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Occurrence of Yam Mosaic Virus and Yam Mild Mosaic Virus on Dioscorea spp. Germplasm Collection in Cuba—Epidemiology of Associated Diseases
Potyvirus diseases are one of the main challenges facing the production of yam (Dioscorea
spp.). The objective of this study was to identify the potyviruses present in the Dioscorea spp.
germplasm collection at Instituto de Investigaciones de Viandas Tropicales (INIVIT) to establish
methodologies for the characterization of the associated diseases. For this purpose, immunochemical
and molecular methods were used to identify the potyviruses present.
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Potyvirus diseases are one of the main challenges facing the production of yam (Dioscorea
spp.). The objective of this study was to identify the potyviruses present in the Dioscorea spp.
germplasm collection at Instituto de Investigaciones de Viandas Tropicales (INIVIT) to establish
methodologies for the characterization of the associated diseases. For this purpose, immunochemical
and molecular methods were used to identify the potyviruses present. The symptomatology of
Dioscorea spp. at INIVIT’s germplasm collection was described. In addition, the severity and incidence
in the germplasm collection and production areas were evaluated. As a result, the first report of yam
mosaic virus (Potyvirus yamtesselati) and yam mild mosaic virus (Potyvirus yamplacidum) in Cuba
is presented. The existence of resistant, tolerant, and susceptible cultivars to potyvirus-associated
diseases in the germplasm collection was detected, and the incidence of these diseases was higher
than 64% in the production areas evaluated. This study represents a step forward in the establishment
of certification programs for propagating material of Dioscorea spp. in Cuba.

González Ramírez, José Efraín;
Cabrera Mederos, Dariel;
Ventura Chávez, Vaniert;
González Vázquez, Rosa Elena;
Ojito-Ramos, Katia;
García Romero, Liset;
Salazar-Garcés, Luis Fabián;
Velastegui-Hernández, Diana Catalina;
Hernández Navarro, Elena Vicenta;
Leiva-Mora, Michel;
Giolitti, Fabian;
Portal, Orelvis;
Plants 13 (18) : 2597. (September 2024)
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