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1. Nutrient enrichment impacts grassland plant diversity such as species richness, functional trait composition and diversity, but whether and how these changes affect ecosystem stability in the face of increasing climate extremes remains largely unknown. 2. We quantified the direct and diversity-mediated effects of nutrient addition (by nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) on the stability of above-ground biomass production in 10 long-term grassland [ver mas...]
dc.contributor.authorChen, Qingqing
dc.contributor.authorWang, Shaopeng
dc.contributor.authorSeabloom, Eric William
dc.contributor.authorIsbell, Forest
dc.contributor.authorBorer, Elizabeth T.
dc.contributor.authorBakker, Jonathan D.
dc.contributor.authorBharath, Siddharth
dc.contributor.authorRoscher, Christiane
dc.contributor.authorPeri, Pablo Luis
dc.contributor.authorPower, Sally A.
dc.contributor.authorHautier, Yann
dc.identifier.citationChen Q.; Wang S.; Seabloom E.W.; Isbell F.; Borer E.T.; Bakker J.D.; Bharath S.; Roscher C.; Peri P.L.; Power S.A.; Donohue I.; Stevens C.; Ebeling A.; Nogueira C.; Caldeira M.C.; Macdougall A.S.; Moore J.L.; Bagchi S.; Jentsch A.; Tedder M.; Kirkman K.; S.; Alberti J.; Hautier Y. (2024) Changes in functional trait diversity mediate the effects of nutrient addition on grassland stability. Journal of Ecology 112: 2598-2612.
dc.identifier.issn1365-2745 (Online)
dc.identifier.issn0022-0477 Print
dc.description.abstract1. Nutrient enrichment impacts grassland plant diversity such as species richness, functional trait composition and diversity, but whether and how these changes affect ecosystem stability in the face of increasing climate extremes remains largely unknown. 2. We quantified the direct and diversity-mediated effects of nutrient addition (by nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) on the stability of above-ground biomass production in 10 long-term grassland experimental sites. We measured five facets of stability as the temporal invariability, resistance during and recovery after extreme dry and wet growing seasons. 3. Leaf traits (leaf carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and specific leaf area) were measured under ambient and nutrient addition conditions in the field and were used to construct the leaf economic spectrum (LES). We calculated functional trait composition and diversity of LES and of single leaf traits. We quantified the contribution of intraspecific trait shifts and species replacement to change in functional trait composition as responses to nutrient addition and its implications for ecosystem stability. 4. Nutrient addition decreased functional trait diversity and drove grassland communities to the faster end of the LES primarily through intraspecific trait shifts, suggesting that intraspecific trait shifts should be included for accurately predicting ecosystem stability. Moreover, the change in functional trait diversity of the LES in turn influenced different facets of stability. That said, these diversitymediated effects were overall weak and/or overwhelmed by the direct effects of nutrient addition on stability. As a result, nutrient addition did not strongly impact any of the stability facets. These results were generally consistent using individual leaf traits but the dominant pathways differed. Importantly, major influencing pathways differed using average trait values extracted from global trait databases (e.g. TRY). 5. Synthesis. Investigating changes in multiple facets of plant diversity and their impacts on multidimensional stability under global changes such as nutrient enrichment can improve our understanding of the processes and mechanisms maintaining ecosystem stability.eng
dc.publisherBritish Ecological Societyes_AR
dc.sourceJournal of Ecology 112 (11) : 2598-2612 (November 2024)es_AR
dc.subjectEcosystem Serviceseng
dc.subjectServicios de los Ecosistemases_AR
dc.subjectBiological Traitseng
dc.subjectRasgos Biológicoses_AR
dc.subjectSpecies Richnesseng
dc.subjectRiqueza Específicaes_AR
dc.subject.otherHeavy Rainfalleng
dc.subject.otherLluvias Fuerteses_AR
dc.subject.otherNutrient Depositioneng
dc.subject.otherDeposición de Nutrienteses_AR
dc.subject.otherNutrient Network (NutNet)eng
dc.subject.otherRed de Nutrientes (NutNet)es_AR
dc.titleChange in functional trait diversity mediates the effects of nutrient addition on grassland stabilityes_AR
dc.rights.licenseCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)es_AR
dc.description.origenEEA Santa Cruzes_AR
dc.description.filFil: Chen, Qingqing. Peking University. College of Urban and Environmental Science. Institute of Ecology; China.es_AR
dc.description.filFil: Wang, Shaopeng. Peking University. Institute of Ecology. College of Urban and Environmental Science, and Key Laboratory for Earth Surface Processe of the Ministry of Education; China.es_AR
dc.description.filFil: Seabloom, Eric William. University of Minnesota. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior; Estados Unidoses_AR
dc.description.filFil: Isbell, Forest. University of Minnesota. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior; Estados Unidoses_AR
dc.description.filFil: Borer, Elizabeth T. University of Minnesota. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior; Estados Unidoses_AR
dc.description.filFil: Bakker, Jonathan D. University of Washington. School of Environmental and Forest Sciences; Estados Unidoses_AR
dc.description.filFil: Bharath, Siddharth. University of Minnesota. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior; Estados Unidoses_AR
dc.description.filFil: Roscher, Christiane. German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv). Halle-Jena-Leipzig; Alemaniaes_AR
dc.description.filFil: Roscher, Christiane. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research–UFZ. Department of Physiological Diversity; Alemaniaes_AR
dc.description.filFil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santa Cruz; Argentina.es_AR
dc.description.filFil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina.es_AR
dc.description.filFil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.es_AR
dc.description.filFil: Power, Sally A. Western Sydney University. Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment; Australia.es_AR
dc.description.filFil: Hautier, Yann. Utrecht University. Department of Biology. Ecology and Biodiversity Group; Países Bajoses_AR

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