• Differential sensitivities of electricity consumption to global warming across regions of Argentina 

      Propato, Tamara Sofia; De Abelleyra, Diego; Semmartin, María Gisela; Veron, Santiago Ramón (Springer, 2021-05-27)
      The description of the relationship between temperature (T) and electricity consumption (EC) is key to improving our understanding of a potential climate change amplification feedback and, thus, energy planning. We sought ...
    • Digital soil texture map of Argentina and their relationship to soil - forming factors and processes 

      Schulz, Guillermo; Rodriguez, Dario Martin; Angelini, Marcos Esteban; Moretti, Lucas Martin; Olmedo, Guillermo Federico; Tenti Vuegen, Leonardo Mauricio; Colazo, Juan Cruz; Guevara, Mario (Springer, 2023-01)
      Soil texture is determined by the parent material of the soil and the resulting pedogenetic processes. Because the spatial distribution of soil texture governs several soil physical and ofsoil profile database generate ...
    • Dinámica del carbono lábil del suelo en sistemas forestales de Eucalyptus grandis en la Mesopotamia Argentina = Dynamic of soil labile carbon in forest systemsof Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden in the Argentinean Mesopotamia 

      Romaniuk, Romina Ingrid; Venece, Matias; Cosentino, Vanina Rosa Noemi; Alvarez, Carina R.; Ciarlo, Esteban Ariel; Rimski Korsakov, Helena; Steinbach, Haydeé S.; Lupi, Ana Maria (Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales, Universidad Austral de Chile, 2021-10-21)
      The amount and quality of carbon from forest litter composing the soil will depend on several factors, including species composition, management practices, plantation age, climatic conditions and soil texture, among several ...
    • Discontinuities in quinoa biodiversity in the dry Andes: An 18 - century perspective based on allelic genotyping 

      Winkel, Thierry; Aguirre, María Gabriela; Arizio, Carla Marcela; Aschero, Carlos A.; Babot, María del Pilar; Benoit, Laure; Burgarella, Concentta; Costa Tártara, Sabrina María; Dubois, Marie - Pierre; Gay, Laurene; Hocsman, Salomon; Margaux, Jullien; López-Campery, Sara María; Manifesto, Maria Marcela; Navascues, Miguel; Oliszewski, Nurit; Pintar, Elizabeth; Zenboudji, Saliha; Bertero, Héctor Daniel; Joffre, Richard (Plos ONE, 2018-12-05)
      History and environment shape crop biodiversity, particularly in areas with vulnerable human communities and ecosystems. Tracing crop biodiversity over time helps understand how rural societies cope with anthropogenic or ...
    • Discrimating the biophysical signal from human - induced effects on long - tern primary production dynamics. The case of Patagonia. 

      Irisarri, Jorge Gonzalo Nicolás; Texeira, Marcos; Oesterheld, Martín; Veron, Santiago Ramón; Della Nave, Facundo; Paruelo, José María (Wiley, 2021-09-01)
      The temporal trend of aboveground net primary production (ANPP) is frequently used to estimate the human effect on ecosystems. In water-limited ecosystems, like most grazing areas in the world, human effects act upon ANPP ...
    • Disease prevalence and symptoms caused by Alternaria tenuissima and Pestalotiopsis guepinii on blueberry in Entre Ríos and Buenos Aires, Argentina 

      Fernández, Rocío L.; Rivera, Marta Carolina; Varsallona, Bruno; Wright, Eduardo Roberto (2015)
      About 60% of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) plantations in Argentina are located in the provinces of Entre Ríos and Buenos Aires. Alternaria tenuissima and Pestalotiopsis guepinii have been reported as pathogens of ...
    • Distribución de humedales en la República Argentina 

      Navarro, María Fabiana; Navarro, Carlos Saul; Barrios, Raúl Ariel; Dieta, Victorio; Garcia Martinez, Guillermo Carlos; Iturralde Elortegui, Maria Del Rosario Ma; Kurtz, Ditmar Bernardo; Michard, Nicole Jacqueline; Paredes, Paula Natalia; Saucedo, Griselda Isabel; Alday Poblete, Silvina Esther; Cianfagna, Francisco; Curcio, Matías Hernán; Enriquez, Andrea Soledad; Lopez, Astor Emilio; Miranda, Federico Waldemar; Pezzola, Nestor Alejandro; Umaña, Fernando; Vidal, Claudia; Winschel, Cristina Ines; Gavier Pizarro, Gregorio Ignacio; Calamari, Noelia Cecilia (INTA, 2022-09-01)
      Los humedales, que representan aproximadamente el 7% de la superficie de la tierra (Ramsar, 2018) se encuentran entre los ecosistemas más valiosos no sólo en términos socioeconómico-productivos, sino también ambientales, ...
    • Distribución de suelos afectados por sales en Argentina 

      Rodriguez, Dario Martin; Schulz, Guillermo; Tenti Vuegen, Leonardo Mauricio (2019-07-23)
      Los suelos afectados con sales se encuentran distribuidos por gran parte del territorio nacional. A partir del material cartográfico provisto por el Atlas de suelos de la República Argentina, se propone individualizar, ...
    • Distribución y estratificación del carbono orgánico en suelos del sudeste de Entre Ríos con diferentes usos y texturas 

      Lupi, Ana Maria; Ciarlo, Esteban Ariel; Rimski-Korsakov, Helena; Steinbach, Haydeé S.; Romaniuk, Romina Ingrid; Cosentino, Vanina Rosa Noemi; Alvarez, Carina Rosa (Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2020-10-13)
      El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de diferentes usos (monte nativo, agrícola y forestal) de suelos de diferentes texturas sobre la distribución del COS hasta el metro de profundidad en el sureste de Entre ...
    • Distribución y nicho ecológico de especies argentinas del género Angelonia 

