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Effect of high molecular weight glutenins and rye translocations on soft wheat flour cookie quality
The influence of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) on wheat breadmaking quality has been extensively studied but the effect of different Glu-1 alleles on cookie quality is still poorly understood. This study was conducted to analyze the effect of HMW-GS composition and wheat-rye translocations on physicochemical flour properties and cookie quality of soft wheat flours. Alleles encoded at Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 locus had a significant
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The influence of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) on wheat breadmaking quality has been extensively studied but the effect of different Glu-1 alleles on cookie quality is still poorly understood. This study was conducted to analyze the effect of HMW-GS composition and wheat-rye translocations on physicochemical flour properties and cookie quality of soft wheat flours. Alleles encoded at Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 locus had a significant effect over physicochemical flour properties and solvent retention capacity (SRC) profile. The null allele for Glu-A1 locus presented the highest cookie factor observed (CF = 7.10), whereas 1BL/1RS and 1AL/1RS rye translocations had a negative influence on CF. The three cultivars that showed the highest CF (19, 44 and 47) had the following combination: Glu-A1 = null, Glu-B1 = 7 + 8, Glu-D1 = 2 + 12 and no secalins. Two prediction equations were developed to estimate soft wheat CF: one using the HMW-GS composition and the other using physicochemical flour parameters, where SRCsuc, SRC carb, water-soluble pentosans, damaged starch and protein turned out to be better CF predictors. This data suggests that grain protein allelic composition and physicochemical flour properties can be useful tools in breeding programs to select soft wheat of good cookie making quality.

Moiraghi, Malena;
Vanzetti, Leonardo Sebastian;
Pfluger, Laura Alicia;
Helguera, Marcelo;
Pérez, GabrielaTeresa;
Journal of cereal science 58 (3) : 424-430. (Nov. 2013)
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