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Mostrando ítems 1-19 de 19
Bread wheat cultivar Popo harbors QTLs for seedling and adult plant resistance to leaf rust in South African and Argentine environments
Figlan, Sandiswa; Hlongoane, Tsepiso; Bainotti, Carlos Tomas; Campos, Pablo Eduardo; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Tranquilli, Gabriela; Tsilo, Toi John (Elsevier, 2024-12)Leaf rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia triticina Eriks (Pt), is a destructive disease affecting wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in many countries, and a serious threat to food security. As a result, several ... -
Dissecting genetic loci of yield, yield components, and protein content in bread wheat nested association mapping population
Donaire, Guillermo Manuel; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Conde, María Belén; Bainotti, Carlos Tomas; Mir, Leticia Raquel; Borrás, Lucas; Chicaiza, Oswaldo; Helguera, Marcelo (Springer, 2023-05)In the last century wheat breeding programs have shown consistent yield increases, often associated with lower grain protein concentrations (GPC). A better understanding of the genetic basis of grain yield and grain protein ... -
Effect of high molecular weight glutenins and rye translocations on soft wheat flour cookie quality
Moiraghi, Malena; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Pfluger, Laura Alicia; Helguera, Marcelo; Pérez, GabrielaTeresa (2013-11)The influence of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) on wheat breadmaking quality has been extensively studied but the effect of different Glu-1 alleles on cookie quality is still poorly understood. This study ... -
Effect of Vrn-1, Ppd-1 genes and earliness per se on heading time in Argentinean bread wheat cultivars
Gomez, Dionisio Tomas; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Helguera, Marcelo; Lombardo, Lucio; Fraschina, Jorge Alberto; Miralles, D.J. (2014-03)Predicting phenology, in particular heading time, is crucial to avoid and/or minimize risk of damage of frost, drought and high temperatures during grain filling. Although some of the major genes controlling development, ... -
Exogenous Gibberellins Induce Wheat Spike Development under Short Days Only in the Presence of VERNALIZATION1
Pearce, Stephen; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Dubcovsky, Jorge (2013-11)The activation of the meristem identity gene VERNALIZATION1 (VRN1) is a critical regulatory point in wheat (Triticum spp.) flowering. In photoperiod-sensitive wheat varieties, VRN1 is expressed only under long days (LDs), ... -
Fine mapping and epistatic interactions of the vernalization gene VRN-D4 in hexaploid wheat
Kippes, Néstor Fabián; Zhu, Jie; Chen, Andrew; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Lukaszewski, Adam; Nishida, Hidetaka; Kato, Kenji; Dvorak, Jan; Dubcovsky, Jorge (2014-02)Wheat vernalization requirement is mainly controlled by the VRN1, VRN2, VRN3, and VRN4 genes. The first three have been cloned and have homoeologs in all three genomes. VRN4 has been found only in the D genome (VRN-D4) and ... -
Genetic structure of Argentinean hexaploid wheat germplasm
Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Yerkovich, Nadia; Chialvo, Eugenia; Lombardo, Lucio; Vaschetto, Luis; Helguera, Marcelo (2013-05)The identification of genetically homogeneous groups of individuals is an ancient issue in population genetics and in the case of crops like wheat, it can be valuable information for breeding programs, genetic mapping and ... -
Identification and characterization of Rht25, a locus on chromosome arm 6AS affecting wheat plant height, heading time, and spike development
Youngjun Mo; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Hale, Iago; Spagnolo, Emiliano J.; Guidobaldi, Fabio; Al-Oboudi, Jassim; Odle, Natalie; Pearce, Stephen; Helguera, Marcelo; Dubcovsky, Jorge (2018)Understanding genes regulating wheat plant height is important to optimize harvest index and maximize grain yield. In modern wheat varieties grown under high-input conditions, the gibberellin-insensitive semi-dwarfing ... -
Identification and validation of QTL for spike fertile floret and fruiting efficiencies in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Pretini, Nicole; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Terrile, Ignacio Ismael; Börner, Andreas; Plieske, Jörg; Ganal, Martin; Röder, Marion; Gonzalez, Fernanda Gabriela (Springer, 2020-06)The spike fruiting efficiency (FE—grains per unit spike dry weight at anthesis, GN/SDW) is a promising trait to improve wheat yield potential. It depends on fertile floret efficiency (fertile florets per unit SDW—FFE, ... -
Identification of leaf rust resistance genes in selected Argentinean bread wheat cultivars by gene postulation and molecular markers
Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Campos, Pablo Eduardo; Demichelis, Melina; Lombardo, Lucio; Aurelia, Paola Romina; Vaschetto, Luis María; Bainotti, Carlos Tomas; Helguera, Marcelo (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2011)Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks. is a common and widespread disease of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), in Argentina. Host resistance is the most economical, effective and ecologically sustainable method ... -
