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Molecular characterization of equine rotavirus group A detected in Argentinean foals during 2009–2014
Equine rotavirus group A (RVA) has been detected in several countries worldwide since its first detection in 1975. Currently, equine RVA is considered the major cause of dehydrating diarrhea in foals younger than 3 months, and the frequency of detection in clinical cases varies from 20% to 77%. The genotypes of epidemiologic relevance found in horses are G3P [12] and G14P[12]. In a survey conducted in Argentina from 1992 to 2008, equine RVA was detected
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Equine rotavirus group A (RVA) has been detected in several countries worldwide since its first detection in 1975. Currently, equine RVA is considered the major cause of dehydrating diarrhea in foals younger than 3 months, and the frequency of detection in clinical cases varies from 20% to 77%. The genotypes of epidemiologic relevance found in horses are G3P [12] and G14P[12]. In a survey conducted in Argentina from 1992 to 2008, equine RVA was detected in 21% and 39% of the fecal samples and outbreaks, respectively. Genotype distribution was 51% G3P[12] and 33% G14P[12]. In continuation with the surveillance, the aim of the present study was to characterize the equine RVA detected in Thoroughbred
foals in Argentina from 2009 to 2014. A total of 436 stool samples (corresponding to 177 single diarrhea cases or outbreaks) were analyzed. Equine RVA was detected in 31% (135 of 436) of the samples, which corresponded to 42% (74 of 177) of outbreaks. From the positive cases, 42% (57 of 135) were genotyped. Of this, 63% were G3 (36 of 57) and 37% (21 of 57) were G14 genotype. Considering the whole data (1992–2014), equine RVA was detected in 25% (300 of 1,207) of the stool samples and 41% (119 of 293) of the diarrhea outbreaks. The results of this study also show a cyclic pattern of the G3 and G14 prevalence in the horse
population with a change in G3:G14 frequencies from year to year. Furthermore, clustering in the phylogenetic tree suggests evolutionary and geographic relationships between the Argentinean strains compared with the strain circulating worldwide.

Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 59 : 64-70 (December 2017)
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