• A 20 años de la implementación del Proyecto Tierra Sana 

      Adlercreutz, Enrique Gustavo; Puerta, Analia Veronica (Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce, INTA, 2021-11)
      Se cumplen 20 años de este Proyecto de INTA-ONUDI que logró la sustitución del Bromuro de Metilo y muchos otros avances en el manejo de plagas y enfermedades de suelos hortícolas
    • A comparison of five methods to assess embolism resistance in trees 

      Sergent, Anne Sophie; Varela, Santiago Agustin; Barigah, T.S.; Badel, E.; Cochard, H.; Dalla Salda, Guillermina; Delzon, S.; Fernandez, María Elena; Guillemont, J.; Gyenge, Javier; Lamarque, L.J.; Martinez Meier, Alejandro; Rozenberg, P.; Torres Ruiz, J.M; Martin St Paul, N.K. (Elsevier, 2020-04)
      Vulnerability to drought-induced embolism is a key trait that shapes drought resistance and that could be increasingly used to design climate-smart forest management guidelines and to anticipate the outcome of climate ...
    • A descriptive Study of lectin histochemistry of the placenta in cattle following inoculation of Neospora caninum. 

      Dorsch, Matías A.; de Yaniz, María Guadalupe; Fiorani, Franco; Hecker, Yanina Paola; Odeon, Anselmo Carlos; Morrell, Eleonora Lidia; Campero, Carlos Manuel; Barbeito, Claudio Gustavo; Moore, Prando Dadin (Elsevier, 2019-01)
      The aim of this study was to describe the lectin-binding pattern in the placentas of cows infected experimentally with Neospora caninum. Four cows were inoculated intravenously with 1 × 108 tachyzoites of the NC-1 strain ...
    • A dose-dependent response to MEK inhibition determines hypoblast fate in bovine embryos 

      Canizo, Jésica Romina; Ynsaurralde Rivolta, Amanda Eugenia; Vazquez Echegaray, Camila; Suvá, Mariana; Alberio, Virgilia; Aller Atucha, Juan Florencio; Guberman, Alejandra; Salamone, Daniel Felipe; Alberio, Ricardo; Alberio, Ramiro (BioMed Central, 2019-07-04)
      Background: The segregation of the hypoblast and the emergence of the pluripotent epiblast mark the final stages of blastocyst formation in mammalian embryos. In bovine embryos the formation of the hypoblast has been ...
    • A genetic approach to the species problem in wild potato 

      Camadro, Elsa Lucila; Erazzu, Luis Ernesto; Maune, Juan Federico; Bedogni, Maria Cecilia (Wiley, 2012-07)
      Wild potatoes are native to the Americas, where they present very wide geographical and ecological distribution. Most are diploid, obligate out‐crossers due to a multiallelic gametophytic self‐incompatibility (S) locus ...
    • A meta-analysis of hairy vetch as a previous cover crop for maize 

      Rodriguez, Maria Pia; Vargas, Joaquín; Correndo, Adrián; Carcedo, Ana Julia Paula; Carciochi, Walter Daniel; Sainz Rozas, Hernan Rene; Barbieri, Pablo; Ciampitti, Ignacio Antonio (Elsevier, 2023-12)
      Background The use of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.) as cover crop is increasing worldwide. Hairy vetch can contribute as a nitrogen (N) source with potential to impact subsequent high N demanding cereals such as maize ...
    • A Neospora caninum vaccine using recombinant proteins fails to prevent foetal infection in pregnant cattle after experimental intravenous challenge 