Interaction of methyl-jasmonate and Fusarium poae in bread wheat
Dinolfo, María Inés; Martínez, Mauro; Castañares, Eliana; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Rossi, Franco Rubén; Stenglein, Sebastian Alberto; Arata, Agustin Francisco (Elsevier, 2022-10)Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) is a devastating disease that affects the grain yield and quality of essential crops such as wheat. In the last years, some Fusarium species have acquired particular importance as Fusarium poae. ... -
Mapping QTL for spike fertility and related traits in two doubled haploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) populations
Pretini, Nicole; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Terrile, Ignacio Ismael; Donaire, Guillermo Manuel; Gonzalez, Fernanda Gabriela (BMC, 2021-07)Background: In breeding programs, the selection of cultivars with the highest yield potential consisted in the selection of the yield per se, which resulted in cultivars with higher grains per spike (GN) and occasionally ... -
MITE Tracker : an accurate approach to identify miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements in large genomes
Crescente, Juan Manuel; Zavallo, Diego; Helguera, Marcelo; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian (BioMed Central, 2018)Background: Miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) are short, non-autonomous class II transposable elements present in a high number of conserved copies in eukaryote genomes. An accurate identification ... -
MS INTA 416 : a new Argentinean wheat cultivar carrying Fhb1 and Lr47 resistance genes
Bainotti, Carlos Tomas; Lewis, Silvina; Campos, Pablo Eduardo; Alberione, Enrique Javier; Salines, Nicolas; Gomez, Dionisio Tomas; Fraschina, Jorge Alberto; Salines, Jose Hector; Formica, Maria Beatriz; Donaire, Guillermo Manuel; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Lombardo, Lucio; Nisi, María Mercedes; Cuniberti, Martha Beatriz; Mir, Leticia Raquel; Conde, María Belén; Helguera, Marcelo (2017-09)MS INTA 416 is a hard red winter wheat selected for high yield potential and good bread-making quality, combined with moderate resistance to Fusarium-head-blight and high resistance to leaf-rust, due mainly to presence of ... -
New insight into the wheat chromosome 4 D structure and virtual gene order, relead by survey pyrosequencing
Helguera, Marcelo; Rivarola, Maximo Lisandro; Clavijo, Bernardo; Martis, Mihaela M.; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Gonzalez, Sergio Alberto; Garbus, Ingrid; Leroy, Phillippe; Simková, Hana; Valárik, Miroslav; Caccamo, Mario; Dolezel, Jaroslav; Mayer, Klaus F.X.; Feuillet, Catherine; Tranquilli, Gabriela; Paniego, Norma Beatriz; Echenique, Carmen Viviana (2015)Survey sequencing of the bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genome (AABBDD) has been approached through different strategies delivering important information. However, the current wheat sequence knowledge is not complete. ... -
Phenobook : an open source software for phenotypic data collection
Crescente, Juan Manuel; Guidobaldi, Fabio; Demichelis, Melina; Formica, Maria Beatriz; Helguera, Marcelo; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian (2017-04)Background: Research projects often involve observation, registration, and data processing starting from information obtained in field experiments. In many cases, these tasks are carried out by several persons in different ... -
Physiological and environmental dissection of developmental drivers for predicting heading date in wheat based on Vrn1, Ppd1 and Eps-D1 allelic characterization
Jardón, Mariana; Alvarez Prado, Santiago; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Gonzalez, Fernanda Gabriela; Pérez Gianmarco, Thomas; Gomez, Dionisio Tomas; Serrago, Román A.; Dubcovsky, Jorge; Miralles, Daniel J. (Elsevier, 2023-03)Heading time is a critical feature determining wheat performance. Over the years, average global temperatures have increased, leading to adjustments in agronomic practices such as sowing dates and cultivar election. Bread ... -
Relationship between soft wheat flour physicochemical composition and cookie‐making performance
Moiraghi, Malena; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Bainotti, Carlos Tomas; Helguera, Marcelo; Leon, Alberto Edel; Perez, Gabriela Teresa (Wiley, 2011-03)Nowadays in Argentina, cookies, crackers, and cakes are made of flour obtained from bread wheat with additives or enzymes that decrease the gluten strength but increase production costs. The present research work aims to ... -
RYR1 gene variability and effect on meat pH in Argentinean hybrids swines = Variabilidad del gen RYR1 y efecto en el pH de la carne en cerdos híbridos argentinos
Marini, Sebastián José; Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian; Borelli, Valeria Soledad; Villarreal, Augusto Orlando; Denegri, David; Cottura, Germán Andrés; Panichelli, Darío; Silva, Patricia; Campagna, D.; Spiner, Naum Leonardo; Brunori, Jorge Carlos; Franco, Raul Enrique (Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2012)The RYR1 gene is the principal cause of the porcine stress syndrome (PSS) and the presence of pale, soft and exudative meat (PSE) in swine. In Argentina there are no reports about the variability of RYR1 gene in hybrid ...