Artículos científicos: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 133
Effect of different cytokinin concentrations on establishing an in vitro micropropagation system for hop (Humulus lupulus L.)
(Taylor and Francis, 2025-01-21)Hops (Humulus lupulus L.) is a dioecious plant of the Cannabaceae family, highly valued in beer production. In vitro culture has been established as a tool in agricultural biotechnology for its propagation and improvement. ... -
Forage production in tall fescue and kikuyugrass mixed swards subjected to different defoliation strategies
(Wiley, 2025-02)In some temperate climate regions, co-cultivation of warm- and cool-season perennial grass species represents a promising alternative for sustainable food production. However, managing these pastures is challenging, ... -
Ecological condition indicators for dry forest: Forest structure variables estimation with NDVI texture metrics and SAR variables
(Elsevier, 2025-01)The ecological condition of forest ecosystems is degraded. Limited prior research in vegetation has focused on monitoring ecological condition levels in dry forest at fine scale. We proposed a novel approach to obtain ... -
Exploring sugar allocation and metabolic shifts in cassava plants infected with Cassava common mosaic virus (CsCMV) under long-day photoperiod: diel changes in source and sink leaves
(Springer, 2025-01)Cassava common mosaic virus (CsCMV) is a potexvirus that impairs chloroplast and metabolism, causing significant yield losses to cassava crops. Crop yield depends on diel rhythms, influencing carbon allocation and growth, ... -
Design of seed transfer zones and assessment of germplasm collections of Neltuma alba for reforestation and afforestation purposes in Argentina
(Springer, 2024-11-25)The multipurpose tree Neltuma alba is widely distributed in forests of north-central Argentina but overexploitation and deforestation have led to forest transformation and endangered genetic diversity of this species. Thus, ... -
Botanical extracts for insect management: lessons from participatory research in peri-urban horticultural systems of central Argentina
(Taylor and Francis, 2024-10-19)We evaluate botanical insecticides as a technological device for synthetic input substitution in peri-urban horticultural system transitions. For that purpose, a Participatory Action Research (PAR) framework was proposed, ... -
Root-shoot ratio and SOD activity are associated with the sensitivity of common bean seedlings to NaCl salinization
(Elsevier, 2024-03-20)The response of two common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) varieties with different sensitivities to salinity (Montalbán: sensitive; I-193: moderately sensitive) was studied to determine some phytometric and physiological ... -
Effects of leaf and stem maturation on nutritional value in Megathyrsus maximus
(Wiley, 2024-03-30)Background: Megathyrsus maximus is a forage grass native to Africa but widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of the world where it is part of the grazing food chain. This study aimed to evaluate five M. ... -
Efecto de ácido naftalenacético, ácido indol-3-butírico y ácido indol-3-acético en la respuesta rizogénica in vitro de Neltuma alba = Effect of naphthaleneacetic acid, indole-3-butyric acid, and indole-3-acetic acid on the in vitro rhizogenic response of Neltuma alba
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 2024-08-30)Neltuma alba, conocido como “algarrobo blanco”, es una especie nativa importante en la ecorregión región del Chaco y especialmente en Argentina debido a su valor biológico, productivo y cultural. La sobreexplotación maderera ... -
Increased Oxidative Stress Tolerance by Cambialistic Superoxide Dismutase Overexpression in Mesorhizobium japonicum MAFF303099
(Ediciones INTA, 2024-08)Oxidative stress is a common denominator underlying many environmental insults. As a global response, the increment of intracellular reactive oxygen species leads to the activation of the antioxidant system to maintain ... -
Tolerancia a la salinidad: respuestas morfo-fisiológicas en diferentes etapas del desarrollo en dos cultivares de alfalfa = Salinity tolerance: morpho-physiological responses at different developmental stages in two alfalfa cultivars
(Universidad Católica de Córdoba, 2024-04-05)En el marco del cambio climático, la producción en suelos salinos surge como un desafío global de gran importancia, especialmente en regiones áridas de Argentina. Este estudio se enfoca en la alfalfa (Medicago sativa), una ... -
Arabidopsis DNA glycosylase MBD4L improves recovery of aged seeds
(Wiley, 2024-07-04)DNA glycosylases initiate the base excision repair (BER) pathway by catalyzing the removal of damaged or mismatched bases from DNA. The Arabidopsis DNA glycosylase methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 4 like (MBD4L) is a ... -
Ecophysiological mechanisms underlying the positive relationship between seed protein concentration and yield in soybean under field heat and drought stress
(Wiley, 2024-06)A positive relationship between protein concentration and yield has been documented in different combinations of genotype and environment, often under potential conditions. However, the ecophysiological bases underlying ... -
Los bioinsumos en el mundo forestal: ¿mejoran el crecimiento en vivero de plantas de algarrobo blanco?
(Colegio de Graduados en Ciencias Forestales de Santiago de Estero, 2023)¿Qué es un bioinsumo?, es una pregunta necesaria para poder comprender que se trata de aquellos productos de origen biológico (vegetal, animal o microbiano) usados para mejorar la productividad, sanidad o tolerancia al ... -
Respuesta micorrícica a la aplicación de inóculos de hongos micorrícicos arbusculares nativos en simbiosis con Neltuma alba = Mycorrhizal response to the application of inoculums of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi native in symbiosis with Neltuma alba
(Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, 2023-12-22)Neltuma alba es un importante recurso forestal en Argentina debido a sus múltiples usos, motivo por el cual ha sido sobreexplotada. En condiciones de campo, los plantines están sometidos a una amplia gama de condiciones ... -
High Sugar Concentration Inhibits TOR Signaling Pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana
(Springer, 2023-01-20)Sugars are not only energy sources, but also central molecular signals that regulate growth, development, and response to environmental stresses. It is well recognized that sugars activate TOR kinase, the key integrator ... -
Grupos sociales relevantes en busca de tecnologías agroecológicas para recuperar la fertilidad del suelo en sistemas hortícolas de Córdoba, Argentina = Relevant social groups in search of agroecological technologies to restore soil fertility in horticulture systems of Cordoba, Argentina
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, 2023-05-26)En el artículo se analiza una porción de la diversidad de interpretaciones en relación a la propuesta tecnológica de enmiendas orgánicas (compost y bocashi) como una alternativa al problema de fertilidad de suelos hortícolas ... -
Environmental influence on reproductive traits of buffel grass facultative apomictic genotypes and its implication in plant breeding
(Wiley, 2023-10-04)Cenchrus ciliaris L., a perennial C4 grass, is one of the most widely used forage species in warm and dry regions worldwide. The widespread use of the cultivar Texas raises concerns about genetic homogeneity and vulnerability. ... -
Los extractos vegetales como artefacto tecnológico para la transición agroecológica: experiencias de prueba en Córdoba, Argentina
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 2023-07-06)Este artículo analiza dos Marcos Tecnológicos en disputa vigentes en la Región Agroalimentaria de Córdoba Centro: el convencional (MTC), con una presencia dominante en el sector agropecuario y el agroecológico (MTAE), con ... -
The Arabidopsis chromatin regulator MOM1 is a negative component of the defense priming induced by AZA, BABA and PIP
(Frontiers Media, 2023-05-09)In plants, the establishment of broad and long-lasting immunity is based on programs that control systemic resistance and immunological memory or “priming”. Despite not showing activated defenses, a primed plant induces a ...