• Actualización sobre los virus que infectan papaya en Argentina 

      Cabrera Mederos, Dariel; Portal, O.; Acuña, Luis Eduardo; Badaracco, Alejandra; Rodríguez, E.; Nickel, A.; Sáez, S.; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Debat, Humberto Julio; Torres, C.; Jaramillo, M.; Trucco, Veronica Milagros; Ortiz, Claudio Manuel; Flores, Ceferino Rene; Castellanos Collazo, Onias; Giolitti, Fabian (Asociación Argentina de Fitopatólogos, 2021-09-22)
      La papaya Carica papaya se cultiva en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales, y se establece como una alternativa sustentable en el norte de Argentina Con el objetivo de generar conocimientos para aportar al manejo de las ...
    • Aggressiveness of Cuban Papaya ringspot virus Isolates on Carica papaya L. cv. Maradol Roja under Greenhouse Conditions 

      Cabrera Mederos, Dariel; Cruz, Maylin; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Giolitti, Fabian; Portal, Orelvis (SciTechnol, 2017-04-16)
      Carica papaya is a major fruit crop in tropical and subtropical regions; however, its production has several constraints. Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) is the most important pathogen affecting papaya plantations. Symptoms ...
    • Amesuviridae: a new family of plant-infecting viruses in the phylum Cressdnaviricota, realm Monodnaviria 

      Herrera da Silva, João Paulo; Pereira de Resende, Franciely Maria; Ferreira da Silva, José Cleydson; De Breuil, Soledad; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Bejerman, Nicolas Esteban; Murilo Zerbini, Francisco (Springer, 2023-08-10)
      The phylum Cressdnaviricota comprises viruses with single-stranded, circular DNA genomes that encode an HUH-type endonuclease (known as Rep). The phylum includes two classes, eight orders, and 11 families. Here, we report ...
    • An Unwanted Association: The Threat to Papaya Crops by a Novel Potexvirus in Northwest Argentina 

      Cabrera Mederos, Dariel; Debat, Humberto Julio; Torres, Carolina; Portal, Orelvis; Jaramillo Zapata, Margarita; Trucco, Veronica Milagros; Flores, Ceferino Rene; Ortiz, Claudio Manuel; Badaracco, Alejandra; Acuña, Luis Eduardo; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Quito-Avila, Diego; Bejerman, Nicolas Esteban; Castellanos Collazo, Onias; Sánchez-Rodríguez, Aminael; Giolitti, Fabian (MDPI, 2022-10-19)
      An emerging virus isolated from papaya (Carica papaya) crops in northwestern (NW) Argentina was sequenced and characterized using next-generation sequencing. The resulting genome is 6667-nt long and encodes five open reading ...
    • Bean yellow mosaic virus in soybean from Argentina 

      Campos, Ramon Eduardo; Bejerman, Nicolas Esteban; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Laguna, Irma Graciela; Rodriguez Pardina, Patricia (Wiley, 2014-05)
      An association of Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV), (genus Potyvirus), with yellow mosaic leaf symptoms on soybean in Argentina was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, a result confirmed by transmission electron ...
    • Bean yellow mosaic virus infecting broad bean in the green belt of Córdoba, Argentina 

      Rodriguez Pardina, Patricia; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Reyna, Pablo Gastón; Muñoz, Nacira Belen; Arguello Caro, Evangelina Beatriz; Luque, Andres Vicente; Debat, Humberto Julio (BioRxiv, 2019-04-11)
      Broad bean (Vicia faba L) is the fourth most important pulse crop in the world. In Argentina, broad bean production was of 1,841 hectares and 16,500 tons during the 2017 growing season. Broad bean is commonly used in ...
    • ‘Ca. Phytoplasma pruni’ and ‘Ca. Phytoplasma meliae’ are affecting plum in Argentina 

      Bongiorno, Vanina Aylén; Alessio, Florencia Ivette; Curzel, Viviana Noemi; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Fernandez, Franco Daniel; Conci, Luis Rogelio (Springer, 2020-09-29)
      We report for the first time the presence of phytoplasmas in association with Plum (Prunus domestica) yellowing in Argentina. Molecular analysis of 16S rDNA gene sequence (RFLP, phylogeny) reveals the existence of two ...
    • Caracterización de Xylella fastidiosa a partir de materiales vegetales y cepas aisladas de olivo (Olea europaea L.) e implementación de un sistema de diagnóstico serológico en Argentina 

      Tolocka, Patricia; Giolitti, Fabian; Guzman, Fabiana; Mattio, Maria Fernanda; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Ortega, Leandro Ismael; Paccioretti, Mauro Andres; Roca, M.E.; Otero, Maria Laura; Haelterman, Raquel Mercedes (Ediciones INTA, 2021-12)
      Xylella fastidiosa está considerada plaga cuarentenaria de importancia global por el grave impacto económico y social que ocasiona en cultivos de importancia agrícola. El objetivo de este trabajo fue aislar y caracterizar ...
    • Complete genome sequence and integrated protein localization and interaction map for alfalfa dwarf virus, which combines properties of both cytoplasmic and nuclear plant rhabdoviruses 

      Bejerman, Nicolas Esteban; Giolitti, Fabian; De Breuil, Soledad; Trucco, Veronica Milagros; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Lenardon, Sergio Luis; Dietzgen, Ralf Georg (Elsevier, 2015-09)
      We have determined the full-length 14,491-nucleotide genome sequence of a new plant rhabdovirus, alfalfa dwarf virus (ADV). Seven open reading frames (ORFs) were identified in the antigenomic orientation of the negative-sense, ...
    • Cucumber mosaic virus infecting ‘Cavendish’ banana in Argentina 

