow crystalline microspheres of sodium chloride (NaCl) of 10-20m of diameter (SODA-LO™). This salt constituted the strategy to achieve the same salty perception with less sodium content. Due to the absence of similar lamb meat products in the local market, it was defined as reference of the sodium content the minimum found among beef burgers available in the local market.
Meat quality of lambs was assessed. pH values were normal (pH45: 6.67 ± 0.16; pHu: 5.72 ± 0.16); meat color parameters (L*: 35.85 ± 3.27, a*: 13.13 ± 2.11, b*: 11.75 ± 1.31) showed differences with respect to other sources consulted; cooking loss values (39.50 ± 3.12%) were slightly higher than the reported by other authors; the results of Warner Bratzler Shear Force (29.95 ± 3.49N) were similar to the reports in light lambs. Intramuscular fat value (2.35 ± 0.76g/100g of meat) was the lowest respect to values reported by other authors and lipid composition was comparable, constituting a quality raw material.
A lamb burger with 17% less sodium with respect to the control burger was developed. To define that formulation, a sensory panel of members was trained in salty taste perception to establish the formulation where no statistically significant differences in salty taste respect to the control burger were found.
The final product presented microbiological quality (total plate counts between 4.17 and 6.11 log CFUs/g and total coliform counts to 43 MPN/g), acceptable technological properties (Cooking Yield: 77.07±4.31%, Expressible Moisture: 20.92±1.26%, Texture Profile Analysis: hardness: 271.51±19.58 N, springiness: 0.81±0,03, cohesiveness: 0.54±0,05, chewiness: 119.24±23.25 N) and nutritional properties comparable to those of commercial burgers (per portion of 70g: energetic value 125Kcal; protein 12.11g; total fat: 8.53g of which: saturated fats: 4.07g and trans fat: 0g; and sodium 371mg). The final product obtained a high rate in hedonic test with consumers, with 87.5% of positive reviews. This result is an essential tool to be taken into consideration in a future commercialization of lamb burgers.

Director de Tesis
Tesis para obtener el grado de Máster Internacional en Tecnología de los Alimentos, presentada en la Universitá Degli Studi Di Parma; Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en marzo de 2016
Tipo de documento
tesis de maestría
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