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Novel Applications of Gamma Irradiation on Fruit Processing
(Springer Nature, 2024-01-25)Purpose of Review: Consumers increasingly demand for fruit products as a source of health-promoting compounds. However, fruits have a limited shelf life and their processing with thermal technologies significantly reduces ... -
Seguridad, higiene ocupacional y disposición de insumos veterinarios en clínicas de pequeños animales del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires = Occupational safety, hygiene and disposal of veterinary supplies in small animal practices from the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires
(Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, 2023-11-01)Although accidents and occupational diseases are freguent in veterinary p ractice, the adoption of safety precautions is deficient. "fhe objectives of this study were ro describe the adoption of basic hygiene and safety ...