• Environmental control of malting barley response to nitrogen in the Pampas, Argentina 

      Prystupa, Pablo; Ferraris, Gustavo Nestor; Ventimiglia, Luis Alberto; Loewy, Tomas; Couretot, Lucrecia Alejandra; Bergh, Ricardo Guillermo; Gómez, Francisco; Gutierrez Boem, Flavio Hernán (2018-04)
      Twenty five single-year field experiments were established in order to assess the effects of nitrogen fertilization on grain yield, size, and protein concentration, and to explain its response to fertilization with soil, ...
    • Grain hordein content and malt quality as affected by foliar nitrogen fertilisation at heading 

      Prystupa, Pablo; Peton, Andrés; Pagano, Eduardo; Ferraris, Gustavo Nestor; Ventimiglia, Luis Alberto; Loewy, Tomas; Gómez, Federico; Gutierrez-Boem, Flavio Hernán (Wiley, 2021-05)
      Nitrogen fertilisation at heading is a practice for increasing grain protein content in malting barley. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of fertilisation on grain protein, the content and composition ...