Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 52
Age at First Gestation in Beef Heifers Affects Fetal and Postnatal Growth, Glucose Metabolism and IGF1 Concentration
(MDPI, 2021-11)This study aimed to determine the effects of age at first gestation on offspring growth performance, glucose metabolism, and IGF1 concentration. Heifers impregnated by AI from a single bull at 15 months of age (15 M, n = ... -
Age at first gestation in bovine influences female progeny post-weaning growth and reproductive development
(Elsevier, 2024-12)This study investigated the impact of the age at which heifers conceive for the first time on the growth and reproductive development of their female offspring. A total of seven heifers pregnant at 15 months of age (15M), ... -
Alteración de las propiedades mecánicas de un Ustochrept Udértico tratado con agua enriquecida en sodio
(Ediciones INTA, 2015-04)El riego con aguas con alto contenido de sodio puede provocar el deterioro de las propiedades físico-mecánicas de los suelos. En el presente trabajo se trató de evidenciar el efecto del tratamiento con agua rica en sodio ... -
An efficiently biological nitrogen fixation of non-native Lotus tenuis justifies its key role in the flooding Pampas (Argentina)
(Elsevier, 2025-01)Forage production is a major challenge in the Salado River basin, Argentina (also denominated “Flooding Pampas”), the largest livestock raising area. The successful naturalization of the European legume Lotus tenuis (native ... -
Caracterización fisicoquímica y microbiológica del biopreparado “supermagro”. Efectos de su aplicación precosecha en parámetros de calidad de frutilla
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2023-12)El objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar fisicoquímica y microbiológicamente el biopreparado “Supermagro” (SM), elaborado por productores/as agroecológicos/as, y estudiar el efecto de su aplicación precosecha en ... -
Casos inusuales de colibacilosis septicémica en terneros neonatos de cría para carne
(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, 2019)La colibacilosis septicémica es causada por Escherichia coli y suele afectar a terneros de tambo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir casos de colibacilosis en terneros de cría para carne. Las terneras afectadas ... -
Cation nutrient reserves decline markedly under intensive cropping of Pampas Mollisols
(Elsevier, 2023-04)The availability of exchangeable cationic nutrients in soils, such as calcium (Cae), magnesium (Mge), and potassium (Ke), is vital for crops growth and development. However, the concentration of these nutrients can be ... -
Comparison of the 7-day CO-Synch and 8-day estradiol-based protocols for estrus synchronization and timed artificial insemination in suckled Bos taurus cows
(Elsevier, 2023-04)Two experiments were conducted to compare, follicle diameter (FD) on Day −1, corpus luteum (CL) area on Day 7, progesterone (P4) concentration on Day 7 and 18, pregnancy per timed artificial insemination (TAI) on Day 30, ... -
Cover crops effects on anisotropy of unsaturated soil hydraulic properties
(Elsevier, 2023-03)No tillage (NT) is frequently implemented in simplified agricultural systems, which has negative effects on soil physical quality. Among the suggested practices to preserve the physical fertility of soils under NT are ... -
Diffusivity and sorptivity determination at different soil water contents from horizontal infiltration
(Elsevier, 2019-03-15)Determination of soil hydraulic properties under non-saturated conditions is crucial in order to describe soil water dynamics in the field. The objectives of this work were: i- to determine soil water diffusivity (D) as a ... -
Ecophysiological Responses of Tall Wheatgrass Germplasm to Drought and Salinity
(MDPI, 2022-06)Tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum (Podp.) Barkworth and D.R. Dewey) is an important, highly salt-tolerant C3 forage grass. The objective of this work was to learn about the ecophysiological responses of accessions from ... -
Efecto de la vacunación contra el virus de la fiebre aftosa sobre la pérdida de preñez en un rodeo de bovinos para carne
(Ediciones INTA, 2020-12)Se realizó un estudio para evaluar el efecto de la vacunación contra el virus de la fiebre aftosa (FA), aplicada durante el periodo embrionario, sobre la pérdida de preñez en un rodeo de vacas Angus que habían sido inseminadas ... -
Effect of Protein Restriction During Mid-to Late Gestation of Beef Cows on Female Offspring Fertility, Lactation Performance and Calves Development
(E-Cronicon, 2019-12)Cow calf operation in Argentina are managed under extensive grazing condition and the quality of forages is often poor during second half of gestation. Protein restriction in bovine gestation affects production traits in ... -
Effect of protein restriction of Angus cows during late gestation: Subsequent reproductive performance and milk yield
(2018-06)The effect of level of CP fed during late gestation on reproductive performance and milk production was studied in multiparous cows. Sixty-eight pregnant Angus cows were used. At 121 d prepartum, cows were blocked by BW ... -
Effect of protein restriction of bovine dams during late gestation on offspring postnatal growth, glucose-insulin metabolism and IGF-1 concentration
(2018-06)The objective of this study was determine whether the amount of protein provided to cows during late gestation would affect postnatal growth and lead to changes on glucose, insulin and insulin-like growth factor concentrations. ... -
Effects of inorganic copper injection in beef cows at late gestation on fetal and postnatal growth, hematology and immune function of their progeny
(Elsevier, 2021-10)To determine if Cu injection during late gestation can affect fetal and postnatal growth, hematology and immune function of progeny, 70 multiparous pregnant Angus cows, at 219 ± 15 d of gestation, were ranked by BW and BCS ... -
Effects of inorganic selenium injection on the performance of beef cows and their subsequent calves
(Elsevier, 2020-09)Sixty-seven pregnant Angus cows and their subsequent calves were used in a randomized design to evaluate the effect of inorganic Se injection from 80 d of gestation until weaning on cow reproductive parameters, BW and BCS ... -
Enyesado de suelos sódicos: modificación de sus propiedades químicas, físicas y biológicas
(Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2021-12)Los suelos sódicos ocupan una extensa proporción de la Depresión del Salado. El sodio aumenta el pH y provoca la dispersión de las arcillas generando modificaciones en la estructura de los suelos que perjudican el crecimiento ... -
Evaluación de la transición agroecológica de un establecimiento ganadero a base de pastizal de la cuenca del Salado, mediante indicadores = Evaluation of the agroecological transition through indicators of a livestock establishment based on native grasslands of the Salado basin
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2019-06)Son muy escasas las experiencias documentadas de manejos agroecológicos en sistemas extensivos de zonas templadas, en particular las que contemplen la utilización de pastizales naturales. Por ello nos propusimos evaluar ... -
Exploring Phosphate Solubilizing Bacterial Communities in Rhizospheres of Native and Exotic Forage Grasses in Alkaline‑Sodic Soils of the Flooding Pampa
(Springer, 2024-05-25)The fooding pampa is one of the most important cattle-raising regions in Argentina. In this region, natural pastures are dominated by low-productivity native grass species, which are the main feed for livestock. In this ...