• Gross nitrogen mineralization and immobilization in temperate maize-soybean intercrops 

      Regehr, Alison; Oelbermann, Maren; Videla, Cecilia; Echarte, Laura (Springer, 2015-06)
      Background and aims: Reliance on nitrogen (N) fertilizers to maintain crop productivity requires a thorough understanding of the transformation of this nutrient within the soil-plant system. Organic matter input from a ...
    • Indigenous mycorrhizal fungi from Argentina increase Zn nutrition of maize modulated by Zn fertilization 

      Aztiz Imaz, Patxi; Barbieri, Pablo Andrés; Echeverria, Hernan Eduardo; Sainz Rozas, Hernan Rene; Covacevich, Fernanda (Soil Science Society of Pakistan, 2014-06)
      The effect of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), sulfur (S) and zinc (Zn) fertilization on arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization (AMC), nutrition and growth of maize under contrasting tillage management was assessed in a field ...
    • Influence of corn silage supplementation before alfalfa grazing on ruminal environment in relation to the occurrence of frothy bloat in cattle 

      Bretschneider, Gustavo; Peralta, M.; Santini, Francisco Jose; Fay, Jose Patricio; Faverin, Claudia (Elsevier, 2007-07)
      Changes in the ruminal environment of cattle supplemented with corn silage (CS) before alfalfa grazing, in relation to the occurrence of frothy bloat, were evaluated. Six ruminally fistulated heifers were used in a crossover ...
    • Kernel number response to plant density in tropical, temperate, and tropical × temperate maize hybrids 

      Cerrudo, Diego; Hernández, Mariano; Tollenaar, Matthijs; Vega, Claudia Rosa Cecilia; Echarte, Laura (Crop Science Society of America, 2020-02-07)
      Kernel set response to plant density was examined in terms of physiological processes underlying kernel set in temperate (Te), tropical (Tr), and temperate × tropical (TeTr) maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids. Four field experiments ...
    • Maize grain yield components and source-sink relationship as affected by the delay in sowing date 

      Bonelli, Lucas Emmanuel; Monzon, Juan Pablo; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro; Rizzalli, Roberto H.; Andrade, Fernando Hector (Elsevier, 2016-11)
      Delaying maize (Zea mays L.) sowing date can diminish grain yields through reductions in the number, size and activity of growing grains (sink strength) and/or reductions in the assimilate supply (source capacity) to grains ...
    • Maize leaf rolling and its response to drying soil and evaporative demand 

      Echarte, Laura; Sinclair, Thomas; Jafarikouhini, Nahid (Wiley, 2023-05-31)
      Leaf rolling is an adaptive mechanism associated with water deficiencies; however, the physiological processes and environmental factors contributing to leaf rolling are not fully understood. The objective of this study ...
    • Maize transpiration efficiency increases with N supply or higher plant densities 

      Hernandez, Mariano Daniel; Alfonso, Cecilia; Echarte, María Mercedes; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro; Echarte, Laura (Elsevier, 2021-03-08)
      Most of the studies addressing the influence of management practices on seasonal crop water use efficiency (i.e., the ratio between shoot biomass and evapotranspiration in a seasonal scale, WUE(B, ET, s)) have focused on ...
    • Maize–soybean intensification alternatives for the Pampas 

      Monzón, Juan Pablo; Mercau, Jorge Luis; Andrade, José Francisco; Caviglia, Octavio; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro; Cirilo, Alfredo Gabriel; Vega, Claudia Rosa Cecilia; Andrade, Fernando Hector; Calviño, P.A. (2014-06)
      Cultivating multiple crops as a land use alternative could increase system productivity and sustainability, providing options to soybean monoculture for the Argentinean Pampas. This study evaluates the performance of ...
    • Métodos de colocación de fósforo en trigo y maíz bajo siembra directa en el sudeste bonaerense 

      Barbieri, Pablo Andres; Echeverria, Hernan Eduardo; Sainz Rozas, Hernan Rene (Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional, DNA SICC, INTA, 2018-12)
      La siembra directa (SD) produce cambios físicos, químicos y biológicos en el suelo que pueden afectar la disponibilidad de P para los cultivos. El uso eficiente de fertilizantes debe combinar factores como dosis, momento, ...
    • Mid-Season High-Resolution Satellite Imagery for Forecasting Site-Specific Corn Yield 

      Peralta, Nahuel Raúl; Assefa, Yared; Du, Juan; Barden, Charles J.; Ciampitti, Ignacio A. (MDPI, 2016-10)
      A timely and accurate crop yield forecast is crucial to make better decisions on crop management, marketing, and storage by assessing ahead and implementing based on expected crop performance. The objective of this study ...
    • Monitoring Corn Nitrogen Concentration from Radar (C-SAR), Optical, and Sensor Satellite Data Fusion 

      Lapaz Olveira, Adrián; Sainz Rozas, Hernan Rene; Castro Franco, Mauricio; Carciochi, Walter; Nieto, Luciana; Balzarini, Mónica; Ciampitti, Ignacio; Reussi Calvo, Nahuel Ignacio (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023-02)
      Corn (Zea mays L.) nitrogen (N) management requires monitoring plant N concentration (Nc) with remote sensing tools to improve N use, increasing both profitability and sustainability. This work aims to predict the corn Nc ...
    • Monitoring corn nitrogen nutrition index from optical and synthetic aperture radar satellite data and soil available nitrogen 

