Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 1191
¡El 2023 trajo lluvias! ¿Cuánto se transforma en producción?
(Ediciones INTA; Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche, 2023-12)Después de una temporada invernal con lluvias cercanas al promedio histórico sobre los pastizales naturales ¿Qué pasa con el agua de lluvia cuando llega al campo? ¿Cuánto queda disponible en los pastizales naturales para ... -
25 Years of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: Why Some Intergovernmental C&I Processes Flourished While Others Faded
(MDPI, 2018-08-25)The use of criteria and indicators (C&I) for data collection, monitoring, assessing and reporting on sustainable forest management (SFM) has been growing since the Earth Summit in 1992, supported by eleven intergovernmental, ... -
A combination of rules govern fruit trait preference by frugivorous bat and bird species: nutrients, defence and size
(Elsevier, 2021-06)Several hypotheses explain how sensory, anatomical and physiological constraints drive fruit preference in frugivores. Optimal diet theory (ODT) states that frugivores make decisions based on the energy contained in food. ... -
A cross-sectional study of free-roaming dogs in a Patagonian city: Their distribution and intestinal helminths in relation to socioeconomic aspects of neighborhoods
(Elsevier, 2022-08)Human and dog health are inextricably linked, and although our relationship with dogs brings numerous benefits for our well-being, it is known that they can transmit disease. Bariloche is a Patagonian tourist city with ... -
A first worldwide multispecies survey of invasive Mediterranean pine bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae)
(Springer, 2020-02)Several European and Mediterranean species of pine bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) have become established in North America and the southern hemisphere, posing a novel threat to planted and naturally-occurring ... -
A Framework to tackling the synchrony between Social and Ecological phases of the annual cyclic movement of transhumant pastoralism
(MDPI, 2020-04)Transhumant pastoralism is mobile livelihood strategy in which families and their herds move seasonally from lowlands, where they settle during the winter, towards the highlands, located in mountainous areas, during the ... -
A Key Interaction Behind the Scenes: Dung Beetles in Livestock Production from Arid and Semi-Arid Rangelands
(Springer, 2024-02)Pastoralism is a dominant agricultural activity in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. The interaction between coprophagous insects and livestock is a key but an undervalued topic in rangeland management decisions. The objective ... -
A Multi-Objective Model Exploration of Banana-Canopy Management and Nutrient Input Scenarios for Optimal Banana-Legume Intercrop Performance
(MDPI, 2021-02)Bananas on smallholder farmers in the African Great Lakes region are often pruned to illuminate shorter understory intercrops, reducing overall farm profitability. The impact of this practice on environmental and nutritional ... -
A multivariate geostatistical framework for combining multiple indices of abundance for disease vectors and reservoirs: a case study of rattiness in a low-income urban Brazilian community
(The Royal Society Publishing, 2020-09-02)A key requirement in studies of endemic vector-borne or zoonotic disease is an estimate of the spatial variation in vector or reservoir host abundance. For many vector species, multiple indices of abundance are available, ... -
A New Framework for Vegetation Productivity Dynamics Assessment in Patagonia: Rangeland Functional Archetypes
(Tech Science Press, 2024-09)Adaptive management in arid and semi-arid regions of Patagonia, Argentina, requires a thorough understanding of vegetative dynamics, which can be obtained via rangeland assessment and monitoring. These practices are essential ... -
A new model formulation for host depletion in parasitoids
(Elsevier, 2023-01)A new model of host depletion in the functional response of parasitoids is presented. Most existing models describe the dynamics of prey consumption as a sequential-memoryless/Markovian process of searching for, handling, ... -
A simple method to select high superovulatory responder goats
(Elsevier, 2023-01)In most female mammals, a common drawback to multiple ovulation embryo transfer programs is the variability in the superovulatory response to the multidose pFSH treatment. The aim of the present study was to identify embryo ... -
A study on dehairing of vicuña fiber: evaluation of yields and quality characteristics that impact on its transformation and textile added value
(Taylor and Francis, 2024-08)Dehairing is a key process in the textile transformation of double-coated animal fibers such as vicuña fleeces. The process consists in the mechanical separation of the coarse fibers (and additionally other foreign particles) ... -
A successful vitrification technique for goat morulae conservation
(Elsevier, 2022-04-01)The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different vitrification and warming processes on the in vitro embryo survival of caprine morulae, considering the day of recovery. A total of 136 morulae of Criolla-Neuquina ... -
A synthesis on the impact of non-native conifer plantations on ant and beetle diversity in norh-western Patagonia
(2018-03)Softwood forestry with non-native tree species is increasing worldwide and especially in many developing countries of the Southern Hemisphere. Tree plantations are beneficial in environmental and socioeconomic aspects, but ... -
Aborto en bovinos por consumo de pino : análisis toxológico de coníferas en la Patagonia Argentina
(Edición del Autor, 2018-11)El objetivo del trabajo es determinar la presencia de ICA en tres especies de coníferas en establecimientos ganaderos de Neuquén, Río Negro y Chubut -
Acciones y omisiones en políticas públicas sobre nuestro patrimonio genético
(TeseoPress, 2023-11)Durante siglos, los recursos genéticos (RG) fueron considerados patrimonio de la humanidad. Por eso, el intercambio entre los países era libre. A partir de la década del cincuenta, el germoplasma mejorado comenzó a remplazar ... -
Accounting for pastoralists in Argentina
(LPP, 2020)No official statistics exist on pastoralism in Argentina, so their number is not known. Between 30,000 to 35,000 households practise pastoralism, estimates Red Chaco based on the 2018 National Census. In some areas, ... -
Actas VI Jornadas Forestales Patagónicas : el rol de los bosques en un mundo diferente
(INTA - CIEFAP - CONICET, 2022-03)¿Qué son las Jornadas Forestales Patagónicas? Las JFP conforman un espacio de intercambio de ideas y experiencias amplio entre los actores del sector forestal de la región patagónica, que incluye productores, investigadores, ... -
Actualización del resultado económico de una plantación de Pino Ponderosa en Patagonia Norte para calidad de sitio II : Informe de actualización. Junio 2020
(EEA Bariloche, 2020)En el año 2015, en el marco de la elaboración del Manual de Buenas Prácticas Forestales en Bosques Cultivados en Patagonia Andina Norte, se realizaron tres talleres de sensibilización para actores públicos y privados con ...