• Experiencia ganada con una “Ficha de evaluación rápida de sistemas silvopastoriles” 

      Colcombet, Luis; Pueyo, Joaquin Dante; Gandara, Luis; Egolf, Patricia; Cavalieri, Jessika Mariel; Atanasio, Marcos Antonio; Pernochi, Lorena Soledad; Lara, Javier Eduardo; Zimerman, Maria; Banegas, Natalia Romina; Rossner, Maria Belen; Kimmich, Germán; Loto, Mauro; Ferrere, Paula; Pantiu, Andrea Julia (2023)
      In Argentina, on one side, there is an increasing demand to start up silvopastoral systems of diverse composition and different regions and, on the other hand, a small group of professional practitioners with the sufficient ...