Listar CIAP. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 848
Physiological causes for decreased productivity under high salinity in Boma, a tetraploid Chloris gayana cultivar
(CSIRO Publishing, 2001)Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana Kunth) is widely cultivated in the semi-arid tropics and favoured for salt tolerance; nevertheless, productivity decreases significantly under saline conditions, especially in tetraploid ... -
Elongation growth in leaf blades of Chloris gayana under saline conditions
(Elsevier, 2003)In Chloris gayana, salinity-associated yield decreases are due mainly to leaf area reductions. To understand the physiological basis for such reduction, the effects of salinity were studied on the spatial and temporal ... -
Efecto in vitro de los agroquímicos usados en el maní sobre Sclerotina minor Jagger, Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. y Trichoderma sp.
(Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2003)El cultivo de maní (Arachis hypogaea L.) de la provincia de Córdoba constituye el 96% de la producción nacional. El maní es la única especie de leguminosa que fructifica bajo tierra, por lo que sus vainas ya desarrolladas, ... -
The Activity of the Chloroplastic Ndh Complex Is Regulated by Phosphorylation of the NDH-F Subunit
(American Society of Plant Biologists, 2003-05-01)Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induces increases, to different degrees, in transcripts, protein levels, and activity of the Ndh complex (EC In the present work, we have compared the effects of relatively excess light, ... -
Decreased reactive oxygen species concentration in the elongation zone contributes to the reduction in maize leaf growth under salinity
(Society for Experimental Biology, 2004-06)Reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the apoplast of cells in the growing zone of grass leaves are required for elongation growth. This work evaluates whether salinity‐induced reductions in leaf elongation are related to altered ... -
Drought controls on H2O2 accumulation, catalase (CAT) activity and CAT gene expression in wheat
(Society for Experimental Biology, 2005-01)Plants co-ordinate information derived from many diverse external and internal signals to ensure appropriate control of gene expression under optimal and stress conditions. In this work, the relationships between catalase ... -
Why are Chloris gayana leaves shorter in salt-affected plants? Analyses in the elongation zone
(Society for Experimental Biology, 2006-11)Reduced hydraulic conductance calculated from growth data was suggested to be the main reason for reduced leaf expansion in salt-stressed Chloris gayana (Rhodes grass). In this work, xylem vessel cross-sections and wall ... -
Producción sostenible de carne bovina con pasturas tropicales de la llanura Deprimida Salina de Tucumán
(Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, 2007)El objetivo general fue evaluar la capacidad de un modelo físico mejorado de producción de carne bovina sobre la base de pasturas tropicales y suplementación, para incrementar la eficiencia ecológica y/o económica de un ... -
Superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase overexpression in wheat protoplast: photooxidative stress tolerance and changes in cellular redox state
(Springer, 2008-08-26)In previous works, we have established a correlation between antioxidant system response and tolerance to drought, osmotic stress and photooxidative stress of different wheat cultivars with contrasting drought tolerance. ... -
Reductions in Maize Root-tip Elongation by Salt and Osmotic Stress do not Correlate with Apoplastic O2•− Levels
(Oxford Academic Press, 2008-10)Background and Aims: Experimental evidence in the literature suggests that O2•− produced in the elongation zone of roots and leaves by plasma membrane NADPH oxidase activity is required for growth. This study explores ... -
Field assessment of soil biological and chemical quality in response to crop management practices
(Springer, 2008-11-19)Soil microbiological and chemical aspects were evaluated to determine the effects of conservation tillage and crop rotation on soil fertility over a 16-year period. A field trial was established to compare two cropping ... -
Soil microbial communities under different soybean cropping systems: Characterization of microbial population dynamics, soil microbial activity, microbial biomass, and fatty acid profiles
(Elsevier, 2008-12-05)This work analyzes the direct effect of soil management practices on soil microbial communities, which may affect soil productivity and sustainability. The experimental design consisted of two tillage treatments: reduced ... -
Caracterización morfológica y cromosómica de Commelina Benghalensisl. (Commelinaceae ) de Argentina
(Ediciones de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 2009)Commelina benghalensis es una hierba pequeña, nativa de Africa y Asia tropical, aunque en la actualidad crece en casi todo el mundo. En América se la reporta creciendo en campo abierto, borde de bosques y áreas cultivadas ... -
Caracterización bioquímica y molecular de germoplasma, evaluación de la tolerancia a la salinidad y obtención de híbridos en Buffel Grass
(Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2009)En la región subtropical árida y semiárida del noroeste argentino (NOA) las especies forrajeras megatérmicas introducidas contribuyen al desarrollo de la actividad ganadera; sin embargo éstas, son abastecidas mediante ... -
Leaf expansion in grasses under salt stress
(Elsevier, 2009-07)Restriction of leaf growth is among the earliest visible effects of many stress conditions, including salinity. Because leaves determine radiation interception and are the main photosynthetic organs, salinity effects on ... -
Physiological characterization of four model Lotus diploid genotypes: L. japonicus (MG20 and Gifu), L. filicaulis, and L. burttii under salt stress
(Elsevier, 2009-09-25)The genus Lotus comprises a heterogeneous group of annual and perennial species. Lotus japonicus (with MG20 and Gifu ecotypes) has been adopted as one of the model legumes in genetic and genomic studies. Other Lotus species, ... -
Análisis de la expresión diferencial de genes durante el desarrollo del síndrome de muerte súbita. Interacción soja (Glycine Max (L.)Mer / Fusarium Virguliforme)
(Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 2010)La soja (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), es en la actualidad el cultivo más importante de Argentina, no solo por la magnitud del área que ocupa, sino, fundamentalmente, porque la mayor parte de su producción se destina a la ... -
Involvement of nitrate reductase (NR) in osmotic stress-induced NO generation of Arabidopsis thaliana L. roots
(Elsevier, 2010-01)Nitric oxide (NO) is undoubtedly a potential signal molecule in diverse developmental processes and stress responses. Despite our extensive knowledge about the role of NO in physiological and stress responses, the source ... -
Caracterización del “achaparramiento del maíz” causado por Spiroplasma Kunkelii y detección de un nuevo vector experimental en Argentina
(Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2010-08-02)Corn stunt caused by Spiroplasma kunkelii (Whitcomb) is potentially one of the most severe diseases of maize (Zea mays L.) in tropical and subtropical areas of the American continent. Dalbulus maidis (DeLong y Wolcott) is ... -
Are Sunflower chlorotic mottle virus infection symptoms modulated by early increases in leaf sugar concentration?
(Elsevier, 2010-09-15)Symptom development in a susceptible sunflower line inoculated with Sunflower chlorotic mottle virus (SuCMoV) was followed in the second pair of leaves at different post-inoculation times: before symptom expression (BS), ...