Mostrando ítems 81-100 de 216

    • Delineación y codificación de cuencas hidrográficas en la Patagonia Austral 

      Diaz, Boris Gaston; Giménez, Melisa; Almonacid, Leandro; Gaspari, Fernanda Julia; Bertinat, Mariano; Peri, Pablo Luis (Universidad Nacional del Comahue, 2021-11-11)
      La definición de la cuenca hidrográfica es fundamental para enfrentar los desafíos de la gestión integrada de los recursos hídricos, considerando las demandas sociales, productivas y ambientales. Su apropiada delimitación ...
    • Survival and growth of Nothofagus pumilio seedlings under several microenvironments after variable retention harvesting in southern Patagonian forests 

      Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José; Soler Esteban, Rosina Matilde; Cellini, Juan Manuel; Lencinas, María Vanessa; Peri, Pablo Luis; Neyland, Mark Geoffrey (Springer, 2014-05-01)
      Context: Variable retention prescriptions for Nothofagus pumilio forests provide for biodiversity conservation and natural regeneration by controlled opening of the canopy. Harvesting generates different microenvironments ...
    • Drivers of seedling establishment success in dryland restoration efforts. 

      Shackelford, Nancy; Paterno, Gustavo B.; Winkler, Daniel E.; Erickson, Todd E.; Leger, Elizabeth A.; Svejcar, Lauren N.; Breed , Martin F.; Faist, Akasha M.; Harrison, Peter A.; Curran, Michael F.; Peri, Pablo Luis; Suding, Katharine L. (Springer Nature, 2021-09)
      Restoration of degraded drylands is urgently needed to mitigate climate change, reverse desertification and secure livelihoods for the two billion people who live in these areas. Bold global targets have been set for dryland ...
    • Cartografía de un nuevo Modelo de Estados y Transiciones de la Estepa Magallánica Seca en la Patagonia argentina 

      Schenkel, Cintia Anahi; Oliva, Gabriel Esteban; Paredes, Paula Natalia; Humano, Gervasio; Ferrante, Daniela (Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2021-08)
      Analizamos 103 censos de vegetación de la Estepa Magallánica Seca, un área de 12000 km2 de estepas graminosas semiáridas en el SE de la Patagonia. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron ampliar el relevamiento de ...
    • BAAD: A biomass and allometry database for woody plants. 

      Falster, Daniel S.; Duursma, Remko A.; Ishihara, Masae I.; Barneche, Diego R.; FitzJohn, Richard G.; Vårhammar, Angelica; Aiba, Masahiro.; Ando, Makoto; Anten, Niels; Aspinwall, Michael J.; Gargaglione, Veronica Beatriz; Peri, Pablo Luis; York, Robert A. (Ecological Society of America, 2015-05-01)
      Understanding how plants are constructed—i.e., how key size dimensions and the amount of mass invested in different tissues varies among individuals—is essential for modeling plant growth, carbon stocks, and energy fluxes ...
    • Lamb and wool provisioning ecosystem services in Southern Patagonia 

      Peri, Pablo Luis; Rosas, Yamina Micaela; Rivera, Emilio Hernan; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José (MDPI, 2021-07-30)
      In Southern Patagonia, grasslands are the principal food resource for sheep reared for meat and wool as the main provisioning ecosystem services (ES). The main objective of this study was to model lamb and wool production ...
    • Neochelanops michaelseni (Pseudoscorpiones: Chernetidae) as potential bioindicator in managed and unmanaged Nothofagus forests of Tierra del Fuego 

      Lencinas, María Vanessa; Kreps, Gastón; Soler Esteban, Rosina Matilde; Peri, Pablo Luis; Porta, Andres; Ramirez, Martín; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José (BioOne, 2015-11-01)
      Bioindicators could act as early warning indicators of environmental changes, ecosystem stress or taxonomic diversity. Pseudoscorpions have rarely been used as bioindicators, due to lack of information about their ecology, ...
    • Improving the knowledge of plant potential biodiversity-ecosystem services links using maps at the regional level in Southern Patagonia. 

      Rosas, Yamina Micaela; Peri, Pablo Luis; Lencinas, María Vanessa; Lasagno, Romina Gisele; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José (Springer, 2021-07-22)
      Background: Biodiversity supports multiple ecosystem services, whereas species loss endangers the provision of many services and affects ecosystem resilience and resistance capacity. The increase of remote sensing techniques ...
    • Comment on “Worldwide evidence of a unimodal relationship between productivity and plant species richness” 

