Artículos científicos: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 607
Peso vivo promedio de terneros de destete, homogeneidad de lote y sus efectos sobre el precio final de venta en la localidad de Guañacos
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, 2024-12)La crisis climática actual sumada al deterioro de los pastizales naturales obliga a los actores sociales vinculados con la producción bovina a tomar acciones de buenas prácticas ganaderas que garanticen la conservación y ... -
Estrés en la esquila ovina = Stress in sheep shearing
(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 2024-10)La esquila representa un estrés agudo para los animales, se ha descripto la respuesta al estrés de las ovejas durante la esquila, pero hay información limitada sobre qué factores desencadenan esta respuesta. Con el método ... -
Are they even there? How agri-environment schemes investments reach their target species in Dutch dairy-farmland, the case of meadow birds
(Elsevier, 2024-12)Agri-environmental schemes (AES) implemented by farmer collectives for meadow bird protection in The Netherlands create complex landscape mosaics due to the variability of options and combinations farmers use. We propose ... -
Effect of Grasses on Native Tree Seedling Establishment Along a Water Stress Gradient: Results of Forest and Greenhouse Experiments
(Wiley, 2024-11)Anthropogenic activities such as cattle grazing and forest clearing have led to the establishment of early successional grass layers in some native forests, which may inhibit or entirely prevent native tree regeneration. ... -
Site conditions shaped the effect of silvicultural management on the biodiversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi in mixed Nothofagus forests
(Elsevier, 2024-07)Ectomycorrhizas (EcM) constitute a crucial component of soil biota in forest ecosystems, where they perform functions of great ecological significance. Although there is available information about the individual effects ... -
A New Framework for Vegetation Productivity Dynamics Assessment in Patagonia: Rangeland Functional Archetypes
(Tech Science Press, 2024-09)Adaptive management in arid and semi-arid regions of Patagonia, Argentina, requires a thorough understanding of vegetative dynamics, which can be obtained via rangeland assessment and monitoring. These practices are essential ... -
Intraspecific variation in leaf (poly)phenolic content of a southern hemisphere beech (Nothofagus antarctica) growing under different environmental conditions.
(Springer Nature, 2024-08-29)Nothofagus antarctica (G.Forst.) Oerst. (Ñire) leaves are a valuable source of (poly)phenolic compounds and represent a high‑value non‑timber product from Patagonian forests. However, information on the variability of their ... -
Pelletized Organomineral vs. Inorganic Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizers: Impact on Wheat Nutritional Status, Productivity, and Grain Quality
(Springer, 2024-10)The literature presents conflicting findings regarding the efficacy of organomineral fertilizers (OMFs) in comparison to inorganic counterparts. Furthermore, limited information is available comparing these fertilizer ... -
A study on dehairing of vicuña fiber: evaluation of yields and quality characteristics that impact on its transformation and textile added value
(Taylor and Francis, 2024-08)Dehairing is a key process in the textile transformation of double-coated animal fibers such as vicuña fleeces. The process consists in the mechanical separation of the coarse fibers (and additionally other foreign particles) ... -
Defoliation frequency affects morphophysiological traits in the bunchgrass Poa ligularis = La frecuencia de defoliación afecta las carcacterísticas morfofisiológicas en la gramínea perenne Poa ligularis
(Fundacion Romulo Raggio, 2010-11)Poa ligularis is an important forage in Patagonian rangelands. Populations of this perennial bunchgrass have been severely affected by overgrazing. We propose that increased defoliation frequencies will decrease (1) aerial- ... -
Arquetipos Funcionales de Pastizal: Recuperando el eslabón perdido de la evaluación de pastizales en la Patagonia
(Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2024-08)La evaluación de pastizales en regiones áridas y semiáridas de la Patagonia argentina es una herramienta clave tanto para planificar el manejo ganadero como para realizar evaluaciones ambientales y seguir procesos complejos ... -
Exclusión al ganado en bosques mixtos de Patagonia norte bajo uso silvopastoril: Respuestas estructurales y funcionales de la vegetación
(Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2024-08)Las clausuras en bosques templados se han usado con frecuencia para evaluar los efectos del ganado con objetivos de conservación y restauración. Sin embargo, su empleo con objetivos de manejo en sistemas productivos ... -
Tracking states and transitions in semiarid rangelands: A spatiotemporal archetypal analysis of productivity dynamics using wavelets
(Elsevier, 2024-07)Climate change poses challenges in classifying ecosystem dynamics, as they are influenced by shifting dynamics resulting from changes in climate forces and meteorological variables, including temperature and water availability. ... -
The relevance of integrating multiple sensory modalities into capturing devices: the case of the global pest Sirex noctilio
(Wiley, 2024-07)Sirex noctilio is an invasive forest wasp that affects pines in many parts of the globe and can result in severe economic losses. Current trapping methods for monitoring the pest rely heavily on non-specific semiochemicals. ... -
Allee effects in an invasive social wasp: an experimental study in colonies of Vespula germanica
(Springer Nature, 2023-09)Allee effects rely on the existence of mutually beneficial intraspecific interactions that increase individual fitness and per capita growth rate, as the number of individuals in a population or group increases. When the ... -
Archetypes of climate change adaptation among large-scale arable farmers in southern Romania
(Springer, 2024-07)Effects of climate change and especially the associated climate variability require farmers to adjust to increasing frequencies of extreme events. In the agriculturally highly productive Romanian Plain, the frequency, ... -
Use of near-infrared spectroscopy to estimate physical, anatomical and hydraulic properties of Eucalyptus wood
(Oxford University Press, 2023-03)Tree breeding programs and wood industries require simple, time- and cost-effective techniques to process large volumes of samples. In recent decades, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has been acknowledged as one of the ... -
Intraspecific phylogeny of a Patagonian fescue: differentiation at molecular markers and morphological traits suggests hybridization at peripheral populations
(Oxford University Press, 2023-05)Background and Aims: Grasses of the Festuca genus have complex phylogenetic relations due to morphological similarities among species and interspecific hybridization processes. Within Patagonian fescues, information ... -
Advancing social insect research through the development of an automated yellowjacket nest activity monitoring station using deep learning
(Wiley, 2024-07)We describe the development and validation of an autonomous monitoring station that identifies and records the movement of social insects into and out of the colony. The hardware consists of an illuminated channel and a ... -
Diurnal High Temperatures Affect the Physiological Performance and Fruit Quality of Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cv. Legacy
(MDPI, 2024-07)In this study, the physiological performance and fruit quality responses of the highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) cultivar Legacy to high temperatures (HTs) were evaluated in a field experiment. Three-year-old V. ...