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Draft genome sequence data of Nothopassalora personata, peanut foliar pathogen from Argentina
Late leaf spot (LLS) caused by the Ascomycete Nothopassalora personata (N.p.) (Syn. Cercosporidium personatum) is the main foliar disease of peanuts in Argentina and in peanut producing areas of the world, causing up to 70% yield losses. The extremely slow growth of this fungus in culture, that takes around one month to form a 1 cm colony (0.45 mm/day), and the lack of adequate young tissues from where to extract nucleic acids, have hindered genetic
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Late leaf spot (LLS) caused by the Ascomycete Nothopassalora personata (N.p.) (Syn. Cercosporidium personatum) is the main foliar disease of peanuts in Argentina and in peanut producing areas of the world, causing up to 70% yield losses. The extremely slow growth of this fungus in culture, that takes around one month to form a 1 cm colony (0.45 mm/day), and the lack of adequate young tissues from where to extract nucleic acids, have hindered genetic studies of this pathogen. Here, we report the first genome sequence of a N. personata isolate from South America, as well as genetic variants on its conserved genes, and the complete sequence of its mating-type locus MAT1-2 idiomorph. The N. personata isolate IPAVE 0302 was obtained from peanut leaves in Córdoba, Argentina. The whole genome sequencing of IPAVE 0302 was performed as paired end 150 bp NovaSeq 6000 and de novo assembled. Clean reads were mapped to the reference genome for this species NRRL 64463 and the genetic variants on highly conserved genes and throughout the genome were analyzed. Sequencing data were submitted to NCBI GenBank Bioproject PRJNA948451, accession number SRR23957761. Additional Fasta files are available from Harvard Dataverse

Monguillot, Joaquín Humberto;
Arias, Renee S.;
Orner, Valerie A.;
Massa, Alicia N.;
Sobolev, Victor S.;
Bernanrdi Lima, Nelson;
Paredes, Juan Andrés;
Oddino, Claudio;
Carmona, Marcelo;
Conforto, Erica Cinthia;
Data in Brief Volume 53 : 110158 (April 2024)
2352-3409 (online)
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