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Improving the Comprehension of Pathogenicity and Phylogeny in ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma meliae’ through Genome Characterization
‘Candidatus Phytoplasma meliae’ is a pathogen associated with chinaberry yellowing
disease, which has become a major phytosanitary problem for chinaberry forestry production in
Argentina. Despite its economic impact, no genome information of this phytoplasma has been
published, which has hindered its characterization at the genomic level. In this study, we used a
metagenomics approach to analyze the draft genome of the ‘Ca. P. meliae’ strain ChTYXIII.
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‘Candidatus Phytoplasma meliae’ is a pathogen associated with chinaberry yellowing
disease, which has become a major phytosanitary problem for chinaberry forestry production in
Argentina. Despite its economic impact, no genome information of this phytoplasma has been
published, which has hindered its characterization at the genomic level. In this study, we used a
metagenomics approach to analyze the draft genome of the ‘Ca. P. meliae’ strain ChTYXIII. The draft
assembly consisted of twenty-one contigs with a total length of 751.949 bp, and annotation revealed
669 CDSs, 34 tRNAs, and 1 set of rRNA operons. The metabolic pathways analysis showed that
ChTYXIII contains the complete core genes for glycolysis and a functional Sec system for protein
translocation. Our phylogenomic analysis based on 133 single-copy genes and genome-to-genome
metrics supports the classification as unique ‘Ca. P. species’ within the MPV clade.

Fernandez, Franco Daniel;
Xiao-Hua, Yan;
Chih-Horng, Kuo;
Marcone, Carmine;
Conci, Luis Rogelio;
Microorganisms 12 (1) : 142 (January 2024)
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