• Mycobacterium bovis infection in a horse with granulomatous enterocolitis 

      Sarradell, Javier E.; Alvarez, Julio; Biscia, Mariana; Zumarraga, Martin Jose; Wunschmann, Arno; Armien, Aníbal G.; Perez, Andrés M. (Sage Publications, 2015-03)
      A 2-year-old dappled Percheron horse had a wasting condition that did not respond to antibiotic treatments and ultimately resulted in death. Thickening of the wall of the large colon and enlargement of the mesenteric lymph ...
    • Mycobacterium bovis requires P27 (LprG) to arrest phagosome maturation and replicate within bovine macrophages 

      Vazquez, Cristina Lourdes; Bianco, María Veronica; Blanco, Federico Carlos; Forrellad, Marina Andrea; Gutierrez, Maximiliano Gabriel; Bigi, Fabiana (2017-03)
      Mycobacterium bovis causes tuberculosis in a wide variety of mammals, with strong tropism for cattle and eventually humans. P27, also called LprG, is among the proteins involved in the mechanisms of the virulence and ...
    • Mycobacterium intracellulare infection in a capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) 

      Pezzone, Natalia; Eberhardt, Ayelén; Fernandez, Analía; Garbaccio, Sergio Gabriel; Zumarraga, Martin Jose; Gioffre, Andrea; Magni, Carolina; Beldomenico, Pablo Martín; Marini, M. Rocío; Canal, Ana María (American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, 2013-12)
      This report describes the first case of Mycobacterium intracellulare infection with typical granulomatous lesions of mycobacteriosis in a capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris). The individual was a captive-bred young female, ...
    • Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in a free‑ranging urban dog from Argentina 

      Marfil, Maria Jimena; Barandiaran, Soledad; Zumarraga, Martin Jose; Germani, Ludmila; Faccini, Tamara; Linares, Marcelo; Capra, Silvana; Gramajo, Laura; Martinez Vivot, Marcela; Falzoni, Elvira (Springer, 2022-02)
      Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium avium are the most important Mycobacteria isolated from diseased dogs, but Mycobacterium tuberculosis can be isolated as well, especially when close contact with humans exists. Free ...
    • Mycoparasitic interaction between Trichoderma afroharzianum strain Th2RI99 and Rhizoctonia solani = Interacción micoparasítica entre Trichoderma afroharzianum cepa Th2RI99 y Rhizoctonia solani 

      Melignani, Eliana; Martin, Mara Edith; Mema, Vanesa Yamila; Taibo, Catalina Beatriz; Sabio Y Garcia, Julia Veronica; Barrera, Viviana Andrea (Elsevier, 2023)
      The behavior of Trichoderma afroharzianum strain Th2RI99 confronted to Rhizoctonia solani AG4-HG II in dual culture was observed under light (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). There is evidence of mycoparasitism ...
    • Mycoparasitic Trichoderma isolates as a biocontrol agent against Valsa ceratosperma, the causal agent of apple valsa canker 

      Valetti, Lucio; Bernanrdi Lima, Nelson; Cazon, Luis Ignacio; Crociara, Clara Sonia; Ortega, Leandro Ismael; Pastor, Silvina Estela (Springer, 2022-05-27)
      Apple valsa canker, caused by the fungus Valsa ceratosperma, is one of the most destructive diseases of this crop. Conventional fungicide treatments are not effective enough; therefore, it is necessary to develop alternatives ...
    • N-Glycosylation in piroplasmids : Diversity within simplicity 

      Florin-Christensen, Mónica; Rodriguez, Anabel Elisa; Suarez, Carlos Esteban; Ueti, Massaro W.; Delgado, Fernando Oscar; Echaide, Ignacio Eduardo; Schnittger, Leonhard (MDPI, 2021-01)
      N-glycosylation has remained mostly unexplored in Piroplasmida, an order of tick-transmitted pathogens of veterinary and medical relevance. Analysis of 11 piroplasmid genomes revealed three distinct scenarios regarding ...
    • Nanofertilizantes no cultivo do milho safrinha 

      Guerra da Silva, Alessandro; Ciacci, María Belén; Dias Batista Silva, Nathália; Giachero, María Lorena; Serri, Dannae Lilia; Rosa, Márcio; Silva Simões, Geovanna (ABMS Associação Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo, 2023-11-28)
      Nos últimos anos, novas tecnologias têm surgido como forma de adoção nos sistemas de cultivo de milho safrinha visando aumentos de produtividade de grãos. Neste contexto, destaca-se o uso de novas formulações de fertilizantes, ...
    • Nanofertilizantes: Nematodos, micorrización y actividad microbiana en soja 

      Ciacci, María Belén; Giachero, María Lorena; Serri, Dannae Lilia; Guerra da Silva, A.; Rosa, M.; Picca, Cecilia Nelida (Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2023-10-17)
      La soja es el cultivo más importante de la región de Rio Verde, Goiás (Brasil). El empleo de nanofertilizantes (NF) es una herramienta prometedora para aumentar la producción cuidando el medio ambiente.
    • Nanostructured voltammetric sensor for ultra-trace anabolic drug determination in food safety field 

      Regiart, Daniel Matias Gaston; Pereira, Sirley Vanesa; Spotorno, Viviana Graciela; Bertolino, Franco Adrián; Raba, Julio (2013-11)
      A sensitive electrochemical sensor for clenbuterol (CL) determination in bovine urine samples was designed. This drug was originally developed for the treatment of respiratory pathologies. However, in the livestock industry, ...
    • Nanotecnología aplicada a las formulaciones de fungicidas para el control del carbón del maní 