      Lapaz Olveira, Adrián; Castro Franco, Mauricio; Sainz Rozas, Hernan Rene; Carciochi, Walter; Balzarini, Mónica; Avila, Oscar; Ciampitti, Ignacio; Reussi Calvo, Nahuel Ignacio (Springer, 2023-08)
      Nitrogen (N) nutrition index (NNI) is a reliable indicator of plant N status for field crops, but its determination is both labor- and cost-intensive. The utilization of remote sensing approaches for monitoring N, mainly ...
    • Nitrogen diagnosis for double-cropped maize 

      Crespo, Cecilia; Martinez, Dionisio Roberto; Wyngaard, Nicolás; Divito, Guillermo; Martinez Cuesta, Nicolás; Barbieri, Pablo (Elsevier, 2022-10)
      Double cropping has been proposed as a strategy to promote ecological intensification. In temperate regions, maize (Zea mays L.) could be a viable option for double cropping. However, there is a lack of information regarding ...
    • Nitrogen Recovery Efficiency from Urea Treated with NSN Co-Polymer Applied to No-Till Corn 

      Barbieri, Pablo; Sainz Rozas, Hernan Rene; Echeverria, Hernan Eduardo (MDPI, 2018-08-19)
      Nitrogen (N) rate increases used by many farmers produce a reduced or null effect on N recovery efficiency (RE) by crops. Therefore, management practices to reduce N losses and increase RE are necessary. Co-polymer maleic ...
    • Nitrous oxide emissions in maize on mollisols in the Pampas of Argentina 

      Picone, Liliana; Bayer, Cimélio; Videla, Cecilia; Rizzalli, Roberto Héctor; Casanave Ponti, Sheila Mailén; Andrade, Fernando Hector; Garcia, Fernando (Elsevier, 2021-01-14)
      The objectives of this study were i) to measure the soil N2O fluxes in a cropping system currently adopted by farmers of the region (FP), and in an ecologically intensified cropping system (EI) over two consecutive maize ...
    • Pérdidas de nitrógeno por volatilización y eficiencia de uso en maíz desde urea aplicada en diferentes momentos 

      Barbieri, Pablo; Echeverria, Hernan Eduardo; Sainz Rozas, Hernan Rene (Ediciones INTA, 2023-06)
      La volatilización de amoníaco (N-NH3) es una importante vía de pérdida de nitrógeno (N) desde fertilizantes nitrogenados. En tal sentido, existe la necesidad de desarrollar estrategias de manejo que maximicen la eficiencia ...
    • Potential for crop production increase in Argentina through closure of existing yield gaps 

      Aramburu Merlos, Fernando; Monzon, Juan Pablo; Mercau, Jorge Luis; Taboada, Miguel Angel; Andrade, Fernando Hector; Hall, Antonio Juan; Jobbagy Gampel, Esteban Gabriel; Cassman, Kenneth G.; Grassini, Patricio (Elsevier, 2015-12)
      Favorable climate and soils for rainfed crop production, together with a relatively low population density, results in 70–90% of Argentina grain production being exported. No assessment to date has tried to estimate the ...
    • Pre-harvest strategy for reducing aflatoxin accumulation during storage of maize in Argentina 

      Alaniz Zanon, María Silvina; Bossa, Marianela; Chiotta, María Laura; Oddino, Claudio; Giovanini, Diego; Cardoso, Marcelo Leandro; Bartosik, Ricardo Enrique; Chulze, Sofía Noemí (Elsevier, 2022-08-27)
      Maize (Zea mays L.) is an important crop in Argentina. Aspergillus flavus may infect this crop at growing stage and the harvested kernels can be contaminated with aflatoxins (AFs), whose levels may increase during storage. ...
    • Predicting maize phenology: intercomparison of functions for developmental response to temperature 

      Kumudini, S.; Andrade, Fernando Hector; Boote, K.J.; Brown, G.A.; Dzotsi, K.A.; Edmeades, G.O.; Gocken, T.; Goodwin, M.; Halter, A.L.; Hammer, G.L.; Hatfield, J.L.; Jones, J.W.; Kemanian, A.R.; Kim, Sung Hyun; Kiniry, J.; Lizaso, J.I.; Nendel, C.; Nielsen, R.L.; Parent, B.; Stӧckle, C.O.; Tardieu, F.; Thomison, P.R.; Timlin, D.J.; Vyn, T.J.; Wallach, D.; Yang, H.S.; Tollenaar, Matthijs (American Society of Agronomy, 2014-12)
      Accurate prediction of phenological development in maize (Zea mays L.) is fundamental to determining crop adaptation and yield potential. A number of thermal functions are used in crop models, but their relative precision ...
    • Prognosis and diagnosis of sulfur status in maize by plant analysis 

      Carciochi, Walter; Reussi Calvo, Nahuel Ignacio; Wyngaard, Nicolás; Divito, Guillermo; Eyherabide, Mercedes; Echeverria, Hernan Eduardo (Elsevier, 2019-05)
      The analysis of sulfur concentration (SC) and nitrogen to S ratio (N/S) in plant tissue are some of the suggested tools to evaluate S deficiency in maize (Zea mays L.). However, the convenience of one over the other and ...