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Grupos sociales relevantes en busca de tecnologías agroecológicas para recuperar la fertilidad del suelo en sistemas hortícolas de Córdoba, Argentina = Relevant social groups in search of agroecological technologies to restore soil fertility in horticulture systems of Cordoba, Argentina
En el artículo se analiza una porción de la diversidad de interpretaciones en relación a la propuesta tecnológica de enmiendas orgánicas (compost y bocashi) como una alternativa al problema de fertilidad de suelos hortícolas en la Región Central de la provincia de Córdoba. Se identificaron tres grupos sociales relevantes: productores agropecuarios, gestores de residuos y profesionales. Desde un enfoque metodológico cualitativo, se entiende el
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En el artículo se analiza una porción de la diversidad de interpretaciones en relación a la propuesta tecnológica de enmiendas orgánicas (compost y bocashi) como una alternativa al problema de fertilidad de suelos hortícolas en la Región Central de la provincia de Córdoba. Se identificaron tres grupos sociales relevantes: productores agropecuarios, gestores de residuos y profesionales. Desde un enfoque metodológico cualitativo, se entiende el funcionamiento de los artefactos tecnológicos estudiados como una contingencia que se construye social, tecnológica y culturalmente. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es comprender las interpretaciones de los distintos grupos sociales relevantes, vinculados con la búsqueda de alternativas para recuperar la fertilidad de los suelos hortícolas desde un marco agroecológico. A modo de conclusión, identificamos que los profesionales consideraron que tanto el compost como el bocashi pueden contribuir a mejorar atributos que impacten positivamente en el suelo, mientras que para los productores son herramientas costosas y de difícil implementación por la demanda de mano de obra que requieren. Emerge entonces la posibilidad de explorar otras alternativas de manejo acordes al marco agroecológico.
The article analyzes a portion of the diversity of interpretations in relation to the technological proposal of organic amendments (compost and bocashi) as an alternative to the fertility problem of horticultural soils in the Central Region of the province of Cordoba. Three relevant social groups were identified: agricultural producers, waste managers and professionals. From a qualitative methodological approach, the functioning of the technological artifacts studied is understood as a contingency that is socially, technologically and culturally constructed. Therefore, the objective of this work is to understand the interpretations of the different relevant social groups, linked to the search for alternatives to recover the fertility of horticultural soils from an agroecological framework. By way of conclusion, we identified that professionals considered that both compost and bocashi can contribute to improve attributes that have a positive impact on the soil, while for producers they are costly tools and difficult to implement due to the labor demand they require. The possibility then arises of exploring other management alternatives in accordance with the agroecological framework.
The article analyzes a portion of the diversity of interpretations in relation to the technological proposal of organic amendments (compost and bocashi) as an alternative to the fertility problem of horticultural soils in the Central Region of the province of Cordoba. Three relevant social groups were identified: agricultural producers, waste managers and professionals. From a qualitative methodological approach, the functioning of the technological
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The article analyzes a portion of the diversity of interpretations in relation to the technological proposal of organic amendments (compost and bocashi) as an alternative to the fertility problem of horticultural soils in the Central Region of the province of Cordoba. Three relevant social groups were identified: agricultural producers, waste managers and professionals. From a qualitative methodological approach, the functioning of the technological artifacts studied is understood as a contingency that is socially, technologically and culturally constructed. Therefore, the objective of this work is to understand the interpretations of the different relevant social groups, linked to the search for alternatives to recover the fertility of horticultural soils from an agroecological framework. By way of conclusion, we identified that professionals considered that both compost and bocashi can contribute to improve attributes that have a positive impact on the soil, while for producers they are costly tools and difficult to implement due to the labor demand they require. The possibility then arises of exploring other management alternatives in accordance with the agroecological framework.

Ferrer, Guillermo;
Saal, Gabriel;
Gaona Flores, María Amparo;
Francavilla, Graciela;
Revista Científica y Técnica Agropecuaria, Agroindustrial y Ambiental 10 (2) : 29-39 (Junio 2023)
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora
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