      Camiletti, Boris Xavier; Paredes, Juan Andrés; Asinari, Florencia; Monguillot, Joaquín Humberto; Camacho, N.M.; Rago, Alejandro Mario (Centro de Ingenieros Agrónomos General Cabrera, 2021-09-17)
      El carbón del maní es la enfermedad más importante del cultivo en Argentina, en cierta medida por la baja utilización de estrategias de control, muchas veces poco eficientes o con resultados variables. La infección es ...
    • Napa freática: Dinámica, variables de control y contenido de nitratos en suelos de pampa arenosa 

      Vázquez Amabile, Gabriel G.; Bosch, Nicolas; Ricca, Alejandra Patricia; Rojas, Dante Emanuel; Ortiz de Zárate, María L.; Lascombes, Joaquín; Feiguín, María F.; Cristos, Diego Sebastian (Asociación Argentina Ciencia del Suelo, 2017-07)
      A fin de estudiar la dinámica y control de la napa freática y el contenido de nitratos, en lotes agrícolas del Oeste bonaerense, se analizaron registros de ocho años de nivel freático y muestras de agua extraídas durante ...
    • Narrative foresight in technical organizations: epistemological and methodological contributions from a practice of scenario method in Argentina 

      Patrouilleau, Maria Mercedes (Springer, 2017)
      The following paper explores the experience of narrative Foresight applied to the use of the scenario method in Argentina in the light of the contributions of critical Future Studies concerning the narrative dimension ...
    • National-scale soybean mapping and area estimation in the United States using medium resolution satellite imagery and field survey 

      Xiao-Peng, Song; Potapov, Peter V.; Krylov, Alexander; King, LeeAnn; Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo; Hudson, Amy; Khan, Ahmad; Adusei, Bernard; Stehman, Stephen V.; Hansen, Matthew C. (2017)
      Reliable and timely information on agricultural production is essential for ensuring world food security. Freely available medium-resolution satellite data (e.g. Landsat, Sentinel) offer the possibility of improved global ...
    • Natural control of corn postharvest fungi Aspergillus flavus and Penicillium sp. using essential oils from plants grown in Argentina 

      Camiletti, Boris Xavier; Asensio, Claudia Mariana; Gimenez, Maria De La Paz; Lucini, Enrique Iván (Wiley; Institute of Food Technologists, 2014-12)
      The objective in this study was to evaluate the antifungal activity of essential oils from native and commercial aromatic plants grown in Argentina against corn postharvest fungi and to link the essential oil bioactivity ...
    • Natural forests loss and tree plantations: Large - scale tree cover loss differentation in a threatened dioviversity hotspot. 

      Altamirano, Adison; Miranda, Alejandro; Aplin, Paul; Carrasco, Jaime; Catalan, Germán; Cayuela, Luis; Fuentes Castillo, Taryn; Hernández, Angela; Martinez - Harms, María J.; Peluso, Franco; Prado, Marco; Reyes - Rivero, Rosa; Van Holt, Tracy; Vergara, Cristian; Zamorano - Elgueta, Carlos; Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo (IOP Publishing, 2020-12-14)
      Distinguishing between natural forests from exotic tree plantations is essential to get an accurate picture of the world’s state of forests. Most exotic tree plantations support lower levels of biodiversity and have less ...
    • Natural occurrence of the entomopathogenic genus Pandora on spittlebug pests of crops and pastures in Argentina 

      Foieri, Alvaro; Pedrini, Nicolás; Toledo, Andrea (2018-04)
      The natural occurrence of entomophathogenic fungi infecting spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) considered serious pests to pasture grasses and crops in Argentina was investigated during summer˗autumn (December to May) ...
    • Natural occurring epialleles determine vitamin E accumulation in tomato fruits 

      Quadrana, Leandro Daniel; Almeida de Souza, Juliana Beatriz; Asis, Ramón; Duffy, Tomas; Dominguez, Pia Guadalupe; Bermudez Salazar, Luisa; Conti, Gabriela; Silva, Junia V. Corrêa da; Peralta, Iris Edith; Colot, Vincent; Asurmendi, Sebastian; Fernie, Alisdair R.; Rossi, Magdalena; Carrari, Fernando Oscar (2014-07)
      Vitamin E (VTE) content is a low heritability nutritional trait for which the genetic determinants are poorly understood. Here, we focus on a previously detected major tomato VTE quantitative trait loci (QTL; mQTL9-2-6) ...
    • Natural tannin wood extracts as a potential food ingredient in the food industry 

      Molino, Silvia; Casanova, Natalia Andrea; Rufián Henares, José Ángel; Fernandez Miyakawa, Mariano Enrique (American Chemical Society, 2020-03)
      Wood extracts are one of the most important natural sources of industrially obtained tannins. Their use in the food industry could be one of the biggest (most important) recent innovations in food science as a result of ...
    • La naturaleza, una brillante ingeniera en desarrollos tecnológicos 

      Favret, Eduardo Alfredo (Asociación Argentina para el Progreso de las Ciencias, 2022)
      La naturaleza nos brinda un sinfín de ideas para el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías más sustentables y ecológicamente superiores. En el presente trabajo se describen, brevemente y con algunos ejemplos, los materiales ...