      Bugallo, Veronica Lucia; Bonasora, Marisa (Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham y Universidad Nacional de Moreno, 2021-05-12)
      El género Angelonia posee cuatro especies nativas de Argentina: A. gardneri, A. hassleriana, A. integerrima y A. saliicariflolia. Por el porte erecto de sus coloridas varas florales, las plantas del género han despertado ...
    • Distribution and classification of soils 

      Rodriguez, Dario Martin; Schulz, Guillermo; Aleksa, Alicia Silvia; Tenti Vuegen, Leonardo Mauricio (Springer, 2019)
      The systematic survey of the soils in Argentina began in the 1960s, led by the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA). The US Soil Taxonomy was adopted as the soil classification system from the beginning of ...
    • Diversidad y estructura genética de Prosopis affinis (Leguminosae) en paisajes fragmentados: Implicancias para su manejo y conservación. 

      Soldati, Maria Cristina; Zelener, Noga; Morales, Matias; Pomponio, Maria Florencia; Gavier Pizarro, Gregorio Ignacio (Red Argentina de Ciencia y Tecnología Forestal, 2023-03-26)
      La deforestación de los bosques nativos es una de las principales causas de pérdida de biodiversidad. En Argentina, la deforestación está vinculada principalmente a los cambios en el uso de la tierra a partir de la expansión ...
    • Diversity and conservation of legumes in the Gran Chaco and biogeograpical inferences 

      Morales, Matias; Oakley, Luis; Sartori, Angela L. B.; Mogni, Virginia Y.; Atahuachi, Margoth; Vanni, Ricardo O.; Fortunato, Renee Hersilia; Prado, Darién E. (Plos ONE, 2019-08-14)
      The Gran Chaco is a wide ecologic-geographic region comprising northern Argentina, western Paraguay, southern Bolivia and the southwestern extreme of Brazil. This region exhibits extreme temperatures, annually regular ...
    • Diversity and structure of bird and mammal communities in the Semiarid Chaco Region: response to agricultural practices and landscape alterations 

      Decarre, Julieta (Imperial College London, Gran Bretaña, 2015-03)
      The conversion of land from natural environments to human-managed areas has been particularly pronounced in the semiarid Chaco Region. In this context, it is critical to understand the impacts that these major changes have ...
    • Do soil carbon sequestration and soil fertility increase by including a gramineous cover crop in continuous soybean? 

      Beltran, Marcelo Javier; Galantini, Juan Alberto; Salvagiotti, Fernando; Tognetti, Pedro Maximiliano; Bacigaluppo, Silvina; Sainz Rozas, Hernan Rene; Barraco, Miriam Raquel; Barbieri, Pablo (Wiley, 2021-04-08)
      Cover cropping is a farming practice that may improve C sequestration and soil fertility, but these effects can vary under different edaphoclimatic conditions. The effects of including a winter gramineous cover crop (CC) ...
    • Down-regulation of catalase activity contributes to senescence induction in wheat leaves exposed to shading stress 

      Causin, Humberto Fabio; Marchetti, Cintia Florencia; Pena, Liliana Beatriz; Gallego, Susana Mabel; Barneix, Atilio Jose (Springer, 2015-01)
      In shaded wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves, the suppression of blue radiation (BR) triggers senescence. This phenomenon is correlated to an increase in oxidative stress symptoms and a decrease of catalase (CAT) activity, ...
    • Downgrading recent stimates of land available for biofuel production 

      Fritz, Steffen; See, Linda; van der Velde, Marijn; Nalepa, Rachel A.; Perger, Christoph; Schill, Christian; McCallum, Ian; Schepaschenko, Dimitry; Kraxner, Florian; Cai, Ximing; Zhang, Xiao; Ortner, Simone; Hazarika, Rubul; Cipriani, Anna; Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo; Rabia, Ahmed H.; Garcia, Alfredo Gabriel; Vakolyuk, Mar`yana; Singha, Kuleswar; Beget, Maria Eugenia; Erasmi, Stefan; Albrecht, Franziska; Shaw, Brian; Obersteiner, Michael (2013-02)
      Recent estimates of additional land available for bioenergy production range from 320 to 1411 million ha. These estimates were generated from four scenarios regarding the types of land suitable for bioenergy production ...
    • Dónde, cuándo y cómo ocurren grandes incendios en la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina. Una caracterización basada en sensores remotos. 

      Sánchez, Milagros; Baldassini, Pablo; Fischer, Maria De Los Angeles; Torre Zaffaroni, Joaquín; Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo (Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2023-02-12)
      Los incendios son fenómenos catastróficos, devastadores, peligrosos y costosos para una región. A pesar de su relevancia, se conoce poco sobre su dinámica espacial y temporal en la provincia de La Pampa. El objetivo general ...
    • Drivers of agricultural land - use change in the Argentine Pampas and Chaco regions 

      Piquer Rodriguez, María; Butsic, V.; Gartner, P.; Macchi, Leandro; Baumann, Matthias; Gavier Pizarro, Gregorio Ignacio; Volante, Jose Norberto; Gasparri, Néstor Ignacio; Kuemmerle, Tobias (2018-02)
      Agricultural expansion and intensification in South America's dry forests and grasslands increase agricultural production, but also result in major environmental trade-offs. The Pampas and Chaco regions of Argentina have ...
    • Dynamics of past forest cover changes and future scenarios with implications for soil degradation in Misiones rainforest, Argentina 

      Navarro, María Fabiana; Calamari, Noelia Cecilia; Mosciaro, Maria Jesus (Elsevier, 2023-06-01)
      Misiones rainforest is one of the most threatened subtropical forests worldwide. Anthropogenic pressure by agriculture and forestry expansion continues transforming landscapes with negative consequences on ecosystem service ...