• Huella de Carbono de la cadena de maní de Argentina 

      Bongiovanni, Rodolfo; Tuninetti, Leticia; Garrido, Guillermo José (Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional, DNA SICC, INTA, 2016-12-14)
      El objetivo general de este caso de estudio es realizar la Huella de Carbono de la producción, procesamiento y transporte del maní en Córdoba, Argentina, para evaluar la contribución de las emisiones de CO2 equivalente en ...
    • Soybean Maturity Groups, Environments, and Their Interaction Define Mega-environments for Seed Composition in Argentina 

      Dardanelli, Julio Luis; Balzarini, Mónica; Martinez, Maria Jose; Cuniberti, Martha Beatriz; Resnik, Silvia; Ramunda, Silvina F.; Herrero, Rosana Mercedes; Baigorri, Hector Eloy (Wiley, 2006-10)
      Argentina is the largest soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] meal and oil exporter in the world, with crops covering a 23° to 39° S latitude range, allowing the presence of genotypes from different maturity groups (MG). ...
    • Water table contribution to alfalfa water use in different environments of the Argentine Pampas 

      Dardanelli, Julio Luis; Collino, Daniel (Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2002)
      In the Argentine Pampas, although the water table is considered an important source of water supply for the alfalfa crop, it has not been previously quantified.The goal of this study was to estimate ...