Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 107
A hard-to-keep promise: Vegetation use and aboveground carbon storage in silvopastures of the Dry Chaco
(Elsevier, 2020-11-01)In dry woodland regions, silvopastures have emerged as a promising option to balance cattle production, carbon storage and biodiversity. However, one of the major challenges in these systems, particularly when implemented ... -
Acute nutritional muscular dystrophy and mortality associated with selenium deficiency in artificial rearing of dairy calves in Salta, Argentina
(Ediciones INTA, 2024-08)Selenium (Se) is a trace element important for performance and immune functions in cattle. The deficiency of this mineral is widely distributed in northwestern Argentina and it is usually associated with intensive production ... -
Agricultural expansion and the ecological marginalization of forest-dependent people
(National Academy of Sciences, 2021-11-02)Agricultural expansion into subtropical and tropical forests causes major environmental damage, but its wider social impacts often remain hidden. Forest-dependent smallholders are particularly strongly impacted, as they ... -
Assessment of Influential Factors for Scours Associated with Cryptosporidium sp., Rotavirus and Coronavirus in Calves from Argentinean Dairy Farms
(MDPI, 2021-09)Scours is the most common disease in dairy calves, and it is a multifactorial syndrome complex. Cryptosporidium sp. (C. sp.), rotavirus group A (RVA), and bovine coronavirus (BCoV) are the three main pathogens associated ... -
Availability and Distribution of Arsenic in a Corn Crop in the Eastern Zone of the Province of Tucumán, Argentina
(Fuzzy Publication, India, 2023-06-17)There is a relationship between the arsenic content of crops and that of agricultural soils and the water used for irrigation. The consumption of foods with high arsenical concentrations represents a health risk. Corn is ... -
Benznidazole/Poloxamer 407 Solid Dispersion as a New Strategy to Improve the Treatment of Experimental Trypanosoma cruzi Infection
(American Society of Parasitologists, 2020-05-04)Benznidazole and nifurtimox are the only drugs specifically approved for the treatment of Chagas disease. Both compounds are given orally in tablets, but occasionally are ineffective and cause adverse effects. Benznidazole, ... -
Beyond pastures, look at plastic: Using Sentinel-2 imagery to map silage bags to improve understanding of cattle intensity
(Elsevier, 2023-01-10)Cattle ranching has increased globally in the last decades, and although pasture expansion is well documented across different regions, there is little understanding of the intensity at which cattle operate in these areas. ... -
Bioinoculación de Chloris gayana cv. Finecut con Pseudomonas tolaasii IEXb y Bacillus atrophaeus CN4: estudio preliminar en la Llanura Deprimida Salina de Tucumán, Argentina = Bioinoculation of Chloris gayana cv. Finecut with Pseudomonas tolaasii IEXb and Bacillus atrophaeus CN4: a prelimilary study in Saline Depressed Plane of Tucumán, Argentina
(Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, 2017)El uso de bioinoculantes presenta ventajas en la germinación y crecimiento vegetal, convirtiéndolos en una alternativa para favorecer la implantación e incrementar la producción de pasturas megatérmicas en el marco de la ... -
El bovino Criollo Argentino: principales características de la raza
(Asociación Latinoamericana de Producción Animal, 2021-06)El bovino Criollo Argentino tiene sus orígenes en el ganado introducido a América por los españoles durante la colonización. Fenotípicamente se caracteriza por la gran diversidad de colores de capa y por ... -
Brote de “pie de festuca” en un rodeo de cria de Salta, Argentina = Outbreak of fescue foot in a livestock in Salta, Argentina
(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de Esperanza, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 2018)Festuca arundinacea es una gramínea perenne de uso forrajero muy difundida mundialmente. Aquí se describe un brote de “pie de festuca” en el Noroeste Argentino que afectó a un rodeo de cría con una incidencia del 5%. Los ... -
Caracterización de la enfermedad de la artritis y encefalitis caprina en las provincias de Salta y Jujuy = Characterization of caprine arthritis-encephalitis disease in Salta and Jujuy provinces
(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de Esperanza, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 2017)La artritis y encefalitis Caprina (CAEV) puede presentar diferentes síntomas clínicos, siendo la artritis la más común. A fin de caracterizar la presencia de enfermedades en las majadas caprinas del noroeste argentino, se ... -
Caracterización estructural y morfogenética de una colección de poblaciones naturalizadas de Panicum maximum Jacq. en Argentina
(Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional, DG-SICyP, INTA, 2020-04)El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar la variabilidad genética presente entre seis poblaciones naturalizadas de Panicum maximum Jacq. (= Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B.K. Simon y S.W.L. Jacobs) en el noroeste argentino. ... -
Case Report Outbreak of Winter Coccidiosis in calves from Northwestern Argentina
(Ediciones INTA, 2022-11)Coccidiosis is an intestinal infection caused by protozoans of the genus Eimeria. When the disease occurs in winter, it is known as winter coccidiosis. In July 2021, two calves were referred to INTA-Salta SDVE to determine ... -
Cestrum parqui poisoning in cattle in Northwestern Argentina: report of 10 outbreaks
(Ediciones INTA, 2024-05)Cestrum parqui is a perennial plant known for its toxicity in ruminants. This work describes several outbreaks of natural intoxication with C. parqui from different sources, affecting cattle in different production systems, ... -
Characterization of lesions of nutritional congenital goitre in cattle
(Elsevier, 2023-08-18)There are few studies that classify and characterize the morphometric and immunohistochemical features of goitre in bovine thyroid glands (TGs). We investigated 39 bovine TGs (fetuses [9], stillbirths [18], neonates [12]) ... -
Clinico-pathological findings in natural cases of "mascadera" in goats
(2018-02)“Mascadera” is a chronic emaciating neuropathy affecting goats; it produces significant economic losses in many regions and its cause is unknown. Here, the histological lesions found in 15 animals naturally affected by the ... -
Comparison of two coprological methods for the diagnosis of Eurytrema ssp. in cattle and sheep
(Cambridge University Press, 2022-07-27)Eurytrematosis is a disease caused by flukes of the genus Eurytrema. These parasites infect the pancreatic ducts of a wide variety of species, including cattle, sheep and humans. Diagnosing eurytrematosis through the ... -
Comportamiento productivo, calidad de la res y de la carne de novillos CriolloArgentino, Braford y sus cruzas F1 engordados a corral. Información preliminar = Productive behavior, quality of beef and meat of Criollo Argentino steers, Braford and their F1 crosses fattened in the corral. preliminary information
(Asociación Latinoamericana de Producción Animal, 2022)Se evaluaron parámetros de desempeño productivo y de calidad de la res y la carne de 18 novillos de raza Criollo Argentino (CrA), Braford (Bra) y la cruza F1 de CrA x Bra (F1). Los animales fueron sometidos a un engorde a ... -
Crecimiento predestete de terneros Criollo argentinos
(Asociación Latinoamericana de Producción Animal, 2021-06)El peso al destete de los terneros depende principalmente de la tasa de crecimiento predestete y está asociada a la aptitud lechera de la vaca. La leche es el principal alimento disponible durante los dos primeros meses ... -
Defensive Behavior and Morphometric Variation in Apis mellifera Colonies From Two Different Agro-Ecological Zones of North-Western Argentina
(Frontiers Media, 2021-09-14)European lineages of Apis mellifera were first introduced into America for beekeeping purposes. A subsequent introduction and accidental release of A. m. scutellata resulted in hybridization events that gave rise to ...