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The social, cultural & technological impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic in family farming: the case of Washington State
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated transformations that we were expecting to happen in decades. The so-called "new normal" gave way to a covidianity characterized by structural instability affecting daily life, the fragility of economic systems and political cycles, speeding up technical shifts, and the dematerialization of human activity, caused by the increasing virtualization of a wide diversity of duties and processes. Even when the agricultural
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The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated transformations that we were expecting to happen in decades. The so-called "new normal" gave way to a covidianity characterized by structural instability affecting daily life, the fragility of economic systems and political cycles, speeding up technical shifts, and the dematerialization of human activity, caused by the increasing virtualization of a wide diversity of duties and processes. Even when the agricultural economic outlook illuminates some positive scenarios, farming is familiar with the whirlwind of uncertainties and challenges that have exponentially expanded by the dynamics emerging from the pandemic. Digital technologies catalyze the complex process settled by the pandemic, with cultural, social and technological implications in family farming that this research aims to capture
La pandemia de COVID-19 ha acelerado transformaciones que esperábamos suceder en décadas. La llamada "nueva normalidad" dio paso a una covidianidad caracterizada por la inestabilidad estructural que afecta la vida cotidiana, la fragilidad de los sistemas económicos y políticos ciclos, la aceleración de los cambios técnicos y la desmaterialización de la actividad humana, por la creciente virtualización de una amplia diversidad de funciones y procesos. Incluso cuando el panorama económico agrícola ilumina algunos escenarios positivos, la agricultura es familiarizada con el torbellino de incertidumbres y desafíos que exponencialmente ampliada por la dinámica emergente de la pandemia. Las tecnologías digitales catalizan el complejo proceso asentado por la pandemia, con implicaciones culturales, sociales y tecnológicas en la agricultura familiar que esta investigación tiene como objetivo capturar.

Centeno, Matías Ezequiel;
Garrido, María;
Technology & Social Change Group, University of Washington.
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