      Tredennick, Andrew T.; Adler, Peter B.; Grace, James B.; Harpole, W. Stanley; Borer, Elizabeth T.; Seabloom, Eric William; Anderson, T. Michael; Bakker, Jonathan D.; Biederman, Lori A.; Brown, Cynthia S.; Buckley, Yvonne M.; Chu, Chengjin; Collins, Scott L.; Crawley, Michael J.; Fay, Philip A.; Firn, Jennifer; Gruner, Daniel S.; Hagenah, Nicole; Hautier, Yann; Hector, Andy; Hillebrand, Helmut; Kirkman, Kevin; Knops, Johannes M. H.; Laungani, Ramesh; Lind, Eric M.; MacDougall, Andrew S.; McCulley, Rebecca L.; Mitchell, Charles E.; Moore, Joslin L.; Morgan, John W.; Orrock, John L.; Peri, Pablo Luis; Prober, Suzanne M.; Risch, Anita C.; Schütz, Martin; Speziale, Karina L.; Standish, Rachel J.; Sullivan, Lauren L.; Wardle, Glenda M.; Williams, Ryan J.; Yang, Louie H. (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2016-01-29)
      Fraser et al. (Reports, 17 July 2015, p. 302) report a unimodal relationship between productivity and species richness at regional and global scales, which they contrast with the results of Adler et al. (Reports, 23 September ...
    • Positive biodiversity-productivity relationship predominant in global forests 

      Liang, Jingjing; Crowther, Thomas W.; Picard, Nicolas; Wiser, Susan; Zhou, Mo; Alberti, Giorgio; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; McGuire, A. David; Bozzato, Fabio; Pretzsch, Hans; Peri, Pablo Luis; Reich, Peter B. (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2016-10-14)
      The biodiversity-productivity relationship (BPR) is foundational to our understanding of the global extinction crisis and its impacts on ecosystem functioning. Understanding BPR is critical for the accurate valuation and ...
    • Effects of Climate and Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Early to Mid-Term Stage Litter Decomposition Across Biomes 

      Kwon, TaeOh; Shibata, Hideaki; Kepfer-Rojas, Sebastian; Schmidt, Inger K.; Larsen, Klaus S; Beier, Claus; Berg, Björn; Verheyen, Kris; Lamarque, Jean-Francois; Hagedorn, Frank; Eisenhauer, Nico; Djukic, Ika; Peri, Pablo Luis (Frontiers Editorial, 2021-07-14)
      Litter decomposition is a key process for carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and is mainly controlled by environmental conditions, substrate quantity and quality as well as microbial community abundance ...
    • Producción y calidad de dos variedades de frutilla (Fragaria x ananassa Duch) en hidroponía en Santa Cruz 

      Birgi, Jorge Alberto; Gargaglione, Veronica Beatriz (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, 2021-07-13)
      El cultivo de frutillas o fresas (Fragaria x ananassa) se encuentra diseminado por el mundo y en Argentina la producción se ha incrementado en los últimos años, incluso en el Sur de Patagonia, donde debido a las condiciones ...
    • Desarrollo de un modelo para asignación variable de carga animal (MAVC) en Patagonia Sur 

      Andrade, Miguel Alberto; Suarez, Diego; Peri, Pablo Luis; Borrelli, Pablo; Ormaechea, Sebastián Gabriel; Ferrante, Daniela; Rivera, Emilio Hernan; Sturzenbaum, Maria Virginia (Fundación CIPAV, 2016-11)
      El ajuste de la carga animal es un aspecto clave en el manejo del pastoreo extensivo y en Santa Cruz, Argentina se realiza tradicionalmente utilizando una asignación fija de forraje (AFF) por animal, indistintamente si un ...
    • Variation in alpine plant diversity and soil temperatures in two mountain landscapes of South Patagonia 

      Lencinas, María Vanessa; Soler Esteban, Rosina Matilde; Cellini, Juan Manuel; Bahamonde, Héctor Alejandro; Pérez Flores, Magalí; Monelos, Lucas H.; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José; Peri, Pablo Luis (MDPI, 2021-07-08)
      Alpine environments and their temporal changes are rarely studied at high latitudes in the southern hemisphere. We analyzed alpine plants, soil temperatures, and growing-season length in mountains of two landscapes of South ...
    • The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project 

      Hudson, Lawrence N.; Newbold, Tim; Contu, Sara; Hill, Samantha L.L.; Lysenko, Igor; De Palma, Adriana; Phillips, Helen R.P.; Alhusseini, Tamera I.; Bedford, Felicity E.; Bennett, Dominic J.; Peri, Pablo Luis; Purvis, Andy (Wiley, 2017-01-05)
      The PREDICTS project—Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems (—has collated from published studies a large, reasonably representative database of comparable samples ...
    • Landscape variables influence over active restoration strategies of Nothofagus forests degraded by invasive Castor canadensis in Tierra del Fuego 

      Martinez Pastur, Guillermo José; Cellini, Juan Manuel; Lencinas, María Vanessa; Rosas, Yamina Micaela; Henn, Jonathan J.; Peri, Pablo Luis (MDPI, 2021-07-06)
      North American beavers (Castor canadensis) are responsible for the major changes in the Tierra del Fuego Archipelago, altering riparian forests for the long-term. Passive restoration of the areas affected was ineffective ...
    • Microorganismos del suelo en bosques de ñire en Patagonia Sur: resultados preliminares. 

      Gargaglione, Veronica Beatriz; Gonzalez-Polo, Marina; Peri, Pablo Luis (Instituto Forestal (INFOR), 2017-08)
      Nothofagus antarctica (ñire) es una especie nativa del bosque andino-patagónico que se extiende desde los 36º 30’ hasta los 56º 00’ LS. Es la segunda especie en importancia de la provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina. En estos ...
    • Nueva base de datos reticulada de precipitación para la provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina. 

      Almonacid, Leandro; Pessacg, Natalia; Diaz, Boris Gaston; Bonfili, Oscar.; Peri, Pablo Luis (Centro Argentino de Meteorólogos (CAM), 2021-06-25)
      La precipitación es una variable esencial para caracterizar el clima y el ciclo hidrológico de una región. Pero a pesar de su importancia, existen vastas regiones, como Patagonia sur, con redes pluviométricas poco densas ...
    • Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database 

      Poyatos, Rafael; Granda, Víctor; Flo, Víctor; Adams, Mark A.; Adorján, Balázs; Aguadé, David; Aidar, Marcos P. M.; Allen, Scott; Alvarado-Barrientos, M. Susana; Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina J.; Peri, Pablo Luis; Martínez-Vilalta, Jordi (Copernicus Publications, 2021-06-14)
      Plant transpiration links physiological responses of vegetation to water supply and demand with hydrological, energy, and carbon budgets at the land–atmosphere interface. However, despite being the main land evaporative ...
    • Stakeholders’ perspectives on the operationalisation of the ecosystem service concept: Results from 27 case studies. 

      Dick, Jan; Turkelboom, Francis; Woods, Helen; Iniesta-Arandia, Irene; Primmer, Eeva; Sanna-Riikka, Saarela; Bezák, Peter; Mederly, Peter; Leone, Michael; Verheyden, Wim; Kelemen, Eszter; Hauck, Jennifer; Andrews, Chris; Antunes, Paula; Aszalós, Réka; Baró, Francesc; Barton, David N.; Berry, Pam; Bugter, Rob.; Carvalho, Laurence; Czúcz, Bálint; Dunford, Rob; Blanco Garcia, Gemma; Geama˘na˘, Nicoleta; Giuca˘, Relu; Grizzetti, Bruna; Izakovicˇová, Zita; Kertész, Miklós; Kopperoinen, Leena; Langemeyer, Johannes; Montenegro Lapola, David; Liquete, Camino; Luque, Sandra; Martinez Pastur, Guillermo José; Martin-Lopez, Berta; Mukhopadhyay, Raktima; Niemela, Jari; Odee, David; Peri, Pablo Luis; Pinho, Patricia; Gleiciani Bürger, Patrício Roberto; Preda, Elena; Priess, Joerg; Röckmann, Christine; Santos, Rui; Silaghi, Diana; Smith, Ron I.; Va˘dineanu, Anghelut_a˘; van der Wal, Jan Tjalling; Arany, Ildikó; Badea, Ovidiu; Bela, Györgyi; Boros, Emil; Bucur, Magdalena; Blumentrath, Stefan; Carmen, Esther; Clemente, Pedro; Fernandes, João; Ferraz, Diogo; Fongar, Claudia; García-Llorente, Marina; Gómez-Baggethun, Erik; Gundersen, Vegard; Haavardsholm, Oscar; Kalóczkai, Ágnes; Khalalwe, Thalma; Kiss, Gabriella; Köhler, Berit; Lazányi, Orsolya; Lellei-Kovács, Eszter; Lichungu, Rael; Lindhjem, Henrik; Magare, Charles; Mustajoki, Jyri; Ndege, Charles; Nowell, Megan; Nuss Girona, Sergi; Ochieng, John; Often, Anders; Palomo, Ignacio; Pataki, György; Reinvang, Rasmus; Rusch, Graciela Mónica; Saarikoski, Heli; Smith, Alison; Massoni, Emma Soy; Stange, Erik; Vågnes Traaholt, Nora; Vári, Ágnes; Verweij, Peter; Suvi, Vikström; Yli-Pelkonen, Vesa; Zulian, Grazia (Elsevier, 2018-02-01)
      The ecosystem service (ES) concept is becoming mainstream in policy and planning, but operational influence on practice is seldom reported. Here, we report the practitioners’ perspectives on the practical implementation ...