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Application of serological tests to assess the efficacy of foot-and-mouth disease vaccination in dairy cattle with or without viral leucosis
Enzootic bovine leucosis is an infectious viral disease of cattle distributed worldwide that affect dairy cattle over 2 years of age. This disease produces changes in the animal´s immune system that may affect vaccine efficacy. During the last 10 years many reports have highlighted the association of BLV infection with a diminished or modified immune response against routinely used cattle vaccines. Our group has focused on studying the possible role of
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Enzootic bovine leucosis is an infectious viral disease of cattle distributed worldwide that affect dairy cattle over 2 years of age. This disease produces changes in the animal´s immune system that may affect vaccine efficacy. During the last 10 years many reports have highlighted the association of BLV infection with a diminished or modified immune response against routinely used cattle vaccines. Our group has focused on studying the possible role of BLV infection on the immune response elicited by foot-and-mouth disease primo or multiple vaccinations making use of serological assays aimed to characterize the antibody response in terms of IgG-subtypes and avidity. These tools demonstrated to be very useful for analyzing the effects of BLV in FMD vaccine immunity. The use of simple high-throughput assays delving on the quality of the antibody response is paramount for assessing vaccine efficacy and can help in analyzing the impact of BLV infection at herd level.

Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences 8 (3) : 555738 (December 2018)
Juniper Publishers
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