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CRONOSOJA : a daily time-step hierarchical model predicting soybean development across maturity groups in the Southern Cone
(Oxford University Press, 2024-05)Accurate prediction of phenology is the most critical aspect for the development of models aimed at estimating seed yield, particularly in species that exhibit variable sensitivity to environmental factors throughout the ... -
Yield determination of temperate maize hybrids with different end-uses : an ecophysiological analysis
(Wiley, 2025-02)Maize (Zea mays L.) production in Argentina changed markedly during the last decade due to the widespread adoption of late sowing dates, expanding its productive area, and diversifying crop end-uses. This study was conducted ... -
Measuring the bioeconomy economically : exploring the connections between concepts, methods, data, indicators and their limitations
(MDPI, 2024-10)Despite its relevance, measuring the contributions of the bioeconomy to national economies remains an arduous task that faces limitations. Part of the difficulty is associated with the lack of a clear and widely accepted ... -
Enhancing wheat yield potential through the QTL QFFE.perg-5A and QFEm.perg-3A associated to spike fruiting efficiency : insights from plot-level analysis
(Elsevier, 2025-03)Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a key global crop, essential for food security. To enhance its productivity this study focused on two quantitative trait loci (QTL), QFFE.perg-5A and QFEm.perg-3A, previously associated with ... -
Multiscale mathematical modeling in systems biology : a framework to boost plant synthetic biology
(MDPI, 2025-02)Global food insecurity and environmental degradation highlight the urgent need for more sustainable agricultural solutions. Plant synthetic biology emerges as a promising yet risky avenue to develop such solutions. While ... -
Nitrogen enhances diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi while phosphorus drives community composition in maize rhizosphere after 19 years of fertilization
(Springer Nature, 2025-01)Background and aims: Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilisers are widely used in agro-ecosystems but can endanger the diversity of beneficial soil-borne biota. This study aimed to determine the impact of long-term N and ... -
El rol de los rumiantes en los sistemas agropecuarios de la Argentina = The role of ruminants in the agricultural systems of Argentina
(Asociación Argentina de Producción Animal, 2024-04)En relación con la conferencia realizada en el 46° Congreso Argentino de Producción Animal por el Dr. Lemaire sobre el rol de los herbívoros domésticos en la mejora de la fertilidad del suelo para sistemas de cultivo ... -
Implementation of a method for the identification and quantification of phytosterols in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) by gas chromatography
(Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2025-01)Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), a major source of oil, is the second most widely cultivated legume crop worldwide after soybean. Argentina is the largest producer of confectionery peanuts in Latin America and the seventh in ... -
Beyond the Climate: Multiple Sources of Risk in Agriculture in the United States, Brazil and Argentina
(Universidad de Illinois, 2025-01)This report presents the results of a survey on farmers’ perceptions in the U.S. Midwest, the Argentine Pampas, and southern Brazil regarding the main sources of risk facing their businesses. Conducted in 2022 and 2023, ... -
Effect of Fertilization, Cultivar and Weeds on the Productive Behavior of Tall Fescue (Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh)
(Human Journals, 2024-12)The agricultural intensification in Argentina's Pampean region has pushed livestock farming towards marginal areas such as the Salado Depression. In this context, tall fescue pastures emerge as a sustainable forage ... -
Enteric Methane Emission from Cattle Grazing Systems with Cover Crops and Legume–Grass Pasture
(MDPI, 2024-12)This study aims to quantify enteric methane (CH4) emission and dry matter intake (DMI) in beef steers under two rotational grazing systems: (i) a mixture of cover crops (vetch + ryegrass + forage radish) (CC) and (ii) ... -
Mejoramiento de la tolerancia a estrés hídrico en maíz en un programa de mejoramiento público
(Universidad San Francisco de Quito, 2024-09)A nivel global, gran parte de la producción de maíz se realiza bajo condiciones de secano, en las que la principal limitante para el rendimiento suele ser la disponibilidad hídrica. En maíz, el intervalo antesis-silking ... -
Ganadería bovina argentina: implicancias de impuestos de carbono en frontera
(Instituto para la integración de América Latina y el Caribe BID INTAL, 2024-05)En los países del Norte Global, encabezados por la Unión Europea (UE), actualmente se está debatiendo la integración del sector agropecuario en los mecanismos formales de fijación de precios al carbono. Además, se observa ... -
Experiencia grupal en la elaboración de un biofertilizante para producciones extensivas en Arrecifes
(Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, 2024-09)La experiencia relata la elaboración de supermagro en forma colaborativa, por parte de un grupo de productores y extensionistas en Arrecifes. Se realizaron metodologías y formulaciones diferentes para evaluar la factibilidad ... -
Divergencias en la rentabilidad según estratos de productores de la región pampeana Argentina
(Instituto Argentino para el Desarrollo Económico - IADE, 2024-08)La evolución de los diferentes procesos estudiados en el territorio agropecuario muestra una disputa latente entre actores en función de sus intereses. El objetivo del trabajo es identificar los agentes y caracterizar sus ... -
Effects of breed and genomic inbreeding on milk, fat and protein lactation yields and fertility traits in pasture-based dairy cows in Argentina
(Cambridge University Press, 2024-08)The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effects of breed and genomic inbreeding on 305-day lactation yields of milk, fat and protein; and fertility traits of pasture-based dairy cows in Argentina. The genomic ... -
Incidencia de los residuos de cultivos de cobertura sobre la abundancia y materia seca aérea de malezas
(Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia de las Malezas (ASACIM), 2024-07)Los residuos de los cultivos de cobertura (CC) presentes sobre la superficie del suelo pueden interferir a las malezas afectando el número de individuos y la materia seca aérea (MSA). El objetivo del presente trabajo fue ... -
Breeding for increased grains/m2 in wheat crops through targeting critical period duration : a review
(Elsevier, 2024-08)Context: Continuing to raise the potential yield of wheat through breeding is essential for global food security. Past progress has largely been associated with greater grains/m2 (GN), the critical period for the determination ... -
Maize breeding effects on grain yield genetic progress and its contribution to global yield gain in Argentina
(Elsevier, 2024-08)Context or problem: Maize production in Argentina has increased in recent years, following the global gain (GG) in grain yield (GY). The GG in GY depends on genetic progress (GP), which requires frequent quantification to ... -
Huertas familiares en el contexto de la agricultura pampeana: Caracterización de la actividad hortícola y percepción sobre los invertebrados presentes en las huertas del partido de San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina = Family orchards in the context of Pampas agriculture: Characterization of horticultural activity and perception of the invertebrates present in the orchards of the district of San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 2024-03)In recent years, horticulture in the northern region of the Buenos Aires province, Argentina, has increased. Accurate information on this activity is a prerequisite to address potential phytosanitary problems that farmers ...