• Improving lodgepole pine genomic evaluation using spatial correlation structure and SNP selection with single-step GBLUP 

      Cappa, Eduardo Pablo; Ratcliffe, Blaise; Chen, Charles; Thomas, Barb R.; Liu, Yang; Klutsch, Jennifer G.; Azcona, Jaime Sebastian; Benowicz, Andy; Sadoway, Shane; Erlilgin, Nadir; El-Kassaby, Yousry A. (Springer Nature, 2022-02-18)
      Modeling environmental spatial heterogeneity can improve the efficiency of forest tree genomic evaluation. Furthermore, genotyping costs can be lowered by reducing the number of markers needed. We investigated the impact ...
    • Quantitative genetics and genomics converge to accelerate forest tree breeding 

      Grattapaglia, Dario; Silva Junior, Orzenil B.; Resende, Rafael T.; Cappa, Eduardo Pablo; Müller, Bárbara S. F.; Tan, Biyue; Isik, Fikret; Ratcliffe, Blaise; El-Kassaby, Yousry A. (2018-11)
      Forest tree breeding has been successful at delivering genetically improved material for multiple traits based on recurrent cycles of selection, mating, and testing. However, long breeding cycles, late flowering, variable ...
    • Supplementary dataset Pinus Taeda [Conjunto de datos] 

      Cappa, Eduardo Pablo (2015)
      Trial information and family numbers of the Pinus Taeda L. trial. Diameter at breast height of the Pinus taeda L. data set will be available upon request. Supplementary dataset Pinus Taeda for Cappa, E.P., Muñoz, F., ...