EEA Santa Cruz: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 650
Retention levels and years-after-harvesting influence over soil microbial activity and biomass in Southern Patagonian forests
(MDPI, 2024-11-20)Variable retention harvesting (VRH) was designed for timber purposes and biodiversity conservation in natural forests. This system was globally tested, but few studies are related to soil microbial components. The objective ... -
El caso de hongos comestibles en la provincia de Santa Cruz
(Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce, INTA, 2019-09)Desde hace más de 3 años se comenzó a trabajar desde la AER Los Antiguos (EEA INTA Santa Cruz) en una experiencia de producción de hongos comestibles cultivables en la zona noroeste de S. Cruz. -
Change in functional trait diversity mediates the effects of nutrient addition on grassland stability
(British Ecological Society, 2024-09-02)1. Nutrient enrichment impacts grassland plant diversity such as species richness, functional trait composition and diversity, but whether and how these changes affect ecosystem stability in the face of increasing climate ... -
Stand characteristics, leaf traits and growth of threatened conifer Pilgerodendron uviferum (Cupressaceae) in Southern Patagonia, Argentina
(MDPI, 2024-10-18)Pilgerodendron uviferum is an endemic Cupressaceae of Patagonia (Argentina) that is restricted to a small group of individual trees, growing in isolated populations (relicts) along its distribution. The main objective was ... -
Widening global variability in grassland biomass since the 1980s
(Springer Nature, 2024-08-05)Global change is associated with variable shifts in the annual production of aboveground plant biomass, suggesting localized sensitivities with unclear causal origins. Combining remotely sensed normalized difference ... -
Dominance and rarity in tree communities across the globe: patterns, predictors and threats
(Wiley, 2024-07-17)Aim. Ecological and anthropogenic factors shift the abundances of dominant and rare tree species within local forest communities, thus affecting species composition and ecosystem functioning. To inform forest and conservation ... -
Actualización Económica de los Establecimientos Modales de Producción Ovina Extensiva, en las Principales Zonas de la Provincia de Santa Cruz. Julio 2024
(EEA Santa Cruz, INTA, 2024-07)El informe técnico “Actualización Económica de los Establecimientos Modales de Producción Ovina Extensiva, en las principales Zonas de la Provincia de Santa Cruz. Zafra 2023-2024” está dirigido a todos los que integran el ... -
Experimental Exclusion of Guanaco Grazing Increases Cover, Diversity, Land Function and Plant Recruitment in Patagonia
(Tech Science Press, 2024-07-30)Semiarid Patagonia represents 25% of the rangeland area in Argentina, and sheep overgrazing has degraded about a third of it in the past. In this century, depleted domestic stocks have mostly stabilized, but Guanaco ... -
Calidad del agua para consumo humano y producción hidropónica en Bases Antárticas Conjuntas de Argentina = Water quality for human consumption and hydroponic production in Antarctic Bases of Argentina
(Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, 2024-08-01)Entre los años 2022 y 2023 se inició la producción de vegetales en módulos de hidroponia instalados en las Bases Antárticas Conjuntas argentinas Marambio y Esperanza, cuyo objetivo principal es el abastecimiento continuo ... -
Climate influence seed production in managed and unmanaged Nothofagus pumilio forests of Southern Patagonia
(SCION, 2024-07-24)Background: Annual seed production is key to understand natural forest dynamics and to apply sustainable forest management. This process is subjected to variations according to annual and seasonal climatic conditions, ... -
Sistemas silvopastoriles en bosques de Nothofagus antárctica: Revisión del conocimiento actual en Patagonia Sur, Argentina.
(INFOR (Chile), 2011-08)Los sistemas silvopastoriles, que combinan en una misma unidad de superficie árboles con pasturas o pastizales bajo pastoreo con ganado, son una alternativa productiva en la región Patagónica, y podrían constituir una ... -
Carbon Storage in Silvopastoral Systems and Other Land Uses, Argentina
(Springer, 2024-06-26)Silvopastoral systems (SPS) provide a range of ecosystem services, including carbon (C) sequestration. Well-managed SPS outperform grasslands, pastures, and forests in terms of C through increased soil and biomass storage. ... -
Photosynthetic response to water stress of the main grass species of southern patagonian steppe, Argentina
(Elsevier, 2024-10)Comparative studies of basic physiological performance are needed to give insight of how grass species survive and grow under current and more severe drought predicted in the framework of climate change in arid steppe ... -
Estado de situación de las nevadas en la provincia de Santa Cruz
(EEA Santa Cruz, INTA, 2024-07-05)En el fin del otoño y el principio del invierno de 2024 se produjeron una serie de fenómenos meteorológicos a partir de un sistema de baja presión sobre el océano Pacífico central que, en su trayectoria al este, interactuó ... -
Shelterwood cut intensity determines recovery pathways of managed Nothofagus pumilio forests
(SCION, 2024-05-31)Background: Forest harvesting is the main driver of change in forest structure and natural regeneration dynamics during management. Forest recovery after disturbances is important for economic values and ecological processes ... -
Positive feedbacks and alternative stable states in forest leaf types
(Springer Nature, 2024-05-31)The emergence of alternative stable states in forest systems has significant implications for the functioning and structure of the terrestrial biosphere, yet empirical evidence remains scarce. Here, we combine global forest ... -
Different Approaches of Forest Type Classifications for Argentina Based on Functional Forests and Canopy Cover Composition by Tree Species
(MDPI, 2024-04-24)Modern forestry systems rely on typologies of forest types (FTs). In Argentina, several proposals have been developed, but they lack unified criteria. The objective was to compare different approaches, specifically focusing ... -
¿Qué estrategias y tecnologías utilizaron los ganaderos de la provincia de Santa Cruz para atravesar la última sequía?
(EEA Santa Cruz, INTA, 2024-04)La principal actividad agropecuaria de la provincia de Santa Cruz es la producción ovina extensiva de carne y lana basadas en pastizales naturales (Cibils y Borrelli, 2005). La productividad ovina depende en gran medida ... -
Actualización Económica: Costo de alambrados tradicionales en la provincia de Santa Cruz Marzo 2024
(EEA Santa Cruz, INTA, 2024-03)El presente trabajo tiene por finalidad generar información en detalle de los costos que se incurre, en establecimientos ganaderos de la provincia de Santa Cruz, en la construcción de alambrados tradicionales permanentes ... -
Fasciola hepatica. Muestreo exploratorio al sur del río Santa Cruz
(EEA Santa Cruz, INTA, 2024-03)La fasciolosis, saguaypé o distomatosis es una enfermedad parasitaria, causada por el platelminto trematodo (duela) Fasciola hepatica (Linnaeus, 1758), la cual afecta a gran cantidad de animales herbívoros y omnívoros, ...