      Cabrera Mederos, Dariel; Jaramillo Zapata, Margarita; Villarreal Filipovich, José; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Torres, Carolina; Portal, Orelvis; Giolitti, Fabian (Springer, 2018-12)
      Banana plants (Musa sp.) showing severe mosaic symptoms in leaves were observed in Laguna Naineck, Formosa, Argentina. Electron microscopy observations of leaf dip preparations revealed isometric particles ca. 30 nm in ...
    • Detection and identification of a novel 16SrXIII subgroup phytoplasma associated with strawberry red leaf disease in Argentina 

      Fernandez, Franco Daniel; Meneguzzi, Natalia; Guzman, Fabiana; Kirschbaum, Daniel Santiago; Conci, Vilma Cecilia; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Conci, Luis Rogelio (2015-08)
      Strawberry red leaf phytoplasma was found in strawberry plants from production fields in Lules (Tucumán province) and Bella Vista (Corrientes province), Argentina. Characteristic strawberry red leaf symptoms were stunting, ...
    • Enfermedades de la Plantas en Argentina : Compendio de enfermedades de plantas estudiadas en Argentina (1996-2019) 

      Docampo, Delia Manuel; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Nome Huespe, Sergio F (IPAVE - CIAP, INTA, 2024-08-01)
      Esta publicación consiste en un listado de las especies de plantas de Argentina, en las que se han señalado la asociación con algún ftopatógeno. Se encuentra ordenado alfábeticamente por el nombre de las especies hospedantes ...
    • Evidence of cassava common mosaic virus in cassava shoot apical meristems 

      Collavino, Agostina; Medina, Ricardo; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Zanini, Andrea Alejandra; Di Feo, Liliana Del Valle (Wiley, 2023-05-12)
      Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is an allogamous and highly heterozygous species. For this reason, its seeds are not used for production purposes (Ceballos & de la Cruz, 2002); instead, plantations are established using stem ...
    • First report of cowpea mild mottle virus in chia (Salvia hispanica) 

      Celli, Marcos Giovani; Perotto, Maria Cecilia; Merino, Maria Alicia; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Flores, Ceferino Rene; Conci, Vilma Cecilia (2016)
      Chia (Salvia hispanica), a herbaceous plant of Lamiaceae family, has gained popularity due to its high concentrations of health-beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids. Plants showing different virus-like symptoms were observed ...
    • First report of Cymbidium mosaic virus and Odontoglossum ring spot virus in Argentina 

      Cánovas, Silvina Edith; Ballari, María Celeste; Nome Docampo, Claudia (Springer, 2016-09)
      Oncidium Sharry Baby orchids from nursery greenhouses in Buenos Aires, Argentina with viral symptoms were processed for transmission electron microscope observations. Two types of viral particles, morphologically different, ...
    • First report of Maize striatemosaic virus, a mastrevirus infecting Zea mays in Argentina 

      Ruiz Posse, Agustina María; Fernandez, Franco Daniel; Reyna, Pablo Gastón; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Torrico Ramallo, Ada Karina; Gimenez Pecci, María De La Paz; Rodriguez Pardina, Patricia (Wiley, 2023-06-23)
      During 2021, sweet corn plants cultivated for human consumption in a 400-ha area in Santa Fe province, Argentina, showed severe virus-like symptoms, including marked dwarfism, plant deformation, nerval or internerval vein ...
    • First report of raspberry bushy dwarf virus infecting raspberry in Argentina 

      Dal Zotto, Angelica; Cardozo, Andrea; Cabrera Mederos, Dariel; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Giolitti, Fabian; Cobelo, Claudia Monica (Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta e degli Alimenti, Università di Bari, 2017-11)
      In 2014-2015, raspberry (Rubus idaeus) cv. Autum bliss plants with dwarfism and foliar chlorosis were observed in commercial fields in parallel 42° in the Patagonia region of Argentina. Symptoms were similar to those ...
    • Identification and molecular characterization of a novel circular single-stranded DNA virus associated with yerba mate in Argentina 

      Bejerman, Nicolas Esteban; De Breuil, Soledad; Nome Docampo, Claudia (Springer, 2018-10)
      A single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) virus was detected in Yerba mate samples showing chlorotic linear patterns, chlorotic rings and vein yellowing. The full-genome sequences of six different isolates of this ssDNA circular virus ...
    • Identification and molecular characterization of a phytoplasma associated with sunflower in Argentina 

      Guzmán, Fabiana; Giolitti, Fabian; Fernandez, Franco Daniel; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Lenardon, Sergio Luis; Conci, Luis Rogelio (Springer, 2014-04)
      Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants showing capitulum with virescence, phyllody and flower malformation, shortened internodes and abnormal branches were found in a field in Pedro Luro (Buenos Aires province, Argentina). ...
    • Molecular characterization of a novel cytorhabdovirus with a unique genomic organization infecting yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) in Argentina 

      Bejerman, Nicolas Esteban; Acevedo, Raúl Maximiliano; De Breuil, Soledad; Ruiz, Oscar Adolfo; Sansberro, Pedro Alfonso; Dietzgen, Ralf Georg; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Debat, Humberto Julio (Springer, 2020-04)
      The genome of a novel rhabdovirus was detected in yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.). The newly identified virus, tentatively named "yerba mate virus A" (YmVA), has a genome of 14,961 nucleotides. Notably, eight ...