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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 228
Nutritional evaluation of dried tomato seeds
(Oxford Academic Press, 2003-01)Two samples of tomato seeds, a by-product of the tomato canning industry were evaluated to determine proximate analysis, amino acid content, and digestibility, TMEn, and protein efficiency ratio. Tomato seeds were also ... -
Genetic gains in grain yield and related physiological attributes in Argentine maize hybrids
(Elsevier, 2006-02)Genetic gains in grain yield and related phenotypic attributes have been extensively documented in maize (Zea mays L.), but the effect of breeding on the physiological determinants of grain yield is yet poorly understood. ... -
Soil porosity characteristics and water movement under zero tillage in silty soils in Argentinian Pampas
(Elsevier, 2006-05)The objective of this study was to identify pore characteristics (quantity, distribution, stability and orientation of pores) that condition water dynamics under continuous zero tillage (ZT) on silty soils of the Argentinian ... -
Fertilizer vs. organic matter contributions to nitrogen leaching in cropping systems of the Pampas: 15N application in field lysimeters
(Springer, 2006-11-07)Nitrogen (N) export from soils to streams and groundwater under the intensifying cropping schemes of the Pampas is modest compared to intensively cultivated basins of Europe and North America; however, a slowNenrichment ... -
Detection of ovine antibody to Brucella ovis by Indirect Enzyme Immunoassay
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2007)Because some batch-to-batch variation in the preparation of rough lipopolysaccharide (RLPS) from Brucella ovis has been experienced, several protocols were tested to establish the most reliable method for detection of ... -
Severity of Fusarium ear rot and concentration of fumonisin in grain of Argentinian maize hybrids
(Elsevier, 2007-06)Fusarium ear rot severity and fumonisin concentration in grain of 16 Argentinian maize hybrids were assessed after inoculation with Fusarium verticillioides. Differences among hybrids for both traits indicate that field ... -
Meat quality of Argentinean “Camperos” chicken enhanced in omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids
(Elsevier, 2008-07)Five diets were assessed with the aim of increasing oleic fatty acid and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content in ‘campero’ poultry meat and evaluating their influence on sensory attributes. Animals from treatment 1 ... -
Multi-Level approach for the analysis of water effects in corn flakes
(American Chemical Society, 2008-08)The purpose of this work was to analyze the effect of water on thermal transitions, mechanical properties, and molecular mobility in corn flakes (CF), and their relationships. Commercial common (CCF) and sugar-frosted (SCF) ... -
Ecophysiological traits in maize hybrids and their parental inbred lines: Phenotyping of responses to contrasting nitrogen supply levels
(Elsevier, 2009-10)Maize (Zea mays L.) breeding based primarily on final grain yield has been successful in improving this trait since the introduction of hybrids. Contrarily, understanding of the variation in ecophysiological processes ... -
Water and nitrate exchange between cultivated ecosystems and groundwater in the Rolling Pampas
(Elsevier, 2009-12)Understanding nitrogen (N) exchange between cultivated ecosystems and groundwater becomes crucial in the Rolling Pampas where high and variable water table levels are accompanied by increasing N-fertilization rates. Field ... -
Aggressiveness of fusarium section liseola isolates causing maize ear rot in Argentina
(Edizioni ETS, 2010-03)Developing resistance to species of Fusarium in maize (Zea mays L.) is important to prevent field mycotoxin contamination. Isolates representative of natural conditions need to be identified to maximize selection responses. ... -
Should farmers follow the recommendations of market advisory services? A hierarchical bayesian approach to estimation of expected performance
(Wiley, 2010-04-07)ABayesian hierarchical approach is employed to estimate individual expected performance of agricultural market advisory services. Skeptical beliefs based on market efficiency are incorporated as prior information. For a ... -
Characterization of maize populations in different environmental conditions by means of Three-Mode Principal Components Analysis
(Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2010-12)Characterization of 31 native populations of maize conserved at the germplasm bank of the INTA Pergamino Experimental Station, Argentina, was achieved by evaluating 10 quantitative attributes in two different environmental ... -
Kernel number and kernel weight determination in dent and popcorn maize
(Elsevier, 2011-02)Yield formation in maize (Zea mays L.) dent hybrids has been directly linked to the rate of plant biomass accumulation and partitioning of assimilates to the developing grain. Maize popcorn genotypes have been studied less ... -
Líneas de girasol de la EEA Pergamino
(Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional, DNA SICC, INTA, 2011-04)Se analizaron tres grupos de líneas de girasol (Helianthus annuus) de la EEA Pergamino del INTA. Grupo 1: líneas derivadas de los compuestos P1, P2, P4, PGRK y KLM liberadas en la década del 90. Grupo 2: líneas GP logradas ... -
Crop management affects dry-milling quality of flint maize kernels
(Elsevier, 2011-05)Dry-milling performance of maize (Zea mays, L.) kernels primarily depends on their hardness. The flint type is harder than the dent and semi-dent maize, yielding a higher proportion of big endosperm pieces in the mill. ... -
Evaluación del rendimiento y otros atributos agronómicos en el germoplasma comercial de girasol argentino (1986-2006)
(Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional, DNA SICC, INTA, 2011-12)El mejoramiento genético de girasol en la Argentina resultó en un progreso genético constante para rendimiento en todas las regiones de cultivo de esta especie. En este trabajo, se aplicaron análisis de modelos lineales ... -
Caracterización de poblaciones nativas de maíz mediante análisis de procrustes generalizado y análisis factorial múltiple
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2012)El establecimiento de relaciones entre taxones es un paso esencial en el proceso de catalogación y evaluación del material conservado en un Banco de Germoplasma. Existen distintos métodos de evaluación en función del tipo ... -
Classification of argentine maize landraces in heterotic groups
(Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l'Analisi dell'Economia Agraria, 2012)The genetic diversity of maize (Zea mays L) is a valuable and strategic natural resource that plays a key role in the breeding progress. However, exploitation of genetic variability from landraces has not reached a significant ... -
Introduction of cover crops in a maize–soybean rotation of the Humid Pampas: Effect on nitrogen and water dynamics
(Elsevier, 2012-03)The agricultural system of the Humid Pampas consists of continuous cropping of soybean and maize under no tillage. This system may loose nitrogen (N) through leaching during the early and final stages of summer crops and ...