      Hecker, Yanina Paola; Cóceres, Verónica Mabel; Wilkowsky, Silvina Elizabeth; Jaramillo Ortiz, Jose Manuel; Morrell, Eleonora Lidia; Verna, Andrea Elizabeth; Ganuza, Agustina; Cano, Dora Beatriz; Lischinsky, Lilian Haydee; Ángel, Sergio Oscar; Zamorano, Patricia Ines; Odeon, Anselmo Carlos; Leunda, Maria Rosa; Campero, Carlos Manuel; Morein, Bror; Moore, Prando Dadin (Elsevier, 2014-12-15)
      The aim of the present study was to evaluate the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of rNcSAG1, rNcHSP20 and rNcGRA7 recombinant proteins formulated with immune stimulating complexes (ISCOMs) in pregnant heifers against ...
    • A new formulation of oxalic acid for Varroa destructor control applied in Apis mellifera colonies in the presence of brood 

      Maggi, Matías; Tourn, Elian; Negri, Pedro; Szawarski, Nicolás; Marconi, Alfredo; Gallez, Liliana; Medici, Sandra; Ruffinengo, Sergio; Brasesco, Constanza; De Feudis, Leonardo; Quintana, Silvina; Sammataro, Diana; Eguaras, Martín Javier (2016-07)
      An organic product based on oxalic acid was evaluated for use in Varroa control under spring/summer climatic conditions in Argentina. The formulation consists of four strips made of cellulose impregnated with a solution ...
    • A new method for simultaneous detection and discrimination of Bovine herpesvirus types 1 (BoHV-1) and 5 (BoHV-5) using real time PCR with high resolution melting (HRM) analysis 

      Marin, Maia Solange; Quintana, Silvina; Leunda, Maria Rosa; Recavarren, Mariana Ines; Pagnuco, Inti Anabela; Spath, Ernesto Juan; Perez, Sandra; Odeon, Anselmo Carlos (Elsevier, 2016-01)
      Bovine herpesvirus types 1 (BoHV-1) and 5 (BoHV-5) are antigenically and genetically similar. The aim of this study was to develop a simple and reliable one-step real time PCR assay with high resolution melting (HRM) ...
    • A novel EPSPS Pro-106-His mutation confers the first case of glyphosate resistance in Digitaria sanguinalis 

      Yanniccari, Marcos; Vázquez García, José Guadalupe; Gigon, Ramon; Palma Bautista, Candelario; Vila-Aiub, Martín Miguel; de Prado, Rafael (Wiley, 2022-04)
      BACKGROUND: Digitaria sanguinalis has been identified as a species at high risk of evolving herbicide resistance, but thus far, there are no records of resistance to glyphosate. This species is one of the most common weeds ...
    • A novel mechanism to simulate intercropping and relay cropping using the DayCent model 

      Della Chiesa, Tomas; Del Grosso, Stephen; Hartman, Melannie; Parton, William; Echarte, Laura; Yahdjian, Laura; Piñeiro, Gervasio (Elsevier, 2022-01-03)
      Combining different crops in complex spatial and temporal arrangements can increase resource use efficiency and reduce negative environmental impacts in croplands. Simulation models are useful tools to explore new management ...
    • A novel pathogenic mechanism for cerebellar lesions produced by Solanum bonariense in cattle 

      Verdes, José Manuel; Márquez, Mercedes; Calliari, Aldo; Battes, Daniel; Moraña, José Antonio; Gimeno, Eduardo Juan; Odriozola, Ernesto Raul; Giannitti, Federico; Guerrero, Florentina; Fidalgo, Luis Eusebio; Pumarola, Martí (American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, 2015-05)
      Intoxication with Solanum bonariense in cattle causes cerebellar cortical degeneration with perikaryal vacuolation, axonal swelling, and death primarily of Purkinje cells, with accumulation of electron-dense residual storage ...
    • A novel real-time PCR assay for quantitative detection of Campylobacter fetus based on ribosomal sequences 

      Iraola, Gregorio; Pérez, Ruben; Betancor, Laura; Marandino, Ana; Morsella, Claudia Graciela; Mendez, Maria Alejandra; Paolicchi, Fernando; Piccirillo, Alessandra; Tomás, Gonzalo; Velilla, Alejandra Vanesa; Calleros, Lucía (BMC, 2016-12)
      Background: Campylobacter fetus is a pathogen of major concern for animal and human health. The species shows a great intraspecific variation, with three subspecies: C. fetus subsp. fetus, C. fetus subsp. venerealis, and ...
    • A paradigm shift to CO2 sequestration to manage global warming – With the emphasis on developing countries 

      Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha Shankar; Leite, Fernanda Figueiredo Granja Dorilêo; Adeyemi, Maxwell Adebayo; Sarker, AhadJahin; Cambareri, Gustavo Sebastián; Faverin, Claudia; Tieri, Maria Paz; Castillo Zacarías, Carlos; Melchor Martínez, Elda; Parra Saldivar, Roberto; Iqbal, Hafiz M. (Elsevier, 2021-06-01)
      Global land use changes that tend to satisfy the food needs of augmenting population is provoking agricultural soils to act as a carbon (C) source rather than sink. Agricultural management practices are crucial to offset ...
    • A review of cardiac blackleg in cattle, and report of 2 cases without skeletal muscle involvement in Argentina 

      Morrell, Eleonora Lidia; Odriozola, Ernesto Raul; Dorsch, Matías; Fiorentino, María Andrea; Rivera, María; Poppenga, Robert; Navarro, Mauricio; Uzal, Francisco; Canton, German Jose (American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, 2022-08-30)
      Blackleg is an infectious disease caused by Clostridium chauvoei. Cardiac blackleg has been reported in ruminants as an uncommon presentation of the disease; its pathogenesis is not understood completely. We include here ...
    • A simple and rapid direct injection method for the determination of glyphosate and AMPA in environmental water samples 

      Okada, Elena; Coggan, Timothy; Anumol, Tarun; Clarke, Bradley; Allison, Graeme (Springer Verlag, 2018-12-10)
      Glyphosate is currently the most widely used herbicide in the world, yet screening of environmental waters for this chemical is limited by the need for specialized derivatization and measurement methods that can be tedious ...
    • A time-window within the grain filling period accounted for early leaf senescence in maize under sink limitation 

      Dosio, Guillermo; Cicore, Pablo Leandro; Rizzalli, Roberto Héctor (Elsevier, 2024-01)
      In annual crops such as maize, assimilates demand exerted by grains converges with increasing leaf senescence. As sink demand changes as grains growth, leaf senescence could also be affected during the grain filling period. ...
    • Las abejas melíferas (Apis mellifera L) y su desempeño como insectos polinizadores en kiwi (Actinidia chinensis var. Deliciosa) 

      David, Maria Angela; Yommi, Alejandra Karina; Sanchez, Enrique Eduardo; Martinez, Analia; Palacio, María Alejandra; Atela, Osvaldo (Sociedad Argentina de Apicultores, 2020-10)
      El cultivo de kiwi (Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa cv Hayward) presenta gran importancia en la zona del sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires (desde El Dorado, Sierra de los Padres, Mar del Plata, Batán, Miramar, ...
    • Abordaje metodológico del Valor Agregado Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial en la articulación público-privada 

      Castellano, Andres; Goizueta, Mercedes Elida; Fik, Javier; Grasa, Oscar (Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2019-11)
      En el ámbito del sector agropecuario, la temática del valor agregado agroalimentario y agroindustrial ha resultado ser parte central de la agenda de los diferentes estamentos del Estado (Nacional, Provincial y Local), las ...
    • Abortion outbreak caused by Campylobacter fetus subspecies venerealis and Neospora caninum in a bovine dairy herd 

      Macias Rioseco, Melissa; Caffarena, Rubén; Fraga, Martín; Silveira, Caroline; Giannitti, Federico; Canton, German Jose; Hecker, Yanina; Suanes, Alejandra; Riet Correa, Franklin (Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícola y Pecuarias, México, 2019-11)
      In November 2015, an abortion outbreak occurred in a commercial dairy herd of 650 Holstein cows in Florida department, Uruguay. Forty-five (45) cows aborted within 3 wk. Five fetuses were subjected to gross and microscopic ...