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Soil microbial diversity, functionality, and community structure are differently affected by diverse types of biochar
(Wiley, 2025-01)Using organic wastes for biochar production represents an innovative approach to waste management, facilitating safe residue disposal while producing a soil amendment by-product. The characteristics of biochar strongly ... -
Agroquímicos usados en el cultivo de Salvia hispanica L.
(Universidad Juan Agustín Maza, 2017)El cultivo de Chía es afectado por los siguientes hongos: Cercospora; Pytium; Sclerotinia sclerotiorum; Aspergillus; Macrophomina phaeseolina, agentes causales de enfermedades. Las semillas cultivadas en áreas nuevas de ... -
Effluent from Winery Waste Biorefinery: A Strategic Input for Biomass Generation with Different Objectives to Add Value in Arid Regions
(MDPI, 2025-01)Agro-industrial activities generate significant amounts of organic waste and a variety of effluents thus posing environmental challenges. Viticulture in Argentina, which covered 204,847 ha in 2023, faces water scarcity as ... -
A polyphasic study of non-aflatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus Link, isolates from maize in the Chaco semi-arid region of Argentina = Estudio polifásico de aislados no aflatoxigénicos de Aspergillus flavus Link, en maices de la región del Chaco semiárido argentino
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2024-05)Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most widely planted crops globally with Argentina leading world production and exportation. Santiago del Estero province, east of Tucumán and north of Córdoba encompasses eight agro-climatic ... -
Diseño de protocolos de extracción de ARN y detección de virus por RT-PCR en hojas y bulbillos de ajo (Allium sativum L.)
(Asociación Argentina de Fitopatólogos (AAF), 2024-12)El ajo (Allium sativum L.) es un cultivo de importancia a nivel mundial, siendo relevante en la provincia de Mendoza. El cultivo es afectado por un complejo viral que incluye Potyvirus (Onion yellow dwarf virus - OYDV y ... -
Microencapsulación de compuestos fenólicos derivados de subproductos enológicos = Microencapsulation of phenolic compounds derived from oenological by-products
(Universidad Juan Agustín Maza, 2024-10)Los orujos enológicos poseen elevadas concentraciones de polifenoles, con demostradas propiedades nutracéuticas. Aunque, por su inestabilidad química, su empleo directo en formulaciones alimentarias, cosméticas, farmacéuticas ... -
Espaldero DOV – A New Training System Design for Mechanical Raisin Harvest
(Ediciones INTA, 2024-11)Farmers around the word are increasingly interested in the adoption of mechanization methods, especially in dryon-vine raisin production. The lack of profitability in the raisin industry is a problem that demands the ... -
Use of UVC radiation as a postharvest stressor to increase phenolic compounds concentration and antioxidant status in purple, orange, and white carrots
(Elsevier, 2024-05)Previous studies have demonstrated that postharvest UVC radiation can increase antioxidant status in orange carrots, but the response to UVC in other carrot colors is unclear. This study investigated the effect of postharvest ... -
Screening of bioactive compounds in lettuce: multivariate optimization of an ultrasound‑assisted solid–liquid extraction procedure
(Springer, 2024-08)Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is one of the most consumed vegetables worldwide and is considered a good source of healthpromoting compounds. The objective of this work was to apply a multivariate design of experiments through ... -
Diversidad de insectos, colémbolos y arañas en viñedos bajo diferentes sistemas de producción, convencional y agroecológico, en Mendoza, Argentina
(Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2024-04)Numerosos estudios afirman que la agricultura ecológica, en comparación con los cultivos convencionales, tiende a incrementar la diversidad de artrópodos, favoreciendo el equilibrio sanitario del sistema. Estos trabajos ... -
Response of garlic clones to the combined effect of planting densities and nitrogen supply modes
(Asociación Argentina de Horticultura (ASAHO), 2024)Inefficient fertilization practices, as well as relatively low planting densities in garlic crops, determine high production costs and yields below crop potential. In order to study the response of Mediterranean ... -
Transformaciones de los sistemas vitícolas en la provincia de Mendoza. Dinámica y diversidad durante las tres últimas décadas
(Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo (CEED), Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, UBA, 2023-12)El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar y evaluar los cambios adaptativos en el agroecosistema vitícola de Mendoza, sobre todo tecnológicos observados en los últimos treinta años, lapso ... -
Engineering Saccharomyces cerevisiae for targeted hydrolysis and fermentation of glucuronoxylan through CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing
(BMC, 2024-03)Background: The abundance of glucuronoxylan (GX) in agricultural and forestry residual side streams positions it as a promising feedstock for microbial conversion into valuable compounds. By engineering strains of the ... -
Biocontrol of Alternaria alternata in cold-stored table grapes using psychrotrophic yeasts and bioactive compounds of natural sources
(Elsevier, 2024-04)Alternaria alternata is a common fungal pathogen causing postharvest decay in table grapes. This study addressed the potential of autochthonous yeasts and bioactive compounds of natural sources to act as biocontrol agents ... -
Soil Organic Carbon Stock Estimates with Uncertainty across Latin America
(ORNL-DAAC, 2019-07-03)This dataset provides 5 x 5 km gridded estimates of soil organic carbon (SOC) across Latin America that were derived from existing point soil characterization data and compiled environmental prediction factors for SOC. ... -
Aphid species populations and their seasonal fluctuation in Prunus orchards affected by Sharka disease within the quarantine areas of Argentina
(Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 2023-09)Sharka is a disease of stone fruits, produced by the Plum Pox Virus and transmitted by aphids. It was detected for the first time in Argentina in 2004. In order to assess the aphid species that could act as a potential ... -
Late pruning modifies leaf to fruit ratio and shifts maturity period, affecting berry and wine composition in Vitis vinífera L. cv. ‘Malbec’ in Mendoza, Argentina
(Elsevier, 2023-04)Higher temperatures in recent years have advanced berry ripening and harvest date, decoupling berry sugar accumulation of anthocyanins final concentration and therefore reducing wine potential color. Late pruning is proposed ... -
Tracing the origin of Argentine Malbec wines by sensometrics
(Springer Nature, 2024-02)The study of terroir, increasingly popular in scientific circles, remains a challenging field, particularly in terms of sensory analysis. This paper summarizes our own contribution to the field—an approach for tracing the ... -
Meta-Analysis of Yields of Crops Fertilized with Compost Tea and Anaerobic Digestate
(MDPI, 2023-01)Organic inputs constitute an alternative way to replace or reduce the use of agrochemicals in order to increase sustainability and reduce negative impacts of agriculture on the environment. A consistent determination of ... -
Effect of different concentrations of bioslurry on the germination and production of tomato seedlings (Solanum lycopersicum L.) = Efecto de diferentes concentraciones de biol en la germinación y producción de plantines de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
(Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2023-01)El tomate es uno de los principales productos hortícolas en la Argentina. Su cultivo es intensivo en el uso de fertilizantes y pesticidas, que impactan negativamente al ambiente. Los fertilizantes químicos de uso habitual ...