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Effects of soybean fields on the health of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the Chaco ecoregion
(Oxford University Press, 2025-02)Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are important pollinators for natural and cultivated species. Due to their high sensitivity to stressors, they are also valuable indicators of environmental changes and agricultural management ... -
Control of Green Mold and Sour Rot in Mandarins by Postharvest Application of Natamycin and an Allium Extract
(MDPI, 2024-12)The efficacy of natamycin (Fruitgard Nat 20) and Proallium (an extract of allium including propyl thiosulfinate oxide (PTSO)) against sour rot and green mold in mandarins was evaluated under controlled and commercial ... -
Inoculación de Neltuma alba con hongos micorrícicos arbusculares: efectos sobre el crecimiento y las variables edáficas en Entre Ríos, Argentina = Inoculation of Neltuma alba with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: effects on growth and edaphic variables in Entre Ríos, Argentina
(Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales, Universidad Austral de Chile, 2024-10-09)La especie Neltuma alba (algarrobo blanco), nativa de Argentina, posee un gran valor comercial y resulta de interés para la restauración de suelos degradados. Se ha sugerido que la incorporación de hongos micorrícicos ... -
Resultados preliminares sobre la variación en vulnerabilidad a la cavitación por sequía en clones de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maid
(Instituto Forestal (INFOR), 2014)El transporte de agua está ligado funcionalmente con la fijación de carbono en las plantas terrestres. El agua transportada dentro de la planta se encuentra en estado meta-estable debido a las presiones negativas de acuerdo ... -
Growth response of two genetic materials of Eucalyptus to different height and time of pruning
(Ediciones INTA, 2024-05)We conducted four experiments to evaluate the effects of different heights and times of pruning on the growth of Eucalyptus grandis and E. grandis x E. camaldulensis GC INTA 8 in Concordia (Entre Ríos, Argentina). During ... -
Rentabilidad de diferentes manejos de Eucalyptus grandis (HIll ex Maiden) en Entre Ríos (Argentina) según esquemas de comercialización de trozas
(Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal, Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2014-12)Inicialmente las plantaciones de eucalipto (Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden) de Entre Ríos eran manejadas sin un destino industrial definido. Sin embargo, la dinámica de la demanda y la necesidad de diferenciar los ... -
Dynamic intraguild interactions between two sympatric and congeneric coccinellid species associated with aphids could explain their coexistence in citrus agroecosystems
(Elsevier, 2024-05)Scymnus interruptus and Scymnus subvillosus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) are the most frequent aphid predators in Western Mediterranean citrus agroecosystems. Intraguild predation (IGP) between them would be expected, but ... -
Caracterización dendroenergética de la madera y el carbón de diferentes materiales genéticos del género Eucalyptus
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2024-02)En un contexto de cambio climático y mayor demanda de energía, la biomasa, en particular la leña y el carbón vegetal, constituye una alternativa valiosa para el reemplazo de combustibles fósiles, con un mejor balance de ... -
Heat treatment conditioning differentially affects the fruit quality and the carbohydrate metabolism during postharvest cold storage of two tangor (Citrus reticulata Blanco) cultivars: ‘Murcott’ and ‘W-Murcott’
(Elsevier, 2024-04)Citrus is highly susceptible to damage from cold temperatures, and conditioning procedures are commonly used to protect the fruit, and maintain its sensory qualities and external appearance. This study investigates the ... -
Landscape configuration modulates the presence of leaf-cutting ants in eucalypt plantations
(Springer Nature, 2023-08)Pest responses to landscape complexity show variable patterns globally, primarily related to species traits and specific managed habitats. Leaf-cutting ants (LCAs) are native insects and important pests of plantation forests ... -
Biocontrol of Penicillium digitatum by native Bacillus and Pseudomonas strains isolated from orange peel
(Elsevier, 2023-11)Penicillium digitatum is a filamentous fungus that infects citrus fruits, causing decays that result in significant production losses. The application of synthetic fungicides is the main approach to control P. digitatum. ... -
Transcriptome dynamics of rooting zone and leaves during in vitro adventitious root formation in eucalyptus nitens
(MDPI, 2022-11)Wood properties and agronomic traits associated with fast growth and frost tolerance make Eucalyptus nitens a valuable forest alternative. However, the rapid age-related decline in the adventitious root (AR) formation ... -
Influencia de la dieta con taninos y del almacenamiento refrigerado sobre la calidad sensorial del músculo semitendinosus cocido sous – vide de vaca de refugo
(Ediciones INTA, 2022-11)En Argentina, la categoría vaca de refugo se considera un subproducto y se comercializa a bajo valor. Sin embargo, el 50% de los kg vendidos de la producción nacional actual corresponden a la categoría vacuna de hembras. ... -
Current status and economic value of insect-pollinated dependent crops in Latin America
(Elsevier, 2022-06)Latin America (LA) plays an important role in the global food supply and dedicates a significant part of its surface to croplands. Current losses of wild and managed pollinators are a threat to agricultural production ... -
Resting ecology of parasitoids in the field: safe in a bed and breakfast?
(Elsevier, 2022-08)The selection of a safe place to rest at night may be an essential survival strategy for diurnal animals. Despite the importance of parasitoid wasps as consumers in terrestrial ecosystems, their selection of sites to rest ... -
Influence of landscape composition on wild bee communities: Effects of functional landscape heterogeneity
(Elsevier, 2022-12)Landscapes dominated by conventional agriculture reduce and simplify natural habitats, with negative consequences for ecosystem regulating services. We examined differences in structure and composition of bee communities ... -
Productos botánicos para el manejo de Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) y sus efectos en ácaros fitoseidos = Botanical products for Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) management and their effects on phytoseiidae mites
(Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, 2022-06)Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), conocida también como arañuela de las dos manchas, es la plaga principal del cultivo de frutilla (Fragaria x Ananassa Duch.)provoca severos daños en el cultivo. Sus poblaciones ... -
“Harder, better, faster, stronger: Frost tolerance of Eucalyptus benthamii under cold acclimation"
(Elsevier, 2022-06)Eucalypts are the most planted hardwood trees worldwide because of their very rapid growth, exceptional wood quality and adaptability. However, most commercial species and derived hybrids are sensitive to frost, which ... -
Caracterización de naranjo 'Valencia Late' sobre diferentes portainjertos en "Entre Ríos", Argentina
(Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas (Cuba), 2015)El uso de portainjertos es una estrategia de producción en cultivos frutales, orientada a controlar factores como porte de la planta, resistencia a plagas y enfermedades, precocidad en el ingreso a producción. Este trabajo ... -
Mycofumigation of postharvest blueberries with volatile compounds from Trichoderma atroviride IC-11 is a promising tool to control rots caused by Botrytis cinerea
(Elsevier, 2022-04)Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of the gray mold, is a filamentous fungus that infects blueberries and can cause important production losses in postharvest storage. Considering that the use of synthetic fungicides is ...