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Pine needle abortions in cattle due to consumption of pinus ponderosa in Argentina: case reports
Two outbreaks of pine needle abortions in cattle are here reported for the first time in Argentina. The cases occurred in Chubut and Neuqu´en provinces in the Patagonia region, causing 29.6% and 9% of abortions in each herd respectively. In both outbreaks, the dams were in the last third of gestation, and, due to a period of cold, snow and lack of available forage, they gained access to Pinus ponderosa and Pinus contorta forests. No pathological lesions,
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Two outbreaks of pine needle abortions in cattle are here reported for the first time in Argentina. The cases occurred in Chubut and Neuqu´en provinces in the Patagonia region, causing 29.6% and 9% of abortions in each herd respectively. In both outbreaks, the dams were in the last third of gestation, and, due to a period of cold, snow and lack of available forage, they gained access to Pinus ponderosa and Pinus contorta forests. No pathological lesions, serological, molecular, or microbiological evidence of infectious causes were observed in any of the six fetuses analyzed. Microhistological analysis of feces confirmed higher presence of fragments of Pinus spp. needles in the diet of affected dams than in that of non-affected ones (12.2 vs 3.0%). Moreover, toxicological analysis showed higher tetrahydroagathic acid in the sera of affected dams than in that of non-affected ones (10.05 vs 2.81 ppm). In addition, this acid was detected in different fetal fluids (3.6–8.1 ppm) of the six fetuses analyzed. Interestingly, isocupressic acid was detected only in needles of P. ponderosa, and its content was lower than that found in other areas of the world (0.31 and 0.5% in Chubut and Neuquén respectively). These results confirm that the consumption of P. ponderosa by dams could have been the cause of these abortion outbreaks, a fact that should be considered as differential diagnosis in abortions of cattle, especially in silvopastoral systems of Argentina.

Martinez, Agustin;
Apostolo, Romina Maria;
Herrera, Rodolfo;
Gardner, Dale;
Borrelli, Laura Beatriz;
Zabaleta, Gabriela;
Robles, Carlos Alejandro;
Ferrería, Joaquin;
Otros proyectos vinculados: Sistema Regional de Salud Animal (SIRSA) INTA Bariloche - ANPCyT PICT # 2020-01484.
Toxicon 242 : 107712. (May 2024)
1879-3150 (en línea)
1879-3150 (en línea)
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