• Nueva avispa invasora en Chile : El Avispón Oriental, Vespa orientalis ¿Llegará a la Argentina? ¡Estaremos atento! 

      Masciocchi, Maite; Abertman, Marina Paula; Buteler, Micaela; Morales, Carolina Laura; Werenkraut, Victoria (EEA Bariloche, INTA, 2020-12)
      Una nueva avispa social invasora, conocida como “Avispón Oriental”, fue detectada recientemente en el centro de Chile (Región Metropolitana). Si bien este hallazgo no implica necesariamente que llegue a la Argentina, estar ...
    • Pest management of social insects in urban settings 

      Masciocchi, Maite; Dimarco, Romina Daniela; Corley, Juan Carlos (2017-04)
      Pest management of social insects in urban environments is a growing global concern, given the problems that these pests generate and the growth of urban areas worldwide. In this special issue, we present studies on the ...
    • Population ecology and classical biological control of forest insect pests in a changing world 

      Fischbein, Deborah; Corley, Juan Carlos (Elsevier, 2022-09-15)
      Forests are important for climate regulation and provide wood and fiber to an increasing human population. Forest systems encompass a large part of the world’s land surface area and they are increasingly threatened by ...
    • The role of leaf cellulose content in determining host plant preferences of three defoliating insects present in the Andean-Patagonian forest 

      Pietrantuono, Ana Laura; Bruzzone, Octavio Augusto; Fernandez Arhex, Valeria Cristina (2016)
      Los insectos fitófagos eligen sus recursos alimenticios según sus propias necesidades además de las propiedades de las plantas huésped, como las defensas biomecánicas. Las preferencias alimentarias de los insectos folívoros ...
    • Sex, life history and morphology drive individual variation in flight performance of an insect parasitoid 

      Fischbein, Deborah; Villacide, Jose Maria; De La Vega, Gerardo; Corley, Juan Carlos (2017-08)
      1. The movement of organisms can be driven by multiple factors and has implications for fitness and the spatial distribution of populations. Insects spend a large proportion of their adult lives foraging by flying for ...
    • Structure and composition of a thrips community in the Chihuahua Desert, New Mexico, U.S. 

      Logarzo, Guillermo Alejandro; Zamar, María Inés; Richman, David; Bruzzone, Octavio Augusto (Florida Entomological Society, 2012-03)
      We examined plant used versus plant availability by a thysanopteran community on 13 woody and perennial native plants in the Chihuahua Desert. Individual plants were sampled with sticky-traps on 8 dates from May 1997 to ...
    • Substrates Preference for Pupation on Sawfly Notofenusa surosa (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) 

      Pietrantuono, Ana Laura; Enriquez, Andrea Soledad; Fernandez Arhex, Valeria Cristina; Bruzzone, Octavio Augusto (Springer, 2015-05)
      The choices made by insects at different stages of their life cycle are critical for the individual and progeny success. In the case of leaf-miners, during larval development they are not able to make choices until the ...
    • Los Tábanos 

      Villacide, Jose Maria; Masciocchi, Maite (EEA Bariloche, INTA, 2012)
      "Tábanos" es el nombre corriente por el que se denomina a un grupo de insectos que pertenecen a la familia de los dípteros (grupo compartido, por ejemplo con las moscas y mosquitos) el cual engloba diferentes géneros y mas ...
    • Temperature and host plant species affect the performance and immunocompetence of an outbreak defoliator in northwestern Patagonia 

      Serra, Maria Noel; Quintero, Carolina; Rodriguez Cabal, Mariano Alberto; Martinez Von Ellrich, Andres Santiago; Paritsis, Juan (Royal Entomological Society, 2022-03)
      1. Rising temperature has been associated with increased occurrence of herbivorous insect outbreaks, explained by several direct and indirect mechanisms. Whereas natural enemies are known key drivers of forest-defoliating ...
    • Termitas 

      Masciocchi, Maite (Ediciones INTA, 2019-10)
      Las termitas son insectos que pertenecen al orden Blatodea, infraorden Isóptera ("isóptera" significa dos pares de alas de igual tamaño). Suelen ser confundidas con las hormigas aladas, siendo erróneamente llamadas "hormigas ...
    • “Vaquita asiática multicolor” Harmonia axyridis 

      Werenkraut, Victoria (Ediciones INTA, 2019)
      Harmonia axyridis, llamada comúnmente vaquita asiática multicolor (VAM) o vaquita arlequín, pertenece a la familia de los coccinélidos, conocidos en Argentina como vaquitas de San Antonio o mariquitas. Los coccinélidos se ...
    • Worldwide diversity of endophytic fungi and insects associated with dormant tree twigs 

      Franic, Iva; Prospero, Simone; Adamson, Kalev; Corley, Juan Carlos; Lantschner, Maria Victoria; Soliani, Carolina; Eschen, René (Springer, 2022-03)
      International trade in plants and climate change are two of the main factors causing damaging tree pests (i.e. fungi and insects) to spread into new areas. To mitigate these risks, a large-scale assessment of tree